Do These Balls Look Real?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Do These Balls Look Real?

Apocalypse(Posted 2004) [#1]
I am new to Blitz3D (about 6 days) but I found the forums lacking in pure Blitz source code examples for physics. There are alot of 3rd party examples like Tokamac etc but I prefer to exhaust purely coded solutions before moving to 3rd party code.

Here is a demo I made which simulates balls interacting on a plane (Basketballs perhaps) but the values can easily be changed to simulate pool balls or a squash court. I'd like to get some opinions from some more experienced Blitz coders as to my solution.

; Bouncing ball physics - by Vincent DeCampo 2/1/04

Const GRAVITY#=-.05
Const BALLS=1

Graphics3D 640,480

;*** Type for Ball ***
Type Ball_Object
Field Entity
Field x#
Field y#
Field z#
Field dx#
Field dy#
Field dz#
Field xMin#
Field xMax#
Field yMin#
Field yMax#
Field zMin#
Field zMax#
Field elasticity#
Field friction#
End Type

;*** Lets create the floor ***
PositionEntity room,-32,0,-32

;******* Create Initial Ball ******
Blitz.Ball_Object = New Ball_Object
Collisions BALLS, BALLS, 1, 2

;***** Create Camera *****
PositionEntity camera,0,15,-55
;PointEntity camera, Blitz\Entity

; Main Loop
While Not KeyHit(1)

If KeyHit(57) Then

;***** Seed RND Generator *****
SeedRnd (MilliSecs())

;*** Create New Ball ***
Blitz.Ball_Object = New Ball_Object
InitBallVars Blitz

End If

;**** Perform Room Physics ****
For Ball.Ball_Object = Each Ball_Object
BallPhysics (Ball)


;**** Perform Ball-on-Ball Physics ****
CheckCollisions (Blitz)


Text 0,5,"Press SPACE to throw another ball"
Text 0,15,"Press ESC to Exit"





Function CheckCollisions (Ball.Ball_Object)

For C.Ball_Object = Each Ball_Object

If EntityCollided(c\Entity, BALLS)

For i = 1 To CountCollisions(c\Entity)

Ent=CollisionEntity (c\Entity, i)

;Get the normal of the surface which the entity collided with.
Nx# = CollisionNX(c\Entity, i)
Ny# = CollisionNY(c\Entity, i)
Nz# = CollisionNZ(c\Entity, i)

;Compute the dot product of the entity's motion vector And the normal of the surface collided with.
VdotN# = (c\dx# * Nx# + c\dy# * Ny# + c\dz# * Nz#)

;Calculate the normal force.
NFx# = -2.0 * Nx# * VdotN#
NFy# = -2.0 * Ny# * VdotN#
NFz# = -2.0 * Nz# * VdotN#

;Add the normal force to the direction vector.
c\dx# = c\dx# + NFx#/2
c\dy# = c\dy# + NFy#/2 ;Force /2 assumes balls equal in mass
c\dz# = c\dz# + NFz#/2

For Hit.Ball_Object = Each Ball_Object

If Hit\Entity = Ent Then

;Add negative force to collision entity vector
Hit\dx# = Hit\dx# - NFx#/2
Hit\dy# = Hit\dy# - NFy#/2 ;Force /2 assumes balls equal in mass
Hit\dz# = Hit\dz# - NFz#/2

End If





End Function


Function InitBallVars(Ball.Ball_Object)

;Create Ball
ScaleEntity Ball\Entity, 1,1,1
EntityTexture Ball\Entity, txt
EntityType Ball\Entity, BALLS

;*** Variables for Ball ***
Ball\y#=20 ;set ball 20 units above floor
Ball\dy#=0 ;at rest
Ball\elasticity#=.90 ;value from >0 to <1 (1=pure elastic collision)

End Function


Function BallPhysics (Ball.Ball_Object)

If ball\y =< Ball\yMin# Then
Ball\y = Ball\yMin#
Ball\dy = -Ball\dy
Ball\dy = Ball\dy * Ball\elasticity
End If

If Ball\x =< Ball\xMin# Then
Ball\x = Ball\xMin#
Ball\dx = -Ball\dx
Ball\dx = Ball\dx * Ball\elasticity
AlignToVector Ball\Entity, Ball\dx, Ball\dy, Ball\dz,3
End If

If Ball\x >= Ball\xMax# Then
Ball\x = Ball\xMax#
Ball\dx = -Ball\dx
Ball\dx = Ball\dx * Ball\elasticity
AlignToVector Ball\Entity, Ball\dx, Ball\dy, Ball\dz,3
End If

If Ball\z =< Ball\zMin# Then
Ball\z = Ball\zMin#
Ball\dz = -Ball\dz
Ball\dz = Ball\dz * Ball\elasticity
AlignToVector Ball\Entity, Ball\dx, Ball\dy, Ball\dz,1
End If

If Ball\z >= Ball\zMax# Then
Ball\z = Ball\zMax#
Ball\dz = -Ball\dz
Ball\dz = Ball\dz * Ball\elasticity
AlignToVector Ball\Entity, Ball\dx, Ball\dy, Ball\dz,1
End If

If Ball\y >= Ball\yMin# Then
Ball\dy = Ball\dy + GRAVITY
End If

Ball\x = Ball\x + Ball\dx
Ball\z = Ball\z + Ball\dz
Ball\y = Ball\y + Ball\dy

Ball\dx = Ball\dx - (Ball\dx*Ball\friction)
Ball\dz = Ball\dz - (Ball\dz*Ball\friction)

;Move ball to new coords
PositionEntity Ball\Entity, Ball\x, Ball\y, Ball\z

;Rotate mesh to give appearance of rolling
TurnEntity Ball\Entity, Ball\dz*50,0,0, 1

End Function

PS: You will need the file 'Blitzlogo.bmp' to run the demo.


wedoe(Posted 2004) [#2]
No they does not look real.
The gravity is too strong, and the balls doesn't roll naturally.
They kind of slides on the surface.
The balls also goes partly into the court-floor when they bounce from high altitude.

But it's a good start, I'm sure it will be good in the end :)

Apocalypse(Posted 2004) [#3]
But as far as the gravity can change those values to whatever you want in the demo. I'm more concerned with the collisions between balls and the transfer of momentum. As far as I know, this is the only code on this forum that actually demos transfer of momentum from a moving ball to a stationary one.

Ricky Smith(Posted 2004) [#4]
Impressive !

Almo(Posted 2004) [#5]
The momentum transfer looks okay to me. Thing that looks odd is the way balls rolling spin in a slightly different direction than you'd expect given their direction of motion.

Apocalypse(Posted 2004) [#6]
The rotational ball movement happends at the end of the BallPhysics routine. I tried aligning each ball to its vector and then rotating it but that seems to still give some sliding results. I'll keep tweeking.