Enemy A.I. Code???

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Enemy A.I. Code???

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi All...

Just wanted to ask some of you if you know where there might be a fairly decent code sample I might be able to start with in order to create my enemy A.I. code as a base?

This would help me get a little bit of a head start on the game you know! But if not! That's cool too! :)
If someone might have a A.I. sample lying around... Please let me know! Thank's Guys! ;)

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#2]
For what kind of game?

AI is going to be totally different for different games.
Simple AI is IF [Certain conditions] then [do stuff]

Of course take this a stage further and you get something like
IF [certain conditions] and [in a certain state] then [go into this state]
If [in a certain state] then [do stuff]

Makeing it more flexible still
if [certain conditions] then [change state on a sliding scale]
Then you have actions based on sliding scales rather than specific states.

In my lander game, for the bad guy fighter AI, they have fixed states of Retreat, Roam, defend, evade and attack.

So you end up with stuff like

If roaming and can see a goodguy then attack said goodguy
If attacking and health low then retreat
if attacking and a goodguy is in my sights then shoot the bugger
If I can see someone attacking another badguy then defend said badguy
If retreating and getting shot then evade
if retreating and can't see any goodguy then roam
if roaming and can't see anyone then find a newpoint to roam to

on top of this you had the non state ai that was:
If too close to the ground then pull up
If too high then push down
if too far off course then turn back on course
if there is a mountain in front of me pull up

and so on.

The scouts had a different set of states and ai conditions, likewise the defence cannons.

I hope that helps some!?

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#3]
Dam! Im' sorry Rob!! I should of been more specific!!

Im' needing an A.I. code sample for my Egyptian game for a FPS type!!! Basically! I need the enemies to chase the player when the player gets within a certain range of the enemy! Then ofcourse... Once the enemy gets so close to the player... start attacking him! I have an idea on how to write this code and im' working on a short sample now of my own... But I just started this too! Any suggestion's or possibly a code sample to start with???

This would help me out alot!!!

Neochrome(Posted 2004) [#4]
entitydistance, I too am looking to write something like this, At the moment my guys follow a path, and some path have a "TREE" node that can split off in to any amount of paths, the AI chooses by randomly picking out the path.

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#5]

Sounds interesting!!! Would love to take a look at it! :)

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#6]
That's basic state AI

You code would look something like:
If entitydistance(badguy,player)<chasedistance and badguystate = roam
	If the badguy can see the player (linepick)
		badguy go into chase mode, chasing player

if entitydistance(badguy,player)<attackdistance and badguystate=chase
	attack player

if entitydistance(badguy,player)>chasedistance then badguystate=roam

if badguystate=roam then bumble around
if badguystate=attack then smack,smash,destroy
if badguystate=chase
	where's the good guy.
	Point at him
	Move towards him

CyberHeater(Posted 2004) [#7]
Yeah, but surely you need to factor in:

1. Can the enemy hear him
2. Is the enemy injured. If so, would he attack or hide.
3. Teaming - if multiple enemy's. 1 might attack face on but the others might try to go around the player and attack from the back.
4. Types of attack.
- Some weapons might be better in some circumstances then others.
- When to use shields.
5. Protect team mates.
- If another enemy is attacking you close range, does it really make sense for the other enemy to throw in a grenade.
6. Different styles of enemy.
- Frontal attack (maniac)
- Steath sniper etc...

You get the idea.

I think the ideal is to create some kind of enemy automaton with personality/strengths/weakness with good path finding skills and a mini mission of it's own (ie - patrol and protect this area) and then let it loose in your level.
Should provide a more realistic playing experience.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#8]
Just put together a very basic snippet to demonstrate state based AI, use the arrow keys to move around, you're the P!

The enemy has roam, chase and attack states, and will show it's state with it's colour and a R,C, or A.

Graphics 640,480,32,2

; simplistic ai
; Rob Farley 2004


Const roam=1
Const chase=2
Const attack=3

echasedis = 100
eattackdis = 20


kup = 200
kdown = 208
kleft = 203
kright = 205

SetBuffer BackBuffer()


; player control
If KeyDown(kup) Then py=py-pspd
If KeyDown(kdown) Then py=py+pspd
If KeyDown(kleft) Then px=px-pspd
If KeyDown(kright) Then px=px+pspd

; find the distance from the player to the enemy
dis# = Sqr(((px-ex)*(px-ex)) + ((py-ey)*(py-ey)))

; enemy AI
If estate=roam And dis<echasedis Then estate=chase
If estate=chase And dis>echasedis Then estate=roam
If estate=chase And dis<eattackdis Then estate=attack
If estate=attack And dis>eattackdis Then estate=chase

If estate=roam ; go to a random place on the screen
	If ex<roamx Then ex=ex+espd
	If ex>roamx Then ex=ex-espd
	If ey>roamy Then ey=ey-espd
	If ey<roamy Then ey=ey+espd
	dis# = Sqr(((roamx-ex)*(roamx-ex)) + ((roamy-ey)*(roamy-ey)))
	If dis<50 Then 

