EntityBox - explanation?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/EntityBox - explanation?

martonic(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi! Can anyone "flesh out" the definition of EntityBox() to the point where it makes sense?

The parameters are:

entity - entity handle#
x# - x position of entity's collision box
y# - y position of entity's collision box
z# - z position of entity's collision box
width# - width of entity's collision box
height# - height of entity's collision box
depth# - depth of entity's collision box

I don't understand the x#, y#, z#. These are positions relative to what? What happens if the object moves - do you have to call EntityBox() again?

I would like to believe that these positions are relative to the entity origin and are determined in entity-local coordinates. But I see no statment to that effect, nor any examples to make it clear.

Can anyone clear this up? Thank you.

Hujiklo(Posted 2004) [#2]
x,y,z I think would be the 0,0,0 pivot point of your mesh...but if you add value to them you can offset the box to your needs...I think the width, height and length are the equivelant of radius but in box terms and are effectively half the value you give them from either side of the x,y,z centre points.