how can I make a child object in Max?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/how can I make a child object in Max?

Vorderman(Posted 2004) [#1]
Morning all,

I want to export a car model from Max, with the four wheels already in position and as children of the body.

I have tried parenting it in Max and also grouping them, but every time Blitz reports just the one object (CountChildren returns zero).

Is there a way to do this via the .B3D file format, or do I have to go back to .3ds or something else?

Maybe it's a naming thing or some subtlety of Max that I've not noticed?


Binary_Moon(Posted 2004) [#2]
You are loading the mesh as an AnimMesh aren't you?

In max you use the link tool to set up parent child settings. Its on the top toolbar near the select move rotate tools. It's a picture of a hook with a line (dodgy description... sorry)

Click on the parent and drag to the child(ren) then release.

Vorderman(Posted 2004) [#3]
Yes, I did link it as you say, but didn't know it had to be an animmesh - thanks, I shall try that.