New Vertex Weights

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/New Vertex Weights

Gauge(Posted 2004) [#1]
Okay how do i apply the new vertex weights? am i missing something. I checked over everything and didn't see what changed. Also I use milkshape, if i have to add weighting with my modeler.

QuickSilva(Posted 2004) [#2]
You need to use a program such as CharacterFX to add the actual weights to the vertices. It explains how in the CFX documentation, the results are well worth the effort.


jhocking(Posted 2004) [#3]
Vertex weights are assigned in your animation tool. Milkshape does not support blended vertex weights. CharacterFX is the best low-cost tool which does, and of course all the "big boys" (3D Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave) have blended vertex weights.

Bot Builder(Posted 2004) [#4]
Just wondering - What about dynamic vertex wheights? :-0 I know, crazy, but still. I also think that delete vertice/tris should be implemented first. The main reason this would be useful is animation blending. You would have to have a model with two sets of the same bones, but I'd say it's be worth it. For instance, you could have a limp animation, and then mix it with a shoot animation. You could even mix dynamic physics with animations. for instance, a guy running, and then being shot in the shoulder. Mech Warrier 4 implemented this.

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#5]
What would dynamic vertex weights have to do with animation masking/blending? All the work would be on the bones and have nothing to do with the attachment of vertices to the bones.

Bot Builder(Posted 2004) [#6]
mm. well that's probably because I have no idea how it works normally. If not vertex weights, then what? all I'm saying is you should be able to use vertex weights, although it is probably not the standard method. My idea is to have, say, 4 weights per vertex. 2 for the original bones, and 2 for the copy. then, you can have the seperate sets of bones going through different animations. Actually, I just realised it wouldn't work anyway, unlee you were animating the second set yourself :/. Which would work fine btw if you were only doing physics. Okay, how bout this feature request: More UV sets!!!

Ruz(Posted 2004) [#7]
all i know is that for example if you have a running animation, you could combine it with the upper half of a static 'fire gun' animation and blend the two to make 'run fire'
that would be a nice feature in blitz.i am sure someone could code that anyway

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#8]
@bot builder: Well, I suppose that's one way to do animation blending. It would be computationally expensive to blend every vertex position however. A more efficient approach would be to blend bone position/rotation. Since the vertices are attached to bones the mesh would be blended too. Oh, and another problem with blending vertices directly would be collapsing of the mesh as vertices move to midway between the two keyframe positions.

@Ruz: That's referred to as "masking," not "blending." It's a common misconception. And yes, that is pretty simple to code. Indeed, the exact same code approach (but more complicated) could be used to do blending as well. Basically have two animated skeletons (but no mesh so they are invisible) playing the two animations you want to blend or mask. Then use the position and orientation of the animating bones to set the position and orientation of bones on another skeleton, this one with a mesh attached.