What was Cartography Shop written in ???

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/What was Cartography Shop written in ???

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi All...

I was just kinda' curious to see if anybody knows what
Josh used to write CShop 3 & CShop4.1 in ???

I keep hearing rumors that CShop wasn't written in Blitz3D!!
So what was it written in then?

Just curious to ask...

Nathan24(Posted 2004) [#2]
I belive it was written in BlitzPlus.

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#3]

Oh that's real dam funny dude!!! If you don't know, then
why in the heck reply with a stupid remark like you just made! I hate it when people on this forum either reply
sarcastically!!! Or say something completely stupid like you just done! Cartography Shop is a 3D APPLICATION last
time I checked!!! So it being developed in a 2D language like you so put it... BlitzPlus is very unlikely!!!
Do me a favor next time... Don't reply!!!

Aymes(Posted 2004) [#4]
unlikely but there's no need to go off like that.

As far as i understand it was written in purebasic (at least the latest version was, i think earlier versions were written in blitz). If you look there are purbasic module thingies in one of the folders.

Zmatrix(Posted 2004) [#5]
LOL, calm down DR, eat a jelly baby.
Remember that you can use opengl in B+
Halo once said it was B+ and another basic language.
surely not db..lol so Glbasic? VB?
and he was creating his own opengl engine a while back ...so it might be that.


KiwiSteve(Posted 2004) [#6]
I think you need to calm down a bit, man. Just because you didn't think what was said by Nathan-03 was accurate doesn't give you the right to flame him in the way you did. I found this piece of advice that you yourself posted in another thread that I think you should take some notice of:

"... So if someone is a little bit unexperienced than you are, Try and over look it and try to be of some help if you possibly can! This isn't meant to piss anyone off here... But I believe that we should try and be of help towards others and not be putting them down because they may know less than you do!"

Now I don't have the answer to your question, and I am not trying to be a "holier-than-thou" poster, but as your question was "Just curious to ask..." I don't think you can take such a hardline stance against someone replying with a piece of information that they found out from someone else, who in turn could have been inaccurate. Maybe you would prefer it if nobody responded to you because they are afraid that you'll lose your rag with them?

And by the way you can create 3D applications through the use of "2D languages", you just need to know how.

IPete2(Posted 2004) [#7]

Yeah... sorry to tell you m8 - it was crafted using a combination of mainly BlitzPlus/openGL/some B3d stuff and PureBasic for the dlls if I'm not mistaken.


Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#8]
I'm pretty sure the backbone of it was B+ too. But if you don't believe us why not email Halo and ask him?

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#9]
To All...

ok.. ok...

My deepest apologies to everybody here, But When I read what
Nathan-03 posted... I kinda' took it that he was just playing a joke by his post he made to this thread. I thought to myself and wondered why when I was asking a serious question why he would post something like that?!
I also understand too that this forum is used to help other
users on here and that this forum shouldn't be used to come off on other users in a sarcastic & profane manner either...
But it seems like lately and all that some people on here
have been coming off sarcastic to others and joking and such!
I just don't have much tolerance for such stuff like this!!
But I guess I shouldn't of spoken so suddenly without checking my facts first! I do apologise to everybody for my reactions
and I'll try to be more therough in the near future before
I react in such a manner! I just believe that when we have a user forum as good as our's is with all the very intelligent people that is on here... There's no reason to
be sarcastic towards others on here, nor joke around with them either when they are asking a serious question on a matter such as this! But once again im' sorry for my reactions, But I got pissed off after reading that post-reply!!!

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#10]
Intelligence breeds sarcasm. And misspelling intelligent is always funny.

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#11]
P.S. Towards All...

If you was in my shoes for that very minute after reading
that post-reply and all... It's easy to see where one could
of taken that the wrong way too! I realize I flamed a little out of control here and such. But please try to see it from my point of view for the minute and you might be able to understand why I reacted so hastly towards Nathan-03! But then again... I stand corrected here, And it looks like im' the Big FOOL!!!! I feel very embarassed over this!
But a man should also admit when he's wrong too, Or he fails to be a man! And in this case... Im' wrong here! Im' sorry to all!!

