Giving back to the community...taking requests

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Giving back to the community...taking requests

Pongo(Posted 2004) [#1]
Basically what the title says,... I've gotten a lot of info out of this forum, and I'd like to take some time to give back something to the community. I'm especially enjoying some of the new tokamak stuff, so I thought I would try to help in my own way.

I'm going to make up some 3d models for those of you that need some, so we can hopefully see what this can do. Some of my work can be seen here:

Here is what I have planned:
1. A car model with working doors and hood. (slightly cartoon car based off of the "classic" car on the above site.
2. Cone for the car to hit
3. Some ramps/misc obstacles
4. A bowling pin (See site above)
5. Generic human figure with bones/skin for ragdoll tests

Some other possible objects.
6. A basketball (texture)
7. Basketball hoop.

I'd basically like to get a headcount to find out how many people would be interested in these, and also some new suggestions for the list. I expect to be able to finish some of these over the weekend, but I will probably need someone that is willing to host the files also. Usage will be free to everyone for non-commercial use.


Bot Builder(Posted 2004) [#2]
Sounds like an interesting idea. how bout making the car a convertable and having the generic person inside it :).

N(Posted 2004) [#3]
While you're at it, stick another generic person in the trunk. Seriously.

Sweenie(Posted 2004) [#4]
I can't wait to get my hands on that cool car.

Skitchy(Posted 2004) [#5]
A standard rigged human model with a bunch of standard animations and a 'default' skin would be like finding a nugget of pure gold round here :) Nice thought Pongo, very nice :)

Rottbott(Posted 2004) [#6]
I can host the files if you want.

Difference(Posted 2004) [#7]
I agree. A generic human, (non militaray,GI Joe/Jane agent etc.) would be really great.

[EDIT] PS: Your models looks great.

BlitzSupport(Posted 2004) [#8]
That would be very cool -- some bright spark will soon have the stuff in place to let us all put them to good use!

Ricky Smith(Posted 2004) [#9]
Thanks - I'm sure that will be most appreciated - maybe a tutorial on how Tomakak was implemented with the car would be a useful addition to the list.

If you need any web space for hosting let me know.


Ruz(Posted 2004) [#10]
when you say a generic human, thats a very broad term whatever skin is attached is not going to please everyone

Ricky Smith(Posted 2004) [#11]
As I gather from what Pongo says - the generic human model will be for testing purposes - it should be very useful ! You don't need to use it if you have your own human model you would like to test with.
Looking at Pongo's website it's plain that he's a very talented artist/modeller.

Ruz(Posted 2004) [#12]
yeah he has some nice stuff on there.

Pongo(Posted 2004) [#13]
Thanks for the comments,.... I see there is interest so I will make these up this weekend. The generic human will most likely look like me in plain clothes, but anyone should be able to modify the look with a new texture.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#14]
What cought my eye was the 3D combat game. I did one for my UNI project. and iv been meaning to do it again in B3D. seeing those cool models has just reminded me of the project so thanks..

aCiD2(Posted 2004) [#15]
i want that tank!!! please let me have the tank ^_^!

Pongo(Posted 2004) [#16]
Ok,... I'm almost ready with this stuff.

I did not get the time I though I might over the weekend due to The SuperBowl, my 1 year old, and a nice little snowstorm that kept me shoveling.

anyways,... I decided to not make the objects textured, and I cut back some of the detail on the man to get it done, but I think this will be usefull to some of you. I will post the files later today when things settle down and I get a chance to write up a readme, and make a few final touches.

Here is what the pack will contain.
1. Generic human figure, boned and skinned
2. Road Cone
3. Corner disc
3. Curb section
4. Fence section
5. Pickup truck
6. Pickup truck with moving pieces for doors/hood
7. a couple of basic ramps
8. Bowling pin
9. Barrel
10. an oval racetrack with fence/stands
11. a mud infield for the track with hills/jumps
12. The tank model (due to popular demand)

That's all I can think of at the moment,... Things got a little heavy with the truck/track side of things, but there should be enough here that people will find something they can use. I went with the truck instead of the car I mentioned earlier so the suspension could have more travel, and also because of the articulated doors/hood.

Stay tuned,... more later.

Hansie(Posted 2004) [#17]

Basically what the title says,... I've gotten a lot of info out of this forum, and I'd like to take some time to give back something to the community. I'm especially enjoying some of the new tokamak stuff, so I thought I would try to help in my own way.

I wish more people were like Pongo. The world would be a much better place to live it

Pongo(Posted 2004) [#18]
Ok,... here it is,... version 1.0

The viewer sucks, but I don't have time to fix it now,... plus it's extra anyways,... Anyways, enjoy, and please post anything you make with these!

Here is a link to the file.\proofs\pongo\

If someone (or multiple someones) can please mirror the file,... I will remove this link since this may be up and down.



bradford6(Posted 2004) [#19]
bump... Thanks for all of this!

BlitzSupport(Posted 2004) [#20]
Whoa, only just noticed this because of Sweenie's car code... I know already that the truck is cool, and I'm downloading the zip now, so thanks, Pongo!

Wayne(Posted 2004) [#21]
file not found error message

Pongo(Posted 2004) [#22]
Hmmm,... still works here.

That server is not always up though,... so I really do need someone(s) to mirror the file.

N(Posted 2004) [#23]
Well, it's down at the moment. You can send it off to me and I'll mirror it.

Pongo(Posted 2004) [#24]
Must be locking out certain areas,... it's still up for me. I just emailed the files to you though, so hopefully getting them in another location will help everyone.

Also,... if anyone has trouble with these let me know and I will try to correct things in a future version.

BlitzSupport(Posted 2004) [#25]
I just tried to mirror it but my FTP site is failing to list at the moment... no idea what's up!

Spy(Posted 2004) [#26]
tnx for shareing pongo.. here i made a mirror on my server.. if u need to host any other files just say it.. ..

Rottbott(Posted 2004) [#27]
Here's another mirror:

N(Posted 2004) [#28]

Sorry, took a bit longer than I expected to get it online.