Help with vertices please

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Help with vertices please

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2004) [#1]
Here is a code snippet from a small game I am in the process of coding. When you run the code you will notice that the flat areas are shaded grey. What I want is only complete squares shaded - you will notice the there are some individual triangles shaded (attached to squares and by themselves) - How do I stop those triangles from being shaded?

Please help.

; level test

Graphics3D 640,480,16,2

Global width = 32
Global seed  = 3

Dim plasma#(width,width)

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

terr = CreateTerrainMesh(width,width)
b0 =  LoadBrush("efx_sample_05.jpg",1+8)
b1 =  LoadBrush("grass.bmp",1+8)

terr = GradePaintTerrainMesh(terr, 0.00001, 90, 90, 90, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4)
ScaleEntity terr,1,4,1
EntityFX terr,2
EntityColor terr,0,0,255

Global cam_camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity cam_camera,10,40,10
sun= CreateLight()
PositionEntity sun,10,40,10
RotateEntity sun,45,0,0

While Not KeyHit(1)





Function LEV_docamera()

		CamSpd# = .50 
		MoveEntity(CAM_Camera, Float(KeyDown(205) - KeyDown(203)) * CamSpd, 0, Float(KeyDown(200) - KeyDown(208)) * CamSpd)

		If MouseDown(1) Then
			WireFrame 1
			WireFrame 0 

		If MouseDown(2)
			TurnSpeed# = 0.8
			TurnEntity(CAM_Camera, Float(MouseYSpeed())  * TurnSpeed#, 0, 0, False)
			TurnEntity(CAM_Camera, 0, -Float(MouseXSpeed()) * TurnSpeed#, 0, True)
			MouseXSpeed() : MouseYSpeed()
End Function

Function GeneratePlasma(width, height, grain#, seed)

     Dim plasma#(width, height)
     For j = 0 To width - 1
          For i = 0 To height - 1
               plasma#(j, i) = -1.0

     x_max = Ceil(Float(width - 1)/2.0)     ; mid-point x
     y_max = Ceil(Float(height - 1)/2.0)     ; mid-point y
     plasma#(0,      0)      = Rnd(0.0, 1.0)
     plasma#(x_max, 0)      = Rnd(0.0, 1.0)
     plasma#(0,      y_max) = Rnd(0.0, 1.0)
     plasma#(x_max, y_max) = Rnd(0.0, 1.0)

     RecursePlasma(0, 0, x_max, y_max, grain#, 1.0)
     For y = 0 To y_max
          plasma#(width - 1, y) = plasma#(0, y)
     RecursePlasma(x_max, 0, width - 1, y_max, grain#, 1.0)
     For x = 0 To width - 1
          plasma#(x, height - 1) = plasma#(x, 0)
     RecursePlasma(x_max, y_max, width - 1, height - 1, grain#, 1.0)
     For y = (y_max  + 1) To height - 1
          plasma#(0, y) = plasma#(width - 1, y)
     RecursePlasma(0, y_max, x_max, height - 1, grain#, 1.0)

End Function

Function MidPointDisplace#(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, grain#, level#)
     r# = Rnd(-grain#, grain#)/level#
     r# = (plasma#(x0, y0) + plasma#(x2, y2))/2.0 + r#
     If r# < 0.0 Then r# = 0.0
     If r# > 1.0 Then r# = 1.0
     plasma#(x1, y1) = r#
     Return r#
End Function

Function RecursePlasma(x0, y0, x2, y2, grain#, level#)
     If (x2 - x0 < 2) And (y2 - y0 < 2) Then Return
     level# = 2.0*level#
     x1 = Ceil((x0 + x2)/2.0)
     y1 = Ceil((y0 + y2)/2.0)
     v# = plasma#(x1, y0)
     If v# = -1.0 Then v# = MidPointDisplace#(x0, y0, x1, y0, x2, y0, grain#, level#)
     i# = v#
     v# = plasma#(x2, y1)
     If v# = -1.0 Then v# = MidPointDisplace#(x2, y0, x2, y1, x2, y2, grain#, level#)
     i# = i# + v#
     v# = plasma#(x1, y2)
     If v# = -1.0 Then v# = MidPointDisplace#(x0, y2, x1, y2, x2, y2, grain#, level#)
     i# = i# + v#

     v# = plasma#(x0, y1)
     If v# = -1.0 Then v# = MidPointDisplace#(x0, y0, x0, y1, x0, y2, grain#, level#)
     i# = i# + v#

     If plasma#(x1, y1) = -1.0 Then plasma#(x1, y1) = i#/4.0 
     RecursePlasma(x0, y0, x1, y1, grain#, level#)
     RecursePlasma(x1, y0, x2, y1, grain#, level#)
     RecursePlasma(x1, y1, x2, y2, grain#, level#)
     RecursePlasma(x0, y1, x1, y2, grain#, level#)
End Function

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function SquarePlasma(width,value#)

yMax# = 0
tempx = 0
tempy = 0

For x = 0 To width - 1 
  	For y = 0 To width -1
		x1# = plasma(x,y)
		x2# = plasma(x+1,y)
		x3# = plasma(x,y+1)
		x4# = plasma(x+1,y+1)
		av# = (x1+x2+x3+x4) / Float(4)