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#12]
@Rob Farley

Spelling wasn't my best subject in school man... So you do have me there! But try to understand that I am apologizing here too!

And I corrected the word: Intelligent!!!
So this should give you another laugh!

Just remember though... This could have happened to anyone
here! I was just the lucky one I guess to look like a clown!

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#13]

And by the way you can create 3D applications through the use of "2D languages", you just need to know how.

Yeah your right... You can create the illusion of 3D in 2D,
But it's not true 3D though! Only the illusion of it only!

Maybe you would prefer it if nobody responded to you because they are afraid that you'll lose your rag with them?

I don't think it would have to come down to that man as I admitted that I was wrong for what I had done! Surely you guys can forgive me can't you?!?

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#14]

LOL, calm down DR, eat a jelly baby.
Remember that you can use opengl in B+
Halo once said it was B+ and another basic language.
surely not db..lol so Glbasic? VB?
and he was creating his own opengl engine a while back ...so it might be that.

Hmmmmmm.... I wasn't aware of this?!? Interesting indeed!!
Thanks for the info man! And I feel much better now because
I ate a few jelly babies...

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#15]
Any '3D' scene on a monitor is an illusion of 3D not true 3D. There were many many 3D games and applications long before the invention of 3D graphical accelerators, these by your definition would not be true 3D...

So I guess Elite, Starglider, Carrier Command, Midwinter, Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem, Doom, 3D Studio, etc etc are not 3D?

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#16]
@ Rob Farley

Not according to the math it ain't!!!! The wireframe exist
in realtime in the rendering scene rob! The illusion of 3D would be in the form of an image that use's lightened & darkened areas to repersent the image as 3D! True 3D would
be something you could actually move around... In this case.. Even known that we are working with a monitor screen,
We can move around in this 3D scene in realtime and thus gives us the actual true feeling of 3D. Where a still image doesnt!!!

P.S. You must not have forgiven me for my outburst huh Rob! I can tell because you seem to have a reply to almost everthing i've written so far! But that's cool... I guess I deserve it!

So fire away!!!

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#17]
It's nothing to do with forgiving or otherwise you're just talking out of your cake hole.

Elite and starglider were both wire frame hidden line removal 3D engines that ran in real time. Even before that you have freescape games like Castle master that were solid and lit 3D engines and these were on 8-bit machines.

Your definition of 'True 3D' is somewhat misinterpreted I feel.

And on a slightly different note your grasp of English and grammar is appalling.

Rob(Posted 2004) [#18]
Eat davros, dr

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#19]
@Rob Farley again!!!

Your definition of 'True 3D' is somewhat misinterpreted I feel.

Well... That's your opinion Rob! And I have a right to mine as well!

And on a slightly different note your grasp of English and grammar is appalling.

Did you not read what I had written earlier dude!!!

Read again:

Spelling wasn't my best subject in school man... So you do have me there! But try to understand that I am apologizing here too!

And on a slightly different note as well... It's not my fault my dad was sick and I had to drop out of school to care for him because he had heart trouble and nearly died once!! I lost alot of my education due to that... But Im' thankful for what I do know! and I personally think that your comment about my grasp of English and grammar wasn't called for either! I know alot more than what other people give me credit for! I tought myself Basic, C, C++, and also Assembly Language to!! I learned this during the course of time when I was only 12 years old and am 36 now! So I think I have done alot in my time! I also am a QA Supervisor for Hewlett Packard Computers too! I must of done something right to get to that level! So think about it before you shoot me down and thus we start all over again like it was from the beginning of this post!


Eat davros Dr.

No thanks! I'll pass on that one!

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#20]
Spelling is one thing grammer is another.

If a post has bad spelling you can still understand what is said, bad grammer however makes it very hard to understand what is being said.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on what 3D is.

