Sequencing anim vs sound

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Sequencing anim vs sound

gellyware(Posted 2003) [#1]
What is the best way to correspond an exact frame of animation to a sound? Here is the code I am working with, and I want the "PlaySound animates_clank1" to play about 1 second after the animation starts. It would be ideal to tell blitz exactly when to play it by knowing exactly which frame the animation is on. Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.

Global animates = LoadAnimMesh ("animates.b3d")
LoadAnimSeq (animates, "animates.b3d")
ScaleEntity animates, 5,5,5
PositionEntity animates,0,0,0

;load animates sounds

Global animates_clank1 = LoadSound ("animates_shield_clank1.mp3")

camera   = CreateCamera ()
PositionEntity camera,0,5,-15

light = CreateLight ()

While Not KeyHit (1)

	If KeyDown (208) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1
	If KeyDown (200) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,1
	If KeyDown (203) Then MoveEntity camera,-1,0,0
	If KeyDown (205) Then MoveEntity camera,1,0,0
	If MouseDown (1) Then TurnEntity camera,0,1,0
	If MouseDown (2) Then TurnEntity camera,0,-1,0
	anim_Animates (animates,GetKey ())


Function anim_Animates (ent, action)
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 1,1)		;idle								seq 2
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 1,15) 	;walk                            	seq 3
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 15, 25)	;chopping motion					seq 4	
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 25, 37)	;forward poking motion				seq 5
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 37, 63)	;fancy swordwork					seq 6
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 63, 74)	;block								seq 7
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 74, 90)	;animates hit						seq 8
	ExtractAnimSeq (animates, 90, 115)	;death								seq 9
	Select action
		Case 49 seq = 2
		Case 50 seq = 3
		Case 51 seq = 4
		Case 52 seq = 5
		Case 53 seq = 6
		Case 54 
			 seq = 7 ;block
			 DebugLog AnimSeq (ent) 
		     PlaySound animates_clank1
		Case 55 seq = 8
		Case 56 seq = 9

	End Select 
	Animate ent,1,.2,seq
End Function

p.s. the part Im stuck is where it says case 54 PlaySound animates_clank1, Id like it to play exactly on the models animation frame 70. Thanks!

(tu) sinu(Posted 2003) [#2]
think your making it harder than it is, simply do

if animseq(entity) = animation ;
if animtime(entity) = no ; frame number you want for sound
playsound clank1


also when extracting an animation sequence give it a handle , makes it easier to know whats what then .eg

walk = extractanimseq(animates, 1,15)

gellyware(Posted 2003) [#3]
sorry, im a noob ;) thanks sinu!

(tu) sinu(Posted 2003) [#4]
you should have posted in the beginners then i would've known that you were a new coder :)