			If Abs(av-x1) <= value Then
				plasma(x,y)		= x1
				plasma(x+1,y) 	= x1
				plasma(x,y+1) 	= x1
				plasma(x+1,y+1) = x1
		If x1 > yMax Then 
			yMax = x1
			tempx = x
			tempy = y
plasma(tempx,tempy) = ymax
plasma(tempx+1,tempy) = ymax
plasma(tempx,tempy+1) = ymax
plasma(tempx+1,tempy+1) = ymax


End Function


Function CreateTerrainMesh(x,y)
	;x = how many horizontal vertices
	;y = how many vertical vertices

	mesh = CreateMesh()
	surf = CreateSurface(mesh)	
	If x < 2 Or y < 2 Then Return mesh		;in case user gives a bad number simply return the mesh
	For tempx = 1 To x
		For tempy = 1 To y

	For v0 = 0 To (x*y)-y-2
		For Z = 1 To x*y
			If v0 = z*y-1 Then v0 = v0 + 1
		v1 = V0 + 1
		v2 = v1 + y
		v3 = v0 + y

	Return mesh
End Function

; ----------------------------------- thanks to mrsnidesmin

Function GradePaintTerrainMesh%(m%, g1#, g2#, g3#, g4#, bGrad0%, bGrad1%, bGrad2%, bGrad3%, bGrad4%)	
	m2% = CreateMesh()
	s_g0% = CreateSurface(m2)
	s_g1% = CreateSurface(m2)

	For i% = 1 To CountSurfaces(m)
		s% = GetSurface(m, i)
		For it% = 0 To CountTriangles(s)-1
			v0% = TriangleVertex(s, it, 0)
			v1% = TriangleVertex(s, it, 1)
			v2% = TriangleVertex(s, it, 2)
			vt% = TriangleVertex(s,it+1,0)   ; error here?
			v0x# = VertexX(s, v0)
			v0y# = VertexY(s, v0)
			v0z# = VertexZ(s, v0)
			v0u# = VertexU(s, v0)
			v0v# = VertexV(s, v0)
			v0w# = VertexW(s, v0)
			v0nx# = VertexNX(s, v0)
			v0ny# = VertexNY(s, v0)
			v0nz# = VertexNZ(s, v0)
			v0red# = VertexRed(s, v0)
			v0green# = VertexRed(s, v0)
			v0blue# = VertexRed(s, v0)
			v0alpha# = VertexAlpha(s, v0)
			v1x# = VertexX(s, v1)
			v1y# = VertexY(s, v1)
			v1z# = VertexZ(s, v1)
			v1u# = VertexU(s, v1)
			v1v# = VertexV(s, v1)
			v1w# = VertexW(s, v1)
			v1nx# = VertexNX(s, v1)
			v1ny# = VertexNY(s, v1)
			v1nz# = VertexNZ(s, v1)
			v1red# = VertexRed(s, v1)
			v1green# = VertexRed(s, v1)
			v1blue# = VertexRed(s, v1)
			v1alpha# = VertexAlpha(s, v1)
			v2x# = VertexX(s, v2)
			v2y# = VertexY(s, v2)
			v2z# = VertexZ(s, v2)
			v2u# = VertexU(s, v2)
			v2v# = VertexV(s, v2)
			v2w# = VertexW(s, v2)
			v2nx# = VertexNX(s, v2)
			v2ny# = VertexNY(s, v2)
			v2nz# = VertexNZ(s, v2)
			v2red# = VertexRed(s, v2)
			v2green# = VertexRed(s, v2)
			v2blue# = VertexRed(s, v2)
			v2alpha# = VertexAlpha(s, v2)
			If (v0y = v2y And v0y = v1y And v0y = VertexY(s,vt)) Then  ; error here?
				s2 = s_g0
				s2 = s_g1

			v0% = AddVertex(s2, v0x, v0y, v0z, v0u, v0v, v0w)
			v1% = AddVertex(s2, v1x, v1y, v1z, v1u, v1v, v1w)
			v2% = AddVertex(s2, v2x, v2y, v2z, v2u, v2v, v2w)
			VertexNormal s2, v0, v0nx, v0ny, v0nz
			VertexNormal s2, v1, v1nx, v1ny, v1nz
			VertexNormal s2, v2, v2nx, v2ny, v2nz
			VertexColor s2, v0, v0red, v0green, v0blue, v0alpha
			VertexColor s2, v1, v1red, v1green, v1blue, v1alpha
			VertexColor s2, v2, v2red, v2green, v2blue, v2alpha
			AddTriangle s2, v0, v1, v2

	PaintSurface s_g0, bGrad0
	PaintSurface s_g1, bGrad1
	FreeEntity m
	Return m2
End Function

Pete Rigz(Posted 2004) [#2]
I don't know if this is any good because i'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve in the long run, but I think this thing might be easier to work out if you do it on a quad by quad basis as opposed to tri tri as you seemed to be (?).

I added a new array (Pvertices) to store the vertex indexes created by the create terrain function and then used those to reference the terrain mesh. Most of the GradePaintTerrainMesh I changed, but I didn't copy the UVs of the terrain (i forgot :). Also, I don't know if it was intentional but u only store the colour red of each vertex in your function.

Pete Rigz(Posted 2004) [#3]

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2004) [#4]

You are a GOD....

I must now understand your code and give you homage.. BIG TIME... :)

ps. I am doing a variation (remake-ish) of the old C64 Game Sentinel...

Pete Rigz(Posted 2004) [#5]
BTW, I don't know if you noticed but I posted some screenshots of my terrain engine using your lightmapper in the worklogs section if you're interested :)

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2004) [#6]
THat looks sweet. Let me know when you have finished it.