function blitz3d is slow than call a dll function

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/function blitz3d is slow than call a dll function

David(Posted 2004) [#1]
yes is more slow i am surpraise, this is the code in dll

// Sumar
BBDECL int BBCALL sumarwithdll( int n )
return n+1;
sumarwithdll%( n% ):"_sumarwithdll@4"

and this code is the test

; pruebas de tiempo con las dlls

Print "Pulse una tecla para empezar"

i = 0
nStart# = MilliSecs()
For n = 0 To 20000000
i = sumarwithblitz3d( i ) ; (blitz3d)
;i = sumarwithdll( i ) ; (dll)
nEnd# = (MilliSecs() -nStart#) /1000.0

Print "Ha tardado: " +nEnd#

; this function is equeal at sumar of dll
Function sumarwithblitz3d%( n% )
Return n% +1
End Function

the result if you change (blitz3d) and (dll) is this
with blitz3d elapse in seconds is 9.001
with dll eplase in seconds is 4.44

is very strange

Bot Builder(Posted 2004) [#2]
That's pretty interesting... I would've thought the dll calling overhead would have made a dll to do somthing so simple slower.....

David(Posted 2004) [#3]
blitz3d is a script language or 100% pure code?

in c++ the elapse time is 0.22 and if i call a dll 0.45, the dll is more slow

i have a piii 1200 notebook if test the example

Deldy(Posted 2004) [#4]
Can this maybe be becource you using and INT in the Dll and a floart in the blitzcode? :-p try removing the "%" and then see.

David(Posted 2004) [#5]
this simbol % is for integers, the # simbol is for float ;)

but i tested and the elpase time is equal, i tested too with # and the elapse time up 0.5

is more very strange jeje

Shambler(Posted 2004) [#6]
% is int, # is float

Deldy(Posted 2004) [#7]
Sorry my bad :-D But try it anyway :-P

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#8]
Sounds dodgy. I did a similar test awhile back, but using a squared distance function in c++, and a blitz custom function. Results were near identical every time, vc6++ was no faster.

Though if I did the actual loop in C++ that's another story.

David(Posted 2004) [#9]
i no compare c++ and blitz3d, i compare call function of blitz3d and call function dll from blitz3d and the dll is more speed than blitz3d function, i started test when i created dibLib.dll beacuse i need very speed for tree library i maked

Neochrome(Posted 2004) [#10]
you can use a Gosub routine (Sorry for swearing)

Warren(Posted 2004) [#11]
Which works great unless you want to pass arguments. Or get a return value. Or do anything useful...

David(Posted 2004) [#12]
for me the call a function is very important, the test is beacuse i make a dll and i need speed with call functions with dll but i see what the dll is very good and no slow down the speed, up the speed ;)

blitz3d is good but time at time for very good :)

David(Posted 2004) [#13]
neomancer with gosub work fantastic, equal what inline function

David(Posted 2004) [#14]
i am a stupid i test in debug mode, in release mode is very very speed 0.49 :)

Tiggertooth(Posted 2004) [#15]
Speaking of inlines, I wrote a preprocessor that handles inlines (amongst other things). Anyone else doing much with preprocessors and Blitz? Seems to me we can fix a lot of the things Blitz is missing with a preprocessor.

For example:
- explicit variable declarations
- inlines
- variable code compilation
- macros
- generating decls
- maybe code generation for function pointers...

I've got some of the above working. Unfortunately, having to dump the stuff out to a temp file and compile that kinda sucks when you're using an IDE.

It would be much better if we could convince Mark to add some of these features directly.

big10p(Posted 2004) [#16]
I think Mark might be a 'lil bit busy at the mo. I'm betting B3D preprocessors/IDEs are the last thing on his mind. :P

Doesn't Protean offer many of the features you mention, anyway?

David(Posted 2004) [#17]
a function pointers is very important, i am write apps in c++ i am use this pointers for find items, states, etc
in the dibLib.dll i make a trees but i cant view all items from blitz3d because havent pointer functions, in the c++ class is posible, if you see the code of class tree you download here
in the you can see more codes

Michael Reitzenstein(Posted 2004) [#18]
Speaking of inlines, I wrote a preprocessor that handles inlines (amongst other things). Anyone else doing much with preprocessors and Blitz? Seems to me we can fix a lot of the things Blitz is missing with a preprocessor.

Wow! Someone else!


podperson(Posted 2004) [#19]
Inlines are a feature for optimizing performance which most Blitz programmers probably don't need (although it's nice to have). I shouldn't think it's an enormous priority, and in any case several IDE developers have support for it.

Function pointers are primarily useful if you don't have real object support (C++ has both, of course, but then C++ tends to have a hundred ways to do any thing)... which BMax will have.

David(Posted 2004) [#20]
i wait for bmax i read commets and is a great languaje, the editor of bmax are maked with bmax :), is this good beacuse bmax have standard controls and events of windows, i hope what bmax are equal c++ or java

when it leaves on sale?