Collision Trigger

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Collision Trigger

Rogue Vector(Posted 2004) [#1]
Is there a way to code a simple collision trigger with the following properties:

You have an invisible cube entity (alpha = 0.0)and it is placed infront of a closed door.

The player camera collides with this cube, but passes through it. In other words, there's no response other than the collision being registered.

Then use 'EntityCollided()' in an 'If..Then' statement to trigger the door open event.


Rogue Vector

Sledge(Posted 2004) [#2]
There are no no-response collisions in Blitz's built-in system but you can simulate them by attaching a child entity to your player entity, repositioning it at 0,0,0 each frame and checking collisions against THAT instead of the player entity (for door triggers and whatnot). The child will be displaced momentarily but the collision will register without affecting the player entity and, with the child invisible, the whole process will be transparent to the user. You don't want the camera itself able to collide with triggers.

Bot Builder(Posted 2004) [#3]
If the cube isn't rotated then you should be able to do a simple check to see if the player is near it, by basically a check to see if its x<max+r and >mix-r and y<may+r and >miy-r and z<maz+r and >miz-r .

Sledge(Posted 2004) [#4]
Yup yup... your "collision" routine could be as simple as an EntityDistance call.

simonh(Posted 2004) [#5]

You can use that to test whether a sphere interesects with a box.

Techlord(Posted 2004) [#6]
rogue vector,

There is a way to do it. In fact I have developed a 'switch' system in Project PLASMA FPS 2K4 for the very purpose of activating events and actions. I will present some code taken directly out of the project. Then we can discuss it more detail.
;Interactive game object that trigger actions and events.
Const SWITCH_MAX%=256
Dim switchId.switch(SWITCH_MAX%) <-- used for controlling switches by id

;the switch object
Type switch
	Field id%  ;used for tracking
	Field typeid% ;different switches for different purposes
	Field position.vector ;position of the switch
	Field scale.vector ;size of the switch
	Field key% ;stores key id for key-lock combo
	Field activation% ;used to manage various ways of activation
	Field activate% ;activate flag
	Field collision% ;collision flag
	Field Collisions% ;counts collisions
	Field state% ;stores state of switch
	Field clock.clock ;can be used to manage timed events
	Field action.action[4] ;event to activate (a huge if..then list) 
End Type
Now the follow function is called during the main loop to check to see if the player has activated the switch
Function switchInteractive(this.switch)
	Select this\typeid%
		Case 1 ;trigger collision with player or bot
			For player.player=Each player
				;** simple box collision **
				If EntityX(player\pivotid%)>=this\position\x# And EntityX(player\pivotid%)<=this\scale\x# ;based on recalced scale
					If EntityY(player\pivotid%)>=this\position\y# And EntityY(player\pivotid%)<=this\scale\y#
						If EntityZ(player\pivotid%)>=this\position\z# And EntityZ(player\pivotid%)<=this\scale\z#
			If collision% this\activate%=True
		Case 2 ;timer switch
			If this\clock\count%=0 this\activate=True
	End Select
	If this\activate% 
		Select this\activation%;activation action
			Case -1 ;infinite
			Case 1 ;hitting
				If collision% actionCall(this\action[1])
			Case 2 ;hitreset
			Case 3 ;stop 
				If collision%=False
			Case 4 ;hitonetime
			Case 5 ;timerreset
				clockReset(this\clock);set clock
			Case 6 ;timreretime
		End Select
	End If
End Function
Essentially, the simple box collision does the trick for handling contact with the switch and it is very accurate.

Now, I use a massive to bind the switch to an action/event. See the Action System for more detail. If you have lot of switches this can be a good way to manage actions.

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#7]
I like this trigger for event code but I have a stupid question. Is the trigger an entity that has to be loaded or created alpha0? or is it simply a set of coordinates? Does that make sense?

Rogue Vector(Posted 2004) [#8]
I just came across this code in the archives:

; ID: 540
; Author: Ken Lynch
; Date: 2003-01-07 05:31:30
; Title: No Reponse Collisions
; Description: No response collisions.

Graphics3D 800,600

light% = CreateLight()
camera% = CreateCamera()

pivot% = CreatePivot()
EntityType pivot, 1
EntityRadius pivot, 0.1

sphere% = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity sphere, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
EntityRadius sphere, 0.1
EntityType sphere, 2
EntityParent sphere, pivot

PositionEntity camera, 0, 2, -2
PointEntity camera, pivot

For i = 0 To 5

	cube = CreateCube()
	EntityType cube, 3
	PositionEntity cube, Rnd(-2, 2), 0, Rnd(-2, 2)
	ScaleEntity cube, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2

For i = 0 To 5

	ball = CreateCylinder()
	EntityType ball, 4
	PositionEntity ball, Rnd(-2, 2), 0, Rnd(-2, 2)
	ScaleEntity ball, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2

Collisions 2, 3, 2, 2 ; sphere , cube, ellipsoid-to-polygon collisions , slide1 - full sliding collision 
Collisions 1, 4, 2, 2 ; pivot  , ball, ellipsoid-to-polygon collisions , slide1 - full sliding collision


	If KeyDown(200) Then TranslateEntity pivot, 0, 0, 0.1
	If KeyDown(208) Then TranslateEntity pivot, 0, 0, -0.1
	If KeyDown(203) Then TranslateEntity pivot, -0.1, 0, 0
	If KeyDown(205) Then TranslateEntity pivot, 0.1, 0, 0


	PositionEntity sphere, 0, 0, 0
	cyl_col% = cyl_col + CountCollisions(pivot)
	cube_col% = cube_col + CountCollisions(sphere)

	ResetEntity sphere


	Text 0, 0, "Cylinder Collisions: " + cyl_col	
	Text 0, 16, "Cube Collisions: " + cube_col

Until KeyHit(1)

Still, it would be good if Blitz3D implemented 'No Response Collisions'. It would make the triggering of events much more straight forward. I think I'll post something in the Feature Requests section.



src_type - entity type to be checked for collisions.
dest_type - entity type to be collided with.

method - collision detection method.
1: ellipsoid-to-ellipsoid collisions
2: ellipsoid-to-polygon collisions
3: ellipsoid-to-box collisions

response - what the source entity does when a collision occurs.
1: stop
2: slide1 - full sliding collision
3: slide2 - prevent entities from sliding down slopes
4: no response collision


Rogue Vector

Rogue Vector(Posted 2004) [#9]
Wait a minute...

The Feature Request section has gone.


Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#10]
Why don't you want the camera to collide with triggers??? If the entityalpha is 0 of the trigger... and you hideenity trigger as soon as it is touched...

Ohhh... if your camera is moving too fast you will see a slight bump.


Sledge(Posted 2004) [#11]

Why don't you want the camera to collide with triggers???...Ohhh... if your camera is moving too fast you will see a slight bump.

Not only that, the camera simply won't pass through the trigger (unless you are moving it too fast to detect the collision in the first place), which is almost certainly undesirable. It's a similar situation with water-collision.