child entity not getting found??

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/child entity not getting found??

SSS(Posted 2004) [#1]
hey, i was wondering if you guys could take a look over my code and if you saw anything i didnt. I've been looking at it but i just cant see what's wrong with it. thanks alot. the code is code for making an object and then spinning round a child object but it keeps returing 0 for the child object. please give me any insight you might have. thanks

this is the code for the object definition
;our money definitions
;copy the floor tile to create the money tile
MoneyTile = CopyEntity(FloorTile)
;create the money
MoneyMesh = LoadMesh("Media\money.3ds")
;raise the mesh to that it hovers slighly above the tile
PositionEntity MoneyMesh,0.0,0.7,0.0
;parent the mesh to the tile
EntityParent MoneyMesh,MoneyTile
;hide the entity
HideEntity MoneyTile

this is my code for creating the object
;free the current mesh
FreeEntity CurrentEntity\hMesh
;Copy the ground tile mesh
CurrentEntity\hMesh = CopyEntity(MoneyTile)
;set the type to be a moneytile
CurrentEntity\ID = BS_MONEY
;Set the y Offset
CurrentEntity\OffsetNeeded = 0.1

and here is where we rotate the mesh
Function UpdateMoney()
	For e.Entity = Each Entity
		If e\ID = BS_MONEY
				TempMoneyMesh = FindChild(e\hMesh,1)
				EntityRotation = EntityYaw(TempMoneyMesh)
				RotateEntity TempMoneyMesh,0,EntityRotation+3,0
End Function 

i would really appreciate any help anyone can give me with this

oops... that wasnt meant to come out like that :S.. sorry about that... i hope its fixed now.

GfK(Posted 2004) [#2]
Congratulations on an incredibly wide thread... its about 5 screens wide here...

SSS(Posted 2004) [#3]
nm figured it out myself