texture blending

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/texture blending

MSW(Posted 2004) [#1]
How many textures can be blended upon a surface?

I've got an idea on how to produce near Doom 3 graphics in Blitz3D...well near as in normalmapped levels and objects with color texturemaps and lightmapping...with cubemaps on some surfaces...so thats four "layers" right there...

Course I would need to code up some specific editing software and utilities to do this at the moment, but in principal it should be doable.

For the levels they can be rendered fullbright with vertex coloring (the resulting color of course changeing the angle the virtual light strikes the surface...maybe average the calculated normal pointing to the lightmapping sources that strike the particular polygon in question) this is then blended with the appropiate DOT 3 flagged normal map...then the texture is blended upon this...followed by the precalculated lightmap (useing the second set of U,V cords)...might be able to get the illusion of spectulator highlights by not rendering the level with the fullbright flag, playing with the surface shineyness a bit, and haveing a hardware light attached to the camera...but I'm not to concerned with this at the moment....course a sphere or cubemap could be add blended onto the surface as well...

For entities (erm by this I mean in game objects...player, etc..) It can get a bit more complicated...such objects would sorta need segmented bodies (actualy for the game I had in mind this is intentional) instead of single serface boned meshes...you can then use the blitz entity color to change the angle of the virtual light that is strikeing the object with the Dot 3 normal map...blend in the conventional color texture map...and then the "entity lightmap" useing the second set of cords...

This "entity lightmap" could require that each ingame object has a different set of second U,V cords all pointing to the same "entity lightmap" pixel...course each of the player model segments could all point to the same pixel, or each segment one could point to a different pixel...so instead of just changeing the entity surface color to give the illusion of the character stepping out of the shadows into light...you can just change the specific "entity lighmap" pixel (as changeing the entity color would just change the direction of the virtual light effecting the DOT 3 mapping)...however this would also increase the entity count as even two of the same meshes may have different U,V cords pointing to different "entity lightmap" pixels (or would Blitz just treat them as seperate instances?)

Do you think this would work?

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#2]
I think the amount of overhead would be astonishing.

Personally I think the thing to do first is get some decent media, if someone did a fps in blitz that looked as good as quake 3 or even quake 2 it would be astonishing let alone doom 3.

So many tech demos so few completed projects.