Water Explosion

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Water Explosion

semar(Posted 2004) [#1]
I'm doing a sort of battleship game in 3D, and I need an explosion effect when a shot misses a ship - that is, the fired bullet ends its path in the water.

How can I perform such an effect ?

I've tryed different particle systems out there, like the one in the B3D samples, and other smoke/fire generator done from other users, but since they are more suited for ground or vehicle explosions, I can't really use it to simulate a water explosion.

If I try to describe the effect I would like to achieve, I would end with something like 'creating a cylinder of water which suddenly comes from the sea, and then decay back in the water with lots of drops'. Well, sort of it; I hope you get my drift.

Do you have some suggestion/code snippet for me in this department ?

Thanks in advance,

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#2]
Create an animated 3D model for the main splash bit, then just throw particle fx around it to give it more life.

semar(Posted 2004) [#3]
*cough* hem, thank you Rob, I'm sure that is the way to go, but, hem, *cough*, could you please be a little bit more specific ?

- Create an animate 3D model for the main splash
At the moment, this is not such a really easy task for me. I simply don't know enough about 3D modelling - I own Milkshape but I must confess, I don't really use it..

Thanks for your kind suggestion though. I would be happy to try it out, if you only could point me in the right direction...


Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#4]
I own Milkshape but I must confess, I don't really use it..
Then start using it and learn about 3D modelling, you're the only one who can, no-one can learn it for you. There's a milkshape forum for helping you out with all Milkshape releated issues. There are tutorials and beginners guides over there too.

Pull your finger out of your arse and learn how to create 3D models, or, pay someone to do them for you.

And get something for that cough.

semar(Posted 2004) [#5]

A bit rude today, eh ? You didn't sleep fine, did you ?


Anyway, probably is the way to go. Problem is, I don't have any idea about which shape to build up with MilkShape.


Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#6]
That bit (hi tech side views to follow)...







From the top...

. o O

Create that as an animated mesh.

Throw water paricles around it.

Bob's ya uncle and fanny's ya aunt.

Don't use an alpha texture because it won't work.

Out Arse finger pull... :)

rsbrowndog(Posted 2004) [#7]
Have a look here in the code archives:


Why? Because:

...creates an animtated texture for the splashes and water rings.

Might save you some work and the code has been declared public domain by the author.



RiverRatt(Posted 2004) [#8]
What you would want is a donut shape <Sploosh> that swells and expandes <Whoooosh Sloosh> then flattens out <OOOooosh>. put two or three of those (Scaled each twice as big as the next) about halfway into the water with a big bubly sprite right around the surface.

Take it from Riverat.

semar(Posted 2004) [#9]
Thanks Ryan, that is indeed helpful.. And of course, a big Thanks goes to Mikkel Fredborg too !!


thanks for your explanation too.
