Creating a Terrain Mesh Editor

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Creating a Terrain Mesh Editor

Eric(Posted 2004) [#1]
In My Game, My Terrain is a Specific Level.. So I need an Editor to modify the Mesh Terrain as I see fit. I have some basics going along, I can create a mesh, Selete a vertice to move up or down. What I'd like to do is select a Vertice and depending on my settings select a range of Vertices so I can make mountain tops and such. I Guess checking the distance from my currently selected Vertice might work... but then the problem of how do I make a smooth transition from the center vertice, ourward, like hills and valleys.

Warren(Posted 2004) [#2]
You need to have the movement amount drop off as you get away from the center of your selection. So the middle vertex is moved with a strength of 100%, the next ones out are at (say) 80%, then 60%, etc.

Eric(Posted 2004) [#3]
OK that makes sense, Is it really that easy?

Now another tricky thing, Any good Ideas for allowing me to know the Points that will be influenced... Maybe a small sphere at each Vertex that will be moved, or a circle. But For a circle, how would I draw a circle on my terrain, to encompass all the verts

mrtricks(Posted 2004) [#4]
Try out my terrain editor Total Terrain - version 2.0 is more fully featured. Its sculpting tools create the smooth hills and valleys you asked about. It's freeware too so you've nothing to lose by trying!

Eric(Posted 2004) [#5]
Yeah, I noticed it, but I Feel that if I don't create my own tools, I won't learn to program... Plus I think there is something to be said in hobby programming, that reinventing the wheel is not such a bad thing.


Warren(Posted 2004) [#6]
As a hobby, that's true. But if the hobby changes into something where you'd like to make money, releasing becomes the primary objective. In that situation, looking for pre-existing solutions is the smartest choice.

mrtricks(Posted 2004) [#7]
Maybe you could try it out to see if you want to get inspired about your own editor - what you like, what you don't like etc. I always try out other examples of programs similar to mine.

Stevie G(Posted 2004) [#8]
This is a bit naff and knocked up quickly but may give you one idea to generate landscapes. Also, have a look at SSwifts Perlin Noise heightmap generator - it's fractal based as I remember. Also, try googling for more info - "random terrains".

Graphics 640,480,32,1 

Const Size = 256
Const Maxheight=255
Dim Terrain#( Size-1 , Size-1 )

MyTerrain = TERRAINcreate( 427, 500, 100 )

;show it
DrawImage MyTerrain , 0 , 0


Function TERRAINcreate( Seed , Passes ,SmallNo )
	;reset values to 0
	Dim Terrain( Size, Size )
	;set random seed
	SeedRnd Seed
	;generate terrain
	For Parts =1 To Passes
		StartX = Rand( 0 , size )
		StartZ = Rand( 0 , size )
		SlopeType = Rand( 0 , 1 )
		;Smaller Bits
		If Parts > ( Passes - SmallNo ) 
			StartY# = Rnd( 4, 8 )
			Radius# = Rand( 4,8 )
			StartY# = Rnd(4,32)
			Radius# = Rand(4,32)
		For z=-radius To radius
			For x=-radius To radius
				Distance# = Sqr( x*x + z*z )
				If Distance < Radius
					If SlopeType = 0 py#=Cos( Distance / Radius * 90) * StartY * 2.0
					If SlopeType = 1 py#=( 1.0 - Sin( ( Distance / Radius ) *90 ) ) * StartY *3.0
					px = WRAP( StartX + X , Size)
					pz = WRAP( StartZ + Z, Size)
					NewHeight# = LIMIT( terrain( px, pz) + py , 0, 255 ) 
					Terrain( px , pz ) = NewHeight
	;make heightmap
	Heightmap = CreateImage( Size , Size )
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer( Heightmap )
	Color 0,0,0:Rect 0,0,size,size,1
	For z =0 To size -1
		For x =0 To size -1
			c = Terrain( x , z )
			Color c,c,c
			Plot x,z
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	Return Heightmap
End Function


Function WRAP#( q# , hi# , lo#=0 )
	If q < lo Then q = hi + (q-lo)
	If q >= hi Then q = lo + (q-hi)
	Return q
End Function


Function LIMIT#( q# , lo# , hi# )

	If q < lo q = lo
	If q > hi q = hi
	Return q
End Function

Eric(Posted 2004) [#9]
Ok cool little piece of code, but I am staring with a Flat quad.. I think this could be an Option, in my editor to start with a random Terrain and then modify it from there...Hey thanks alot.

gpete(Posted 2004) [#10]
@Stevie G,
Nice functions, I made a little prog...use your own image name, textures- maybe loop it to make a bunch of terrain heightmaps fast!

Stevie G(Posted 2004) [#11]
Already do this mate but with my own custom terrains - quite handy if you use red for height, blue for objects and green for land type :)

Eric(Posted 2004) [#12]
I have a point on my terrain... A Mesh terrain, Not Blitz's.. I have a influence radius of 5 units. I click my mouse, up the terrain goes, but it makes a plateau, because all the verts within a 5 unit radius move the same distance, I want it to make a hill top. does someone have a small algorithm that will make it a smooth hill type fade? (Ie less effect the futher away from the control point)

Did that make sense?

Dreamora(Posted 2004) [#13]
instead of altering with the same amount on all verts you could use a Value / Distance^2 ( which means xdiff ^2 + ydiff ^2 + zdiff ^2 ) as altering value. ( at least if Distance is always > 1 ... if Distance < 1 then Distance ^2 has to be replaced with 1 / Distance ^2 )

Eric(Posted 2004) [#14]
Ok This works, but I't isn't as smooth as I would like.. thanks for the Idea.


Dreamora(Posted 2004) [#15]
You can play with the part which you use to divide basing on a distance value ( I choose Distance ^2 because this prevents the usage of sqrt which slows down the calculations a little, but for a max of 100 height values, it should be no problem to use Value / sqrt( xdiff^2 + zdiff^2 ) or something basing on that

Warren(Posted 2004) [#16]
What we do at Epic is we have 2 circles on the terrain.

One is the inner radius, inside of which all verts move with the same strength.

The other one is the outer radius and the verts between the inner and outer radii move with a strength adjusted by a linear falloff. So the closer a vert is to the outer radius edge, the less it moves.

mrtricks(Posted 2004) [#17]
Use SIN and COS for smooth rolling hills and valleys.