Cell Shaded Mesh ?jfk

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Cell Shaded Mesh ?jfk

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hay all.

Im trying to cell Shade an animated mesh. as well as some non animated mesh's..

I have had a look at the code archives, and there are 2 good examples. One by jkf, and one by some one else.

The other one is done in a single function which is really nice and easy to implement. however I cant seem to get my outlines small enough. seems to me that the smallest they can go with this function is still way to large.

jfk's one is even better but not in a single function and looks at a glance a bit more complex. Im also not sureif his can outline an animated mesh...(I will be taking a closer lok at it l8r)

So My question is this.
1. Hay jfk any chance you coudl function ize that code. ?
2. Will it handle animated mesh's ?

Is there a way to do it for animated mesh's at all ? ie can it be done.

thanks for any feedback.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#2]
Unfortunately I don't know how to save animated Meshes in B3D, I have no working example. I used to read a very short description by Drago, it must be something with a skelleton node and some keyframes in an Animation Part of the file. I guess if you once know how to do it, it will be pretty simple. I'd suggest to ask somebody who actually released Animation-exporting Tools: Mark Sibly, I guess Terabit, maybe Stickman, as well as the Man behind CharacterFX, UltimateUnwrap3D, if they can give you a Code snippet.

You could also try to "reverse engineer" a .B3D Animation, trying to convert the binary format to something Ascii-like which would make clear how it's organised.

As for the cell-shaded Animation - That depends on how you made the outer hull (which is the outline): in the Modeler and load it with the Mesh, or if you add it at runtime in Blitz from Copymesh,Flipmesh, Scale-up and entitycolor black. If you do add it, then you would have to control the animation sequences for both, simply use the same values for both, so they will run parallely.

I also have to confess that I didn't try ever to use Addmesh with animated Meshes. So I am not shure if you could save two animated Meshes in one B3D file. I think you would have to hand-merge it: since both, inner and outer hull have the same skeleton, you simply could assign the outer hull vertices and Tris to the skelleton of the inner one and save only the Bones and Keyframes of the inner one.

If you gonna have a working Save-animated-Mesh Code, let us know, thx.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#3]
Hay jfk thanks for the reply m8.

Im going to try and create the HULL in the 3D app I use. and have the hull part of the animated mesh. I think it should work out fine.

I was aslo asking if you could be so kind as to edit your code in the archives and making it into functions so that others could easily add it to their code.

Ta m8. and Ill let you all know if I get it working.

aCiD2(Posted 2004) [#4]
if your trying to cel shade a mesh sswift made a great system which i use the link is at:


click in sswifts post where it says Awwww :)

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#5]
link dont work :/

aCiD2(Posted 2004) [#6]
what the 'awww' bit?
ill email it too you if you want

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#7]
Yavin@... and thanks.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#8]
What I ended up doing is creating the hull for each mesh in my 3D modeler. this allowed me to outline animated mesh's and I dont think its given any different results that it would have if I did it in code.

I still have one or two mesh's that dont have an outline, but I think ill leave them like that as they do alreay have a rather large number of pollygons. and surface's
