Check players position on a lightmap?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Check players position on a lightmap?

CyBeRGoth(Posted 2003) [#1]

I am sure i saw code for this before but i cannot find it anywhere.

Basically I think it translated your X,Y,Z co-ords to a pixel in your lightmap, so you could tell if, for example you were in a green lit area (and they you could adjust your mesh to look green)

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#2] (I don't know if it's checking the lightmap, I haven't actually used it)

fredborg(Posted 2003) [#3]
Or alternatively this: PickedU(), PickedV(), and PickedW()
They can be modified to work with collisions instead :)

CyBeRGoth(Posted 2003) [#4]
Excellent Fredborg :)

I think this is exactly what I am after if it can be altered to check the second or 3rd texture layer (wherever the lightmap is stored)

Cheers Perturbatio although that code is not quite what I had in mind, it is interesting too

fredborg(Posted 2003) [#5]
Lightmaps normally use uv coordset 1 (the ones exported by gile[s] does at least), so just use something like this:
You can use the new GetBrush and GetTexture commands to find out the pointer to the lightmap texture.

Have fun :)

Caff(Posted 2003) [#6]
I just posted this link the '8 lights' thread, but here you are again :)

this implementation on Blitzcoder

CyBeRGoth(Posted 2003) [#7]
Thanks guys

yeah Caff, that code is the one I had saw before, must have been on blitz coder, no wonder i couldnt find it :)

CyBeRGoth(Posted 2003) [#8]
Hmm I cant quite get it to work
any chance you could post an example of it working at some point using your code Perturbatio?

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#9]
You'd be better off asking Edzup, he wrote it. I've never used that code.

Marcelo(Posted 2003) [#10]
Here's the code I used:

If LinePick(EntityX(Entity), EntityY(Entity), EntityZ(Entity), 0, -15, 0, 0)
	If PickedUVW()
		ARGB = GetTexColor(LMapTex, PickedU(1), PickedV(1)) And $FFFFFF
		R = (ARGB Shr 16 And %11111111) + 20
		G = (ARGB Shr 8 And %11111111)  + 20
		B = (ARGB And %11111111)        + 20
		If R > 255 Then R = 255
		If G > 255 Then G = 255
		If B > 255 Then B = 255

		EntityColor(Entity, R, G, B)

Function GetTexColor(tex,u#,v#)
	Return col
End Function

Type PickedTri
	Field ent,surf,tri			;picked entity, surface and triangle
	Field px#,py#,pz#			;picked xyz
	Field pu#[1],  pv#[1]  ,pw#[1]  ;picked uvw x 2
	Field vx#[2],  vy#[2]  ,vz#[2]  ;vertex xyz
	Field vnx#[2], vny#[2] ,vnz#[2] ;vertex normals
	Field vu#[5],  vv#[5]  ,vw#[5]  ;vertex uvw x 2
End Type

Global g_PickedTri.pickedtri = New pickedtri

Function PickedU#(coordset = 0)
	ptri.pickedtri = g_PickedTri

	If (PickedX()<>ptri\px) Or (PickedY()<>ptri\py) Or (PickedZ()<>ptri\pz) Or (PickedSurface()<>ptri\surf)
	End If
	Return ptri\pu[coordset]
End Function

Function PickedV#(coordset = 0)
	ptri.pickedtri = g_PickedTri

	If (PickedX()<>ptri\px) Or (PickedY()<>ptri\py) Or (PickedZ()<>ptri\pz) Or (PickedSurface()<>ptri\surf)
	End If
	Return ptri\pv[coordset]
End Function

Function PickedW#(coordset = 0)
	ptri.pickedtri = g_PickedTri
	If (PickedX()<>ptri\px) Or (PickedY()<>ptri\py) Or (PickedZ()<>ptri\pz) Or (PickedSurface()<>ptri\surf)
	End If
	Return ptri\pw[coordset]
End Function

Function PickedUVW()
	ptri.pickedtri = g_PickedTri

	If EntityClass(PickedEntity()) = "Terrain"
		terrain = PickedEntity()
		tsize# = TerrainSize(terrain)
		TFormPoint(PickedX(), PickedY(), PickedZ(), 0, terrain)
		ptri\pu[0] = TFormedX() / tsize
		ptri\pv[0] = 1.0 - (TFormedZ() / tsize)
		ptri\pu[1] = ptri\pu[0]
		ptri\pv[1] = ptri\pv[0]
		Return True
	If PickedSurface()
		ptri\ent  = PickedEntity()
		ptri\surf = PickedSurface()
		ptri\tri  = PickedTriangle()
		ptri\px = PickedX()
		ptri\py = PickedY()
		ptri\pz = PickedZ()
		For i = 0 To 2
			TFormPoint VertexX(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i)),VertexY(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i)),VertexZ(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i)),ptri\ent,0

			ptri\vx[i] = TFormedX()
			ptri\vy[i] = TFormedY()
			ptri\vz[i] = TFormedZ()

			ptri\vnx[i] = VertexNX(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i))
			ptri\vny[i] = VertexNY(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i))
			ptri\vnz[i] = VertexNZ(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i))
			ptri\vu[