Checking focus of program

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Checking focus of program

TomToad(Posted 2004) [#1]
I've written a Blitz3D program in window mode. What I want to know is there any way to check for focus so I can pause the game should the user click on another window or use Alt-Tab?

REDi(Posted 2004) [#2]

Hope that helps ;)

TomToad(Posted 2004) [#3]
How would I get that to work in a program? I tried

Graphics3D 640,480,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global bank = CreateBank(8)
result = CallDLL("user32.dll","GetActiveWindow",bank,bank)
Global winhndl = PeekInt(bank,0)

...Do setup

While Not KeyDown(1)
result = CallDLL("user32.dll","GetActiveWindow",bank,bank)
If PeekInt(bank,0) <> winhndl Then Gosub pausegame stuff


While PeekInt(bank,0) <> winhndl
result = CallDLL("user32.dll","GetActiveWindow",bank,bank)

I tried replacing GetActiveWindow with GetForeGroundWindow but neither works.

REDi(Posted 2004) [#4]
Put this in your "Userlibs" folder.
;------ Userlib *.decls

.lib "User32.dll"

Then you can use them like any other command.

fredborg(Posted 2004) [#5]

(Same as Papa Lazarou's)

TomToad(Posted 2004) [#6]
That worked, Thanks :-)

Quick question though. How would I distribute the program? Would I need to distribute the user32.decls file also? Where would it go because the final user probably wouldn't have Blitz3d installed nor a userlibs folder.

sswift(Posted 2004) [#7]
It just tells Blitz that your function call uses an extrenal DLL. You never need to distribute the .decls file with your EXE, but in most cases you need to distribute the DLL and put it in the same directory as your EXE. However, this is a special case. The DLL is a standard DLL that all copies of windows have in the windows system folder. Windows will know to use it, so you do not need to distribute the DLL with the EXE for this particular function to work. That's true of any
function that uses a standard windows DLL like user32.dll or system32.dll.