BlitzUI & Controling Windows???

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/BlitzUI & Controling Windows???

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi All...

Just wonding if anybody else has used BlitzUI and has anybody ever had any success controling your window's with it? The reason im' asking this is becuase I havn't been able to find any BlitzUI related command or function that will allow me to be able to de-activate an existing window that has been opened previously?!? I want to be able to open another BlitzUI window in my application and de-activate all other opened windows rendering them as unactive untill im' done with the current window that the control is currently on! I've noticed with Jeppe Nielson's BBGui that he has such a function that does that with his windows... I was hopeing that BlitzUI did too... But I havn't been able to find such a function or command?!?
Does anybody out there in the Blitz community have an answer for this??? Or better yet.. A example code fragment show this process in BlitzUI??? I originally was going to use BCF 2.0 GUI for my application, But they don't seem to have menu's within a window to allow for selecting features from a menu's list! Nor have I found Window tab in BCF either! I really like BCF better because it looks more professional in appearence than the others... But the only one I have found to come close is BlitzUI for my applications needs... Do you know if any of these Gui's have they recently been updated?? I wish they would write a editor for BCF 2 and add some more feature to it to make it more complete like BlitzUI is... If they did.. I would use BCF 2 in a minute! Anyways... Thanks all for any help you may have to offer me on this topic!

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#2]
Hey guys...

I just checked out the BlitzUI website just a moment ago
and unfortunately... I still havn't found anything in their updates that can help me with this problem! Dam!!!!
And I really wanted to use BlitzUI for this project too!
Maybe something good will happen and sholve my problem I hope!!
Thank's anyways Guys....!

Odds On(Posted 2004) [#3]
Hi DoctorWho, you can force a window to be modal by using the following SendMessage() command.

SendMessage mywindow, "WM_SETMODAL", True

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#4]
Thank's for the kind info Chris...

But I tried to check this information out in the supplied
documentation that came with BlitzUI and the link to that
certain Flag was dead!!! I counldn't get any information pertaining to that related command! Actually speaking here... There are alot of BlitzUI Commands in the doc's that have dead links and thus can't get any information as to their proper syntax and description! can you see that the doc's are fixed so that me and/or anybody can be able to access the proper links within the supplied doc's to find out about the proper syntax & descriptions of the related commands and/or Flags... Thanks alot man!

Pepsi(Posted 2004) [#5]
I was just trying to figure that out myself, DoctorWho. I would have never guessed "WM_SETMODAL" would disable other windows like that. Thanks for that tip, Chris!

Kozmi(Posted 2004) [#6]
Hey Chris...


SendMessage mywindow, "WM_SETMODAL", True

Isn't working!!! I can still click on the main window below
in my application and still access the menu's! I thought that this code fragment would disable the "mywindow" in question here?!? Or am I doing someting wrong....???

I typed this:

SendMessage( win001, "WM_SETMODAL", True )

Is this the correct syntax? Most of the message links in the documentation that came with BlitzUI doesn't WORK!!!!
Can you post a link to a more recent updated Documentation
for BlitzUI that has the links working in them so I may be
able to read about their descriptions and proper program
syntax as well! I'll appreciate any information that you
can supply me on this matter... Thank's man!