Tokamak Car Physics

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Tokamak Car Physics

Dreday(Posted 2004) [#1]
Has anyone gotten a decent car demo working with the Tokamak physics engine? I have downloaded what seems like all the demos, but I nothing for cars. The only one was the TOKA_CAR but it wasn't that good. The car demo that came w/ Tokamak seems far better. Tried to rig one up myself, but the friction had issues and the car would slide everywhere and not go very fast. Can anyone help?

BTW: Im working on a rag-doll system to rig up a character studio rig. Should post an open-source demo soon...

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2004) [#2]
Screw Toka, now ODE is back and stable, play with that.

I have been putting up with the old ODE for ages and with careful design managed to keep it stable.. this new one? its possible to push it to its limits and not break blitz or make the universe crunch :D

Rob(Posted 2004) [#3]
ODE is probably a better bet now. I have just moved my project over and recommend you use it also.

Tokamak can only use spheres for wheels. Believe me I've tried all sorts of alternatives. Using spheres for wheels will cause your car to flip when you get near walls.

ODE will not have this problem.

Picklesworth(Posted 2004) [#4]
Does ODE have any disadvantages compared to tok? Are there convex hulls?

Rob(Posted 2004) [#5]
No disadvantages and convex hulls should be possible - we'll see about it with the author of the Blitz DLL as this isn't a wrapper but a recompiled DLL.

Drago(Posted 2004) [#6]
ODE isn't as fast as Tok, has some more features, but it is also Open Source and you are also allowed to write your own Geom classes, which is what it uses for collisions.

Picklesworth(Posted 2004) [#7]
Hm... I'll try it for sure. I could use it for the ground section in my game, but space would have to be tokamak because of the invisible floor I hear of.

|edit| What the heck?! "Lay with it?!! I wrote that??!!!" |edit|

Sledge(Posted 2004) [#8]
The invisible floor is now an optional extra.

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2004) [#9]
oDe rocks :) tho ive been an idiot and not realised the dll was recompiled... Needs more stack space though for the better simulation.

Give it a go.. its much better now because the floor @ y=0 is gone (if you want it gone that is) :D

Picklesworth(Posted 2004) [#10]
Yay :D
What are geometry classes? Does this mean you can create your own geometry shapes? How is this done?