problem with GUI

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/problem with GUI

BasicZone(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi I have writen a smal GUI in Blitz3D and it works great. But now I have it includet in my new project and it makes mistakes, the parts of sprites wich are black are visible but they should be invisible.

her a picture left it`s corectly right it`s wrong

her the code:


Function create_label(wnd,x_pos,y_pos,x_scal,y_scal,inhalt$,r,g,b)
l.label = New label
l\sprite = CreateSprite(wnd)
HandleSprite l\sprite,-1,-1
EntityAlpha l\sprite,.9
ScaleSprite l\sprite ,x_scal,y_scal
MoveEntity l\sprite ,x_pos*2,y_pos*2-(y_scal*2),0
temp = CreateTexture(x_scal,y_scal)
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(temp)
Color 255,255,255
Text 0,0,inhalt
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
EntityTexture l\sprite,temp
EntityBlend l\sprite,3
EntityOrder l\sprite,-1
Return l\sprite
End Function

BasicZone(Posted 2004) [#2]
I have found a part of the prob the sprite backgrounf is not black it is grey if I switch form entityblend 3 to 1 but if I save the sprite it is black what could be the problem?

BasicZone(Posted 2004) [#3]
OK I have the prob it was the fog :(

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#4]
Glad we could be of help! ;) Your images look great!

Maybe you could be persuaded to export the window maker parts of your code to create a library tool for other B3D users to use???

Hey if you did it right you could even charge a few bucks!