Simple Textured Spot Light

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Simple Textured Spot Light

fredborg(Posted 2004) [#1]

I found this lying around on my computer! I figured it might be of use to someone, so here it is.
; Textured spotlight thingy
; Create by Mikkel Fredborg
; Use as you please!

Type dl_receiver
	Field mesh
End Type

Type dl_light
	Field entity
	Field range#
	Field scale#
	Field intensity#
	Field flicker#
	Field flickerrange#
	Field r#,g#,b#
End Type

Global dl_brush
Global dl_tex

Function DL_Init()

	dl_tex = LoadTexture("spotlight2.png",1+16+32)

	dl_brush = CreateBrush()
	BrushBlend dl_brush,3
	BrushFX dl_brush,1+2
	BrushTexture dl_brush,dl_tex	

End Function

Function DL_Free()

	For dlr.dl_receiver = Each dl_receiver
		FreeEntity dlr\mesh
		Delete dlr

	For dll.dl_light = Each dl_light
		Delete dll

	If dl_tex	Then FreeTexture dl_tex
	If dl_brush	Then FreeBrush dl_brush

	dl_tex		= 0
	dl_brush	= 0

End Function

Function DL_SetReceiver(mesh)

	dlr.dl_receiver = New dl_receiver
	dlr\mesh = CopyMesh(mesh)
	PaintMesh dlr\mesh,dl_brush
End Function

Function DL_SetLight(entity,range#=500.0,scale#=0.75,intensity#=2.0,flicker#=0.05,flickerrange#=0.5,r#=200,g#=220,b#=255)

	dll.dl_light = First dl_light

	If dll = Null
		dll.dl_light = New dl_light
	End If
	dll\entity 	 = entity
	dll\range  	 = range
	dll\scale		= scale
	dll\intensity = intensity
	dll\flicker	 = flicker
	dll\flickerrange = flickerrange
	dll\r		= r
	dll\g		= g
	dll\b		= b
End Function

Function DL_Update()

	dll.dl_light = First dl_light
	If dll = Null Then Return

	If Rnd(0.0,1.0)<dll\flicker
		intensity# = dll\intensity*Rnd(dll\flickerrange,1.0)
		intensity# = dll\intensity
	End If

	For dlr.dl_receiver = Each dl_receiver
		mesh	= dlr\mesh
		n_surfs = CountSurfaces(mesh)
		For s = 1 To n_surfs
			surf = GetSurface(mesh,s)
			n_verts = CountVertices(surf)-1
			For v = 0 To n_verts
				TFormPoint VertexX(surf,v),VertexY(surf,v),VertexZ(surf,v),mesh,dll\entity
				x# = TFormedX()
				y# = TFormedY()
				z# = TFormedZ()
				dist# = Sqr(x*x + y*y + z*z)*dll\scale
				tu# = (x/dist)+0.5
				tv# = 1.0-((y/dist)+0.5)
				VertexTexCoords surf,v,tu,tv

				If z>dll\range Then z = dll\range
				falloff# = 1.0-(z/dll\range)
				If falloff<0.0 Then falloff = 0.0
				If falloff>1.0 Then falloff = 1.0
				TFormNormal VertexNX(surf,v),VertexNY(surf,v),VertexNZ(surf,v),mesh,dll\entity
				dot# = -TFormedZ()*falloff*intensity
				If dot>0.0
					VertexColor surf,v,dot*dll\r,dot*dll\g,dot*dll\b
					VertexColor surf,v,0,0,0
				End If

End Function

; Example 
Graphics3D 640,480,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

AmbientLight 12,24,50
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

light = CreateLight()
RotateEntity light,70,40,0
LightColor light,50,50,50

camera = CreateCamera()
scene = CreateMesh()

For i = 0 To 100

	cube = CreateCube()
	ScaleMesh cube,Rnd(1,10),Rnd(1,10),Rnd(1,10)
	RotateMesh cube,Rnd(-90,90),Rnd(-180,180),Rnd(-180,180)
	PositionMesh cube,Rnd(-100,100),Rnd(-100,100),Rnd(-100,100)
	AddMesh cube,scene
	FreeEntity cube

cube = CreateCube()
ScaleMesh cube,150,150,150
FlipMesh cube
AddMesh cube,scene
FreeEntity cube


spd# = 2.0


	MoveEntity camera,(KeyDown(205)-KeyDown(203))*spd,0,(KeyDown(200)-KeyDown(208))*spd
	TurnEntity camera,-MouseYSpeed()*0.25,-MouseXSpeed()*0.25,0
	RotateEntity camera,EntityPitch(camera,True),EntityYaw(camera,True),0

	MoveMouse 320,240



Until KeyHit(1)


You will need this (or another) image:

Have fun!

elseano(Posted 2004) [#2]
Nice effect! Thanks!

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#3]
i like it too. thanks a lot!

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#4]
hey - the bat lite is new! ... couldn't it be used for shadows too?

Binary_Moon(Posted 2004) [#5]
The bat light shows that the effect is upside down :)

Looks cool

fredborg(Posted 2004) [#6]
I've changed the code :)

puki(Posted 2004) [#7]
Nice one "Fredborg" - I'm gonna make my own filters for it.

big10p(Posted 2004) [#8]
Impressive effect!