Preparing to do ragdoll physics..

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Preparing to do ragdoll physics..

poopla(Posted 2003) [#1]
I just watched a video of Havok's ragdoll physics, they look pretty good. I was curious though, are they using capsule collisions for the different parts of the arms to get it to look like that? Or do ya think it's polygonal (though I doubt that).

poopla(Posted 2003) [#2]
Only thing we can do right now is meshintersect... wouldnt capsule or cylindrical collision be alot faster? *hint hint*

Rob(Posted 2003) [#3]
These are just verlet contraints, with a line intersect between them I think.

RetroBooster(Posted 2003) [#4]
Rob's right, those ragdoll effects are just achieved by proper constraints (which also means minimum distance constraints, such as the hand and arm verlets can't get closer then 10 units to the chest verlet).

RetroBooster(Posted 2003) [#5]
Using proper angle limitations and limiter constraints you can make em look much as if they use internal collision, but feel free to give limb capsules a try... should be interesting, plus you need em for proper collision with other objects in any case.

poopla(Posted 2003) [#6]
So long as you have two points of set distance, and as long as you know both points hold an equal "collision radius", you have all the information you need for fast capsule collisions. I'll see what I can do.

poopla(Posted 2003) [#7]
I really wish blitz had function pointers... I'm having to use a virtual callback function instead which is undoubtedly inneficient with a system making as my itterations of the code as a physics engine. *cough*mark*cough* ;)