Good Model Sources

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Good Model Sources

Strider Centaur(Posted 2004) [#1]
Iv been scouring the web looking for good 3D model sources and have come to the conclusion, that with very few exceptions, Fantasy models are just not readaly available. I mean Sci-Fi, Military are a dime a dozen. :(

I love Psionics work, that is one awesome modeler, if I could do half of what he does, Id be in hog heaven. :)

The only problem Im having with his dwarf and ninja is that they seem to be perminantly stuck to there weapons. :)

As I am poor, as in dead broke, Id love it if someone could share so info on where to find FREE models ( fantasy ) and Modelers ( preferably something simple to use if it exists ). Also Tutorials on creating Humanoid figures would be great too. :)


_PJ_(Posted 2004) [#2]
Sci-Fi, Military are a dime a dozen. :(

its cuz everyone seems to want to make scifi/millitary fps games (yawn).

Finding Free models is quite hard, royalty-Free ones even harder, and fantasy royalty free models damn near impossible due to the specific nature of your search.

Winigs 3D is a good, free modelling program.

martonic(Posted 2004) [#3]
Get Milkshape! It's only $20 bucks and you can take the weapons off the Dwarf and Ninja with a couple of mouse clicks. Hint: start with the milkshape files (*.ms3d) from Psionic! Eeach weapon is its own "group". Unselect everything, chose "Groups" and figure out which one is the weapon and delete it! - then use "export to B3D" - Good luck!

Strider Centaur(Posted 2004) [#4]
Thanks martonic, I really do love milkshap, and blender and AC3D and WINGs and ... When I have the $20US I will buy milkshap, till then I do my basic modeling in AC3D, witch is on its best days, buggy, but can churn out simple models real fast ( I like the easy to use sphere generator.

Blender is, well, its like learning elven, a beutiful but totally alian interface, tons of power, burried deep in obsure menus. But Im sure one I learn this enigma of a tool, it will be replacing AC3D.

Then there is Milkshape, and the price is more than fair for this fine product. Money is really tight right now, living on the gormet Mac and Cheese diet at the moment, with the occasional Hot Dog splurge. :)

Fortianatly for my project all I really need are super simple models, if you have tried Egoboo( a free game in OpenGL) , those models are my target, a very cartoonish cute look, made up of about 250 poly or less each. Arms are basicly deformed 8 poly sphears, torso deformed 12 poly, legs 8, head 12. Real simple design. The real secret will be in the textures, witch I already have photoshop for, and animation, witch I think I will do in CFX, when I can afford that.

Oh, and BTW, as I creat the characters I will post them someplace for download.

The real sad part of this is I already have most of a game done, complete with client server support, MySQL database backend feeding gobs of item, race and world data, creation system, inventory system, random dungeon generation using a tile based radomizer and with a 3D tile system( not super fast on the map creation, but once done offers no slow down in game), and soon, NPC scripting with either LUA, Blitz, or embeded PERL via a DLL interface, when I make up my mind on witch one to use. As always, the coding is the super easy part. :)

While this game will have alot of the aspects common to MMORPGs, my goal is a bit more modest. Im developing this for me and a few friends to play, probably max of 4 or 5 people at any one time, since we are fairly poor at the moment, and can't afford to play a real MMORPG. :(