pivot rotate

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/pivot rotate

Panno(Posted 2004) [#1]
i rotate a mesh with over a pivot with entityparent
after rotating i reset the pivot to original x,y,z
now i will make a new rotate but the mesh come back to the old position.
hmm comments ?

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#2]
Any code to demonstrate your problme, as i can't quite understand what your saying :)

Panno(Posted 2004) [#3]
Graphics3D 800,600,32,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
light = CreateLight()
camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,0,5,-6
zeiger = CreateCone()
ScaleEntity zeiger ,.2,2.6,.2
TurnEntity zeiger,180,0,0
EntityColor zeiger,255,111,111
all = CreateSphere()
ball = CreateSphere()
pivot = CreatePivot()
boden = CreateCube():ScaleEntity boden,1,1,2
PositionEntity boden ,0,-1,0
EntityFX boden,33
EntityColor boden,222,222,111
PositionEntity pivot,0,0,0

ScaleEntity all,50,50,50
FlipMesh all
ScaleEntity ball,.25,.25,.25
PositionEntity ball,0,0,0
EntityColor ball,111,111,111

While Not KeyHit(1)
EntityParent boden,pivot,1
If KeyHit(200) Then
rauf =rauf +1
If rauf = 4 Then rauf = 0
For r= 1 To 90
TurnEntity boden,-1,0,0
End If
If KeyHit(208) Then
If rauf = 0 Then rauf = 4
rauf = rauf -1
For r= 1 To 90
TurnEntity boden,1,0,0
End If

If KeyHit(205) Then
rechts = rechts+1
If rechts = 4 Then rechts =0
For r= 1 To 90
If rauf = 0 Or rauf = 2 Then TurnEntity boden,0,1,0
If rauf = 1 Then TurnEntity boden,0,0,-1
End If
If KeyHit(203) Then
If rechts = 0 Then rechts = 4
rechts = rechts-1
For r= 1 To 90
If rauf = 0 Or rauf = 2 Then TurnEntity boden,0,-1,0
If rauf = 1 Then TurnEntity boden,0,0,1

End If

PointEntity camera,ball
PositionEntity zeiger,EntityX(ball),EntityY(ball)-2,EntityZ(ball)
PositionEntity pivot,EntityX(ball),EntityY(ball)-2,EntityZ(ball)
Color 55,55,55
Text 10,10,rauf+" "+runter+" "+rechts+" "+links + " "+ EntityX(boden)

after some rotates the directions not right anymore because
the vectores are changed !

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#4]
Ok, um, before i help with your problem, you only need renderworld in Once per loop, unless you are doing some fancy screen effect, which it doesn't look like you doing.

Calling it several times per loop could cause big slow downs. I'll try and restructure your code, and find your problem. :)

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#5]
Hmmm... i'm still not sure what you mean. What is it you want to happen? And what is it that is happening?

Panno(Posted 2004) [#6]
first this is only a demo code not optimized.
the renderwold is because you will see the rotate steps
such like a animation

after the rotate to the small side from the mesh
use the left or right key to rotate .
now i will press key up but the mesh rotate in a wrong way
(not forward)
now i mean i must use reset the pivot axis or iam wrong


Ross C(Posted 2004) [#7]
OH! Right. That's to do with the way it rotates.Look at it in your head. You rotate the block on the x axis, so it is standing upright. The axises go with the rotations, so the x axis gets rotated round to the y axises position.

Panno(Posted 2004) [#8]
true and whats why i need "static" xyz axes

Shambler(Posted 2004) [#9]
Wouldn't TurnEntity with the 'global' parameter do that?

TurnEntity boden,1,0,0,true

Panno(Posted 2004) [#10]
yes ;)

iam a blind man