Help with projecting verts

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Help with projecting verts

Tom(Posted 2004) [#1]

In my quest for shadows maps I still need a way to project vertices into camera space without values being clipped when the point is behind the near camera plane. This code copies Blitzs CameraProject(), but I'm 'hoping' there's a way to extend it to provide good values when Z < 0, if anyone feels upto trying, give this code a try:

Graphics3D 800,600,32,2

Global ScreenX#
Global ScreenY#
Global grWidth = GraphicsWidth()
Global grHeight = GraphicsHeight()
Global grHalfWidth = grWidth * .5
Global grHalfHeight = grHeight * .5

CameraRange cam,.001,10
PositionEntity cam,0,0,0
cZoom# = 1.0

ScaleEntity sphere,.1,.1,.1

x# = 1
y# = 0
z# = 2

While Not KeyHit(1)
	If KeyDown(2) cZoom=cZoom - .02
	If KeyDown(3) cZoom=cZoom + .02
	If KeyDown(203) x=x-.1
	If KeyDown(205) x=x+.1

	If KeyDown(200) y=y+.1
	If KeyDown(208) y=y-.1
	If KeyDown(30) z=z+.05
	If KeyDown(44) z=z-.05

	CameraZoom cam,cZoom
	PositionEntity sphere,x,y,z
	Text 10,0,"X: "+x
	Text 10,14,"Y: "+y
	Text 10,28,"Z: "+z
	Text 10,44,"Zoom: "+cZoom
	CameraProject cam,x,y,z
	Text 10,70,"BB Projected:   "+ProjectedX()+","+ ProjectedY()

	Text 10,84,"Func Projected: "+ScreenX+","+ScreenY
	Text 10,560,"cursors to adjust X,Y, 'a' & 'z' to adjust Z, '1' & '2' to adjust Zoom"
	Color 255,0,0
	Oval ScreenX-2,ScreenY-2,4,4,1
	Color 255,255,255


; x,y,z must be in camera space!
Function WorldToScreen(Zoom#,x#,y#,z#)
	If z>=0 ; in front of camera
		f# = Zoom * grHalfWidth
		ScreenX = (x*f)/z + grHalfWidth
		ScreenY = grHeight - ((y*f)/z + grHalfHeight)
	Else ; behind camera, not working!
		f# = Zoom * grHalfWidth
		ScreenX = (x*f)/z + grHalfWidth
		ScreenY = grHeight - ((y*f)/z + grHalfHeight)
	End If	
End Function

Function FovToZoom#(FOV#)
	Return 1.0 / Tan(FOV#/2.0)
End Function

Function ZoomToFov#(Zoom#)
	Return 2*ATan(1.0/Zoom)
End Function


DJWoodgate(Posted 2004) [#2]
	Else ; behind camera
		f# = Zoom * grHalfWidth
		ScreenX = (-x*f)/z + grHalfWidth
		ScreenY = grHeight - ((-y*f)/z + grHalfHeight)
	End If	

or, equally...

	Else ; behind camera
		f# = -Zoom * grHalfWidth
		ScreenX = (x*f)/z + grHalfWidth
		ScreenY = grHeight - ((y*f)/z + grHalfHeight)
	End If	

Perhaps? Is this what you want?