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#21]
@Rob Farley

That's cool! But like I said though, But should of included
the grammer part into my other posts to you. But i'll say it
now! English, Spelling, Grammer Ect.. Ect.. Are not my strong points in life! I was cheated out of that a long time ago when my dad had fallen sick and I had to care for him! I do still yet have a future though... And im' not giving up on my dreams! I do respect you as an artist and fellow game designer. You have brought a many good things to this forum and the people that use this forum on a regular basis. And I hope this doesn't make it in such a way that you wont reply to possible future post in the future and all! I do value & respect your advice very much so...

Take it easy man & have a good day!

BlitzSupport(Posted 2004) [#22]

Spelling is one thing grammer is another.

Is this irony, Rob? Grammer? No comma or semi-colon before it?


Andy(Posted 2004) [#23]

I believe what you might be trying to say is with regard to *Real Time 3D*.

When it comes down to 8/16 bit micros, wireframe 3D dates back to the late 70's(Elite, Mercenary), while solid 3D (Jet, Sublogic Flightsim II, Carrier command) etc. dates back to the mid 80's. In the late 80's, the first 3D graphics API's for UNIX appeared(Phigs+), and in the early 90's, Open GL and the first OGL Renderers saw the light of day!

They are all real 3D.


soja(Posted 2004) [#24]
Doctor Who, I wrote a complete 3D renderer for a class using just the SetPixel primitive in -- get this -- GDI. No DirectX, no OpenGL, nada. I handled rotations, translations, scales, phong and gouraud shading, 3D formats, etc.

Of course it was all done in software, so it was dang slow, but that doesn't mean it wasn't "true" 3D. And what is "true" 3D anyway? You still end up projecting your models onto a 2D plane to display them.

_PJ_(Posted 2004) [#25]

Elite and starglider were both wire frame hidden line removal 3D engines that ran in real time. Even before that you have freescape games like Castle master that were solid and lit 3D engines and these were on 8-bit machines.

Sorry to be a pedantic git, but Driller (the pioneer first freescape game, was out WAY after Elite AND Starglider.)
Though you're right, these games had 'proper' 3D engines, and were not just like 2D-viewed-in-3D or whatever! Great impacts on the future of gaming were made by these names!

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#26]
OK, Just did a bit of research and yes, starglider came out the previous year to Driller :)

Starglider 1986

Driller 1987

Rob(Posted 2004) [#27]
ahh but driller was filled 3d and starglider, wireframe. So driller was the first filled 3d game that was interactive.

When did sentinel and 3d monster maze come out?

Ruz(Posted 2004) [#28]
misspelling intelligent is always funny

As is spelling grammar as 'grammer' he he

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#29]
It seems like my blowing up started quite a thread here!
And the above screenies above I have to be completely honest
here and say that I never heard of thoes certain titles.
But they do look very interesting indeed! A few of you guys
have me at a disadvantage here, But that's ok! Im' glad to see that this thread is turning into something better than what it started out before hand!

Andy(Posted 2004) [#30]
>A few of you guys have me at a disadvantage here, But
>that's ok!

Nah, we just lived back when 3D meant that you got all excited by a few lines on the screens!


Kanati(Posted 2004) [#31]
I thought halo wrote cshop in qbasic and a 3D engine powered solely by his own ego.

That was my take on it anyway... :)


sswift(Posted 2004) [#32]
You know Dr Who, a lot of people here will make sarcastinc replies to posts. I do it myself. It's all part of a freindly community that jokes around with eachother. So don't start getting pissed off that people don't just answer your question straight every time. Joking around makes the forum fun.

JoshK(Posted 2004) [#33]
Blitz+ and PureBasic, using the opengl.

poopla(Posted 2004) [#34]

Remind me to not post in an attempt to help Doctor Who. I wouldn't want to get my head bitten off :S.

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#35]
The real Doctor Who would never fly off the handle like that.

This is obviously an imposter.

sswift(Posted 2004) [#36]
Can I borrow your Tardis?

