
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/NaN?

Craig H. Nisbet(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi guys. I've got a system that is using some float variables. Something in the math is cousing it to produce a value that prints to the screen as "NaN". This produces undesirable results in my program. Any idea what this "NaN" is?

N(Posted 2004) [#2]
Not a Number if I recall correctly.

Sounds like you're doing something that either won't take floats or it's doing something so drastic to them that it just won't take it.

Jeremy Alessi(Posted 2004) [#3]
Yep, or a divide by zero.

N(Posted 2004) [#4]
I'm pretty sure a divide by zero would cause Blitz to error out (always did for me).

Jeremy Alessi(Posted 2004) [#5]
I've had it where it would Nan by a divide by 0 and wouldn't actually crash until I gave the computer input. Whereby it would then give me a divide by 0 error. When I got that the screen would blank out and I'd still see 2D drawing operations but all 3D would be gone.

Also I meant to say it is a NaN but it can also happen if you divide by 0 which ... seems to happen to me sometimes and Blitz doesn't immediately crash as I stated above.

Hotcakes(Posted 2004) [#6]
# divided by 0 = Infinity
A NaN can be caused by 0/0 though.

Here's a nifty Function to detect these 'values', thanks to Koriolis:

Function isNaNOrInf%(f#) 
   Return (f + 1) = f 
End Function

Returns False for a normal number, True for something eville.

Rottbott(Posted 2004) [#7]
An integer divide by zero causes an error, but with floats it just does it!

Bobysait(Posted 2016) [#8]
12 years old, I'm a topic-necrophile \o/

If you want to make a difference between "NaN" and "Infinity" :

Const NAN# = 2^32; this is the value that stores the NaN "number"

Function IsInfinity%(f#)
	If (f=-f) Then Return 0; -> NaN is not infinity !
	Return f>NAN; Yep, infinity is bigger than the chaos \o/
End Function

Function IsNan%(f#)
	Return f=NAN; in 32bit value (Float), NaN is just stored as the biggest possible float (2^32)
End Function

Local i# = 0.0
Local l_Inf# = 1/i
Local l_Nan# = i/i
Print "l_Inf Is Nan : "+IsNan(l_Inf)
Print "l_Inf Is Inf : "+IsInfinity(l_Inf)
Print "l_Nan Is Nan : "+IsNan(l_Nan)
Print "l_Nan Is Inf : "+IsInfinity(l_Nan)


ps : A division by zero will not result to a MAV or a compile error, it has to be explicit.
For example, this should generate a compile error
Local i# = 0
Print i/0

While this should report a Nan without any crash.
Local i# = 0
Local c% = 0
Print i/c

You can so multiply, divide add, substract and so by both infinity and NaN values
Local a# = 0
Local b# = a/a
Local c# = 1/a
Local d# = b/c
Local e# = c/b
Print b
Print c
Print d
Print e

(you'll also notice NaN is the only value you can get if one or both value is NaN)

virtlands(Posted 2016) [#9]
Thanks to Hotcakes & Bobysait for your great Nan code. I shall try those out.

I discovered there are possibly 16777214 different variations of Nan (for the 32bit, (IEEE 754) floating point standard).

This can be seen as a bonus, allowing you to store hidden data inside Nans
(that is 23 bits at a time), and 16777214 unique values.

*( Still in that case, it shall become necessary to program a special DLL to intercept floats and handle them like INTs. )

16777214 = 2^24 -2 :
That data was taken from StackOverflow page -->

Here's the basic definition of Nan for floating point values:

Therefore, a Nan occurs when all exponent bits are set to 1, (for 16,32,64 ... bit versions)

Some bits from x (usually and preferably the first one) can be used to determine the type of NaN: qNan or sNan .

There are two types of Nans:
qNans (quite Nans)
sNans (singaling Nans)

Wikipedia link:

In the case of a signaling Nan, special data may be stored in the Nan,
allowing it to act as a place holder for more complex data.

"C" code to detect a 32bit Nan ::
"C" code to detect a 64bit Nan ::
"C" code to detect a 128bit Nan, (requires SSE) -->
Assembly language to detect 32, 64, or 128 bit versions of Nan --->
SIMD instructions for floating point equality comparison (with NaN == NaN) --->
