Sprite-edge Problem Important!

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Sprite-edge Problem Important!

Minecrawler(Posted 2004) [#1]

I've got a big problem, i have written a little 3d-programm..

So, you have got a sprite, and in it's middle, there is a black field(on the texture..). In this black field comes another tile with another black field, in which i put again a sprite in. But the problem is, that the edge where one tile goes into the other, produces a flickering, not goodlooking edge. it is brighter than it should be. So you can see exactly, where one sprite goes into the next one, and it shoul look more fluently! Please, look at this sample, you use it, by pressing the arrowkeys, it is very important for me, and sorry für my really bad englich.

Please download and help me correcting the graphical mistakes, please, i did everything i can


Braincell(Posted 2004) [#2]

I think you'll have to rewrite the whole thing. It could be better to make it simply 3D with a number of planes if the textures are too big. But thats just my way of doing/thinking things. Maybe you could also position the sprites as they should be aligned in 3D space and make one big plane consisting of many of them one inside another inside another inside another, you know, aligning them properly. Using "ScaleSprite" seems unlikely to work :)

Just a few ideas, otherwise a useless post :P maybe I get time to work it out tomorrow and send you something! I'm new to Blitz3D full version , (but i learned in the Demo) so i like doing anything right now! :)))) YAY !!


Minecrawler(Posted 2004) [#3]
This would be great, i'm not shure, if this works, i tryed such a thing with cubes.. but please try, thank you

simonh(Posted 2004) [#4]
Theoretically it should work, but I suspect there is some sort of floating point inaccuracy going on. I've tried everything to fix it but to no avail. A shame, as that is a really cool effect!

Birdie(Posted 2004) [#5]
Give this a go, really cool effect you got there. Ive dropped using sprites and heres the result.
Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global x# = 1

For d=0 To 9
	s=CreateSurface(m, LoadBrush("step"+(d+1)+".jpg",md))
	AddVertex s,-xx,yy,zz,0,0
	AddVertex s, xx,yy,zz,1,0
	AddVertex s, xx,-yy,zz,1,1
	AddVertex s,-xx,-yy,zz,0,1
	AddTriangle s,0,1,2
	AddTriangle s,0,2,3
EntityFX m,1

camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,0,0,-4

CameraRange camera,0.1,10

If KeyDown(1) Then End

If KeyDown(200)
x# = (x# + 0.01 + x#/1000.0)
End If

If KeyDown(208)
x# = (x# - 0.01 - x#/1000.0)
End If

ScaleEntity m,a+x,a+x,1


Rob(Posted 2004) [#6]
Wow thats nice (with birdies code). Great stuff lads!

Richard Betson(Posted 2004) [#7]
Wow thats nice (with birdies code).

Isn't it :)


Vorderman(Posted 2004) [#8]
OK, try this out Minecrawler -

on my PC this gives a perfect result, maybe a graphics card dep. thing though - let me know if it works.

Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global a# = 4.2
Global x# = 1
Global b# = 4
step1  = LoadSprite("step1.jpg",5+16+32)
step2  = LoadSprite("step2.jpg",5+16+32)
step3  = LoadSprite("step3.jpg",5+16+32)
step4  = LoadSprite("step4.jpg",5+16+32)
step5  = LoadSprite("step5.jpg",5+16+32)
step6  = LoadSprite("step6.jpg",5+16+32)
step7  = LoadSprite("step7.jpg",5+16+32)
step8  = LoadSprite("step8.jpg",5+16+32)
step9  = LoadSprite("step9.jpg",5+16+32)
step10 = LoadSprite("step10.jpg",5+16+32)

;WBuffer 1
;AntiAlias 1
;HWMultiTex 1
;Dither 1

camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,0,0,-4

EntityOrder step1,0
EntityOrder step2,-1
EntityOrder step3,-2
EntityOrder step4,-3
EntityOrder step5,-4
EntityOrder step6,-5
EntityOrder step7,-6
EntityOrder step8,-7
EntityOrder step9,-8
EntityOrder step10,-9

CameraRange camera,0.000000000001,100

If KeyDown(1) Then End

If KeyDown(200)
x# = x# + 0.01 + x#/1000
End If

If KeyDown(208)
x# = x# - 0.01 - x#/1000
End If

ScaleSprite step1,a+x,a+x
ScaleSprite step2,a/1.99+x/1.99,a/1.99+x/1.99
ScaleSprite step3,a/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99
ScaleSprite step4,a/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99
ScaleSprite Step5,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99
ScaleSprite step6,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99
ScaleSprite step7,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99
ScaleSprite step8,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99
ScaleSprite step9,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99
ScaleSprite step10,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99,a/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99+x/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99/1.99


Minecrawler(Posted 2004) [#9]
Wow! Great thanks to all of you, especially birdie and Vorderman! Really cool, that you helped me with my problem.
Thank you

Craig H. Nisbet(Posted 2004) [#10]
Did you do that artwork? It's very nice.