If estate=chase	; chase the player
	If ex<px Then ex=ex+espd
	If ex>px Then ex=ex-espd
	If ey>py Then ey=ey-espd
	If ey<py Then ey=ey+espd
If estate=attack ; erm... chase the player hacking 'n' slashing
	If ex<px Then ex=ex+espd
	If ex>px Then ex=ex-espd
	If ey>py Then ey=ey-espd
	If ey<py Then ey=ey+espd

; draw advanced graphics

Color 0,255,0
Oval px-10,py-10,21,21,False
Text px,py,"P",True,True

If estate=roam Then Color 255,255,0
If estate=chase Then Color 255,160,0
If estate=attack Then Color 255,0,0
Oval ex-10,ey-10,21,21,False
If estate=roam Then Text ex,ey,"R",True,True
If estate=chase Then Text ex,ey,"C",True,True
If estate=attack Then Text ex,ey,"A",True,True

Until KeyHit(1)

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#9]
Thank's Rob!!!! This will be an excellent base to work from!! I was working with the collide demo sample in the mak directory of Blitz3D! But this looks like a good start!!! Thank you very much!!! ;)

I'll make sure your name get's proper credit in the credits section of the game!! ;)

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#10]
Pleased I could help and there's really no need to credit me for about 3 minutes work! But I apprecaite the sentiment.

Alberto(Posted 2004) [#11]
The book "A.I. Game programming"
by Alex J. Champandard
see also the site "artificial intelligence depot"
should be focused on "enemy A.I " even though your question is actually a little bit generic

Neochrome(Posted 2004) [#12]
this is a clip from the one i wrote, its messy, but they dudes wont interact with the rest of the world if i have it different

have a look, it may help you come up with something better

For e.tEnemies = Each tEnemies
		tx# = EntityX#(e\mass)
		ty# = EntityY#(e\mass)
		tz# = EntityZ#(e\mass)

		PositionEntity e\body, tx#, ty#, tz#
		PositionEntity e\pivot, tx#, ty#, tz#
		ryaw# = EntityYaw#(e\pivot, 0)
		cyaw# = EntityYaw#(e\body, 0)
		cr# = CurveValue#(cyaw#, ryaw#, 15)
		RotateEntity e\body, 0, cr#, 0
		If Not Animating(e\model) Then 
			If e\mode = 1
				e\woddle = (e\woddle + .12) Mod AnimLength(e\model)
				at# = AnimTime(e\model)
				PositionEntity e\model, 0, -3 + (Cos(at * 110)/ 2), 0
				;TurnEntity e\model, (Cos(at * 110)/ 2),0,0
				RotateEntity e\model, (Cos(at * 110)*2),EntityYaw(e\model),-(Cos(e\woddle * 110)*3)
		End If
		If e\currentnode=0 Then  e\mode = 3
		;If e\timer>0 Then e\timer = e\timer - 1
		If e\mode = 3
			If e\direction = 0 Then	; going from 1 ... 2... 3...
				oldnode = e\currentnode
				nextnode = e\currentnode + 1
			Else; going to 3... 2... 1...
				nextnode = e\currentnode - 1
			vring = 0
			e\newnode = e\newnode + 1
			veld% = 1
			For n.tNodes = Each tNodes
				If e\nodegroup$ = n\nodegroup$
					vring = vring + 1
					If n\nodeid = oldnode Then
						If (n\choose$ <> "") And (e\newnode>2) ; Bot can choose
							e\newnode = 0
							If Int(Rnd(1))=1 Then
								veld% = 0	; Not to set the next node!
								npath$ = n\choose$
								npathid$ = n\choosepath$
								For jn.tNodes = Each tNodes
									If jn\nodegroup$ = npath$
										If jn\nodeid = Int(npathid$)
											e\targetnode = jn\pivot
											e\currentnode = jn\nodeid
											e\nodegroup$ = npath$
										End If
									End If
							End If
						End If
					If veld% = 1 Then
						If n\nodeid = nextnode Then
							e\targetnode = n\pivot
							e\currentnode = n\nodeid
						End If
			If veld% = 1 Then
				If (nextnode > vring)
					e\direction = 1
				ElseIf (nextnode < 1) 
					e\direction = 0
			e\mode = 1
		End If
		If e\mode = 1 Then
			If e\targetnode<>0 Then
				PointEntity e\pivot, e\targetnode
				MoveEntity e\mass,0,0,.24
				ryaw# = EntityYaw(e\pivot)
				RotateEntity e\mass, 0, ryaw#, 0
				d# = EntityDistance(e\targetnode,e\mass)
				If d#<4 Then ; hes reached his target
					e\mode = 3
					e\timer = 60
				End If
		TranslateEntity e\mass,0,e\y_vel,0


aCiD2(Posted 2004) [#13]
Also from what i read above, that you want the enemies to chase, i believe your going to need A* path finding - which is worth reading into.

3D(Posted 2004) [#14]
there is my 3d a* path finding lib in the code archives with a basic demo or there are 2d path finding libs some where.

aCiD2(Posted 2004) [#15]
yea, there is a 3d lib on blitzcoder iirc :P

morduun(Posted 2004) [#16]
There's a finite state machine tutorial here as well.