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#37]

You know Dr Who, a lot of people here will make sarcastinc replies to posts. I do it myself. It's all part of a freindly community that jokes around with eachother. So don't start getting pissed off that people don't just answer your question straight every time. Joking around makes the forum fun.

Well let me see here sswift ol' buddy... There one thing in
joking around with someone in a fun way! It's another thing
when you say sarcastic things when someone is asking for help and your not being helpful at all! You'll find out in life when someone is serious about something, It's not funny to joke around with them when they are asking something serious! It would be like someone dying and you make a joke about it. You'll find in a situation like what I just discribed to you that most of the people if not all of them around at that time the joke was mentioned... You'll find most of them wont be laughing at your joke! So think about it for a minute! There's a time for joking with someone. And there's a time not to also!

And on another personal note to your reply. If someone has to come off with a sarcastic remark first towards me, Id' rather that they wouldn't post nothing to me anyways!
It's just like the old saying... "If you can't say nothing nice to someone... Then don't say nothing at all!"

And also! I am quite understanding to the fact that I wont
get a reply for awhile if maybe not at all. So dont try to dictate to me about how im' supposed to be!


Thank's for the info dude! I was just curious as to what you used! I read a post on the IBasic forum awhile back,
and thought maybe you used their development language instead! What changed your mind on it anyways?

Shattered Reality

Remind me to not post in an attempt to help Doctor Who. I wouldn't want to get my head bitten off :S.

Reality Shattered.

Then dont!!!!! Plus anyways... It must also prove that you didn't read my earlier post above... At least not all of them or you wouldn't of posted this here!

This could of happened to anybody on here, And in fact! I have read similar post from the past on here very similar to mine! So quit making it out like im' the only one on these forums that has did this sort of thing!

And im' tired of saying im' sorry for this as I have said it enough! If people on these forums can't read and understand what I've said a many of times now! The the heck with it! everybody makes mistakes in life! And that includes everyone here on these forums too! NOBODY'S PERFECT!!!!

DoctorWho is now materializing into another time period
so c' ya' later people!


The real Doctor Who would never fly off the handle like that.

This is obviously an imposter.

How in the heck would you know anyways!!!! Your one of the people on these forums that likes to critize others on here and JUST PISS THEM OFF anyways! Plus if you really every watched the DoctorWho shows... You would of noticed some of his scenes where he did get very much flamed too! So there you go!!!

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#38]

Can I borrow your Tardis?

No you may not borrow my Tardis!!! Go get your own!!!

Shambler(Posted 2004) [#39]
Like sswift says the community here on Blitz is pretty close.

Most of us realise that if someone makes a sarcastic remark they are only being cheeky and don't mean any offence by it.

Some of us here are so erm..experienced that we remember the bad old days when you had to use sin/cos to rotate vertices, write your own line drawing and hidden line removal code and were really impressed at the the ability to get a wireframe cube on the screen ^^

Now then, this thread has got far too serious, *starts thinking up sarcastic remarks.

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#40]

Like sswift says the community here on Blitz is pretty close.

Most of us realise that if someone makes a sarcastic remark they are only being cheeky and don't mean any offence by it.

That kinda' hard to tell sometimes though! I've found quite alot of people on these forums that was being very serious indeed! So to that reply of yours, It's a hard to decide situation im' afraid!

@Shambler again!

Now then, this thread has got far too serious, *starts thinking up sarcastic remarks.


Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#41]
To ALL Again!!!


Barnabius(Posted 2004) [#42]
Why are you yelling... My hearing aid just blew up because of it ;)


Shambler(Posted 2004) [#43]
*Throws dalek shaped ( cut with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser ) piece of cheese at Barnabius

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#44]
Was the cheese lemburger or another???

sswift(Posted 2004) [#45]

Don't worry, you're immortal. Every time you die you come back.

