Wrapping executable with Softwrap

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Wrapping executable with Softwrap

Square Eyes(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi everybody, I am a new B3D user facing his first 'serious' problem. I made a simple program and used 'create executable' to get an Exe. The Exe works fine.
Now, I need to 'protect' that executable using the wrapper 'Softwrap'.
The resulting exe is working fine on WindowsXP, but leads to a 'corrupted exe' on W98... (tested on 2 PCs)
Does anyone have some experience about such issue ? May I forget something when creating the exe ? Are there some options 'hided' for that exe creation ? Sorry if that issue is already explained in detail somewhere.

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#2]
1. You could do a search before you post... I am not admonishing you... no... I am just saying and I realize that it sounds simply BLUNT. I apologize for that.

2. What are you wrapping? The models, textures, and sounds???

Gabriel(Posted 2004) [#3]
No personal experience, but I do know that quite a few people have mentioned that Softwrap is a piece of crap with a bunch of technical issues. I recall hearing from a big publisher that he would never have anything to do with it again.

Everyone who has used Molebox has been much happier with it, but of course, Molebox don't distribute your software for you, and Molebox is quite expensive too.

I think I saw the problem mentioned recently on Dexterity forums, so you may want to have a look through recent threads and maybe post the question there too :


OT : Rook, are you on a post count frenzy or something? Practically every thread I've seen lately has you replying when you don't even understand the subject. And usually just to find fault with the person asking the question.

Square Eyes(Posted 2004) [#4]
Sybixsus : Thanks for the hint, but well... my issue only concern Softwrap yet. And yes, I start to agree with you that it is a piece of crap (I have now two reasons to think so)

Rook: I did a search with keyword 'softwrap'= nothing... well, one topic now ;-)

Gabriel(Posted 2004) [#5]
Here's the thread I was thinking of with people reporting technical problems with SoftWrap :


No proposed solutions though. ( Apart from contacting tech support and waiting. )

Kuron(Posted 2004) [#6]
Armadillo is much better than Softwrap and more secure. http://www.siliconrealms.com

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#7]
Nope... not to find fault... that is a sweeping generalization and quite unfair. And possibly rude to make such a comment!

I have posted my experience with that command or statement. Or asked a dumb question about it to learn or clarify.

And I have used Armadillo. It is much harder to "extract" resources from when used correctly. I reccomend it too!

Square Eyes(Posted 2004) [#8]
Yes, Armadillo is working better in my experience too. However, Softwrap seems widely spreaded and seems interresting for small devellopers/indies. A part of my question was to know if I may have made a big mistake in the Blitz code, or when compiling the blitz EXE, mistake wich could explain the Softwrap crash.

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#9]
I see a few things on the board about HUFFMAN compression and HUFFMAN uncompression... Are they still there?

I was under the impression (possibly incorrect) that HUFFMAN compression was used to create LHARC or ARJ format compression. An old day rival to ZIP.

If the above is true you could use that to create your own "packer" with your own "password" coded in your program as just another variable and create a pack of stuff that only your program can unpack.

Just shooting my mouth off again!