cellphones etc.

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/cellphones etc.

Amanda Dearheart(Posted 2004) [#1]
I was just on a website that claims its games can be run on a Nokia cellphone. My question is Is it true that Blitz3D can be used to make games that run on cellphones. If it is true, how does a programmer go about doing these things?

N(Posted 2004) [#2]
You cannot use Blitz3D to develop games for cell phones.

BlitzPlus: Possibly.

Java is probably your best bet.

eBusiness(Posted 2004) [#3]
Neither Blitz Plus can be used.

Maybe Mobile Basic will do what you need, I don't know if it's good.


aCiD2(Posted 2004) [#4]
like noel said: java

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#5]
eBusiness - Wasn't your Harddrive dead a few weeks ago???

I would use C# to write a game for a phone because I would want to use the Yeti Editor and make a DOOM style FPS...


I sure wish this was exported for blitz...

Warren(Posted 2004) [#6]
Microsoft offers a free compiler download for PocketPC/WindowsCE, which also works on some cell phones. You're coding in C++, but if that's not an issue for you, it's a good deal. That's what I used for "Pocket Bubble Bomb".

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#7]
Goto the nokia developer site..you can free sdks for all their java set ups, including free n-gage sdks/compilers etc.

Synchronist(Posted 2004) [#8]
Research J2ME and MIDP, both are core technologies for developing on Mobile devices that support Java. This book: J2ME Game Programming, is an excellent resource.

This link: http://www.arcadepod.com/java/display.php?cat_id=210&st=1
is a listing of games programmed in Java, some of which could be adapted for MD play.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#9]
could you be talking about the blitzjava.com site ?

Either way id like to see the site that claims this, the way im doing it at the moment is a 3rd party software house thats taking my blitz games and porting them over to the mobile platforms that I request.

So if there is another option id like to know about it.

EOF(Posted 2004) [#10]
That mobileBASIC is rather good! Very easy to use.
Pretty straight forward in a Blitz kind of way.
I managed to create an AmigaBall demo and it more or less works except for the sound/speed/transparency problems ..

Mobile BASIC source code:
sub main

rem Mimic phones speed. Set to 0 before compling MIDlet (J2ME)
global delay%

rem Get phones display width/height
sw%=screenwidth() : sh%=screenheight()

rem Load media
gelload "Gshadow","shadow.png" : spritegel "shadow","Gshadow"
gelload "Gball","AmigaBall.png" : spritegel "ball","Gball"
spritepriority "ball",1
ballW%=gelwidth("Gball") : ballH%=gelheight("Gball")

rem Init vars
x=float(sw%)/2 : y=16.0
dx=2.4 : jh=0.0

rem Main loop

 rem Clear screen
 setcolor 160,160,180
 fillrect 0,0,sw%,sh%
 setcolor 170,0,170
 rem Draw grid
 for l%=10 to sh%-20 step 10
   drawline 10,l%,sw%-8,l%
 next l%
 for l%=10 to sw%-6 step 10
  drawline l%,10,l%,sh%-20
 next l%
 rem Bounce in X direction
 if x<0 or (x>sw%-ballW%) then
 rem Bounce in Y direction
 if y>=(sh%-ballH%-8) then
  playwav "bounce.wav"
  vibrate 40,3
 rem Update balls X/Y vars
 x=x+dx : y=y+jh : jh=jh+0.5
 rem Draw shadow and main ball
 spritemove "shadow",int(x)+8,int(y)-4
 spritemove "ball",int(x),int(y)
 rem Refresh display
 rem small pause
 sleep 1+delay%

until fire()


Neuro(Posted 2004) [#11]
Heres another mobile app building system : Omega Basic