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#46]

Phish(Posted 2004) [#47]

ChrML(Posted 2004) [#48]
LOL!! I just read DoctorWho's posts at the top of this page. LOL!!! You sound just as I did when I was 11 years old. Overreacting, and flaming just for a single little line written by nathan. Maybe a bit unserious, but contained no offense, and therefore no reason to flame back that way. I say: Grow up, DoctorWho. You sound really childish.

Kanati(Posted 2004) [#49]
What? You're still here? Go home! It's over! :)

soja(Posted 2004) [#50]
They're soft and warm; they've been in my pocket.

N(Posted 2004) [#51]
This thread attracted an unusual amount of attention, to say the least.

poopla(Posted 2004) [#52]
ChrMl, you missed it dude, wheres your timing? Lets all flame ChrML now. You dork!

BlackJumper(Posted 2004) [#53]
No flaming ChrML unless Doctor Who apologises first.



WolRon(Posted 2004) [#54]
Your one of the people on these forums that likes to critize others on here and JUST PISS THEM OFF anyways!

Well, if you act like a child then you deserve to be treated like a child...

My post above was just jesting. You didn't have to take it so seriously, which is what you have to do when posting to/reading forums. You should always try to give the person who made the post the benefit of the doubt since you can never really tell what they truly meant.

This statement:
I belive it was written in BlitzPlus.
is as straightforward of a response as it gets. I would believe that most here would agree that it didn't even hint at being cocky or rude. YOUR response was the one that was out of line. (Look in the mirror.)

I don't criticize others to hurt them, I just try to point out what's wrong (constructive criticism).

BTW, this saying: "If you can't say nothing nice to someone... Then don't say nothing at all!"

I thought was a bit ironic coming from you.

Anyways, you apologized and I'll leave it at that (not that it's any of my concern but you did snap at me as well).

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#55]
It's just like the old saying... "If you can't say nothing nice to someone... Then don't say nothing at all!"

I wish I could go back in time and shoot whoever first came up with that expression. What a load of crap. Taking that idea to its logical extreme, society should be comprised entirely of yes-men.

poopla(Posted 2004) [#56]
"Koooombiaaaaaaaaaa my lord koooooombiaaaaaaa.

Kill the flamers lord, koooombiaaaaaaaaaa.

Make them bleed my loooord, koooombiaaaaa.

Then make them die my lord kooooooooooommmmbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thank you.

N(Posted 2004) [#57]
Roofles and lollerskates.

Sledge(Posted 2004) [#58]

It's just like the old saying... "If you can't say nothing nice to someone... Then don't say nothing at all!"

I wish I could go back in time and shoot whoever first came up with that expression. What a load of crap. Taking that idea to its logical extreme, society should be comprised entirely of yes-men.

But it IS nice to tell someone, maybe someone called George, that it would be a really bad idea to include a CG character who is *so* lame that he even gets the piss taken out of him by C3P0 in his new space movie. Isn't it?

Anyway, you used a double negative so I can say what the hell I want to my boss tomorrow... heh, heh I'LL show YOU, jhocking!

Anyway, the irony of Doctor Who, supposedly well versed in four dimensional thought, being totally flummoxed by the concept of writing 3D functions in a "2D" language almost made up for the sheer heart-rending misery brought about by this: the horrendous realisation that rookie game-heads might actually have swallowed the "3D games are newer, therefore better" line that has slowly been pushed forward since the onset of the 32bit era.

How can somebody NOT know that 3D has been around pretty much forever in gaming? How can someone get to the point where they make a compelte and utter distinction between a "2D" and "3D" programming language? It's not DoctorWho's fault, but if this is what todays ENTHUSIASTS are picking up, then there's clearly a massive portion of their cultural heritage that is simply not being passed on.

Unless we're careful, some of the things that were obvious to our generation -- because we watched them evolving -- are going to be totally lost on the next.

EDIT: Removed a weird half-sentence at the end of post... don't think it was mine, so if you've lost one then let me know.

Ruz(Posted 2004) [#59]
It's just like the old saying... "If you can't say nothing nice to someone... Then don't say nothing at all!"

If that was the case some people in the forum would be 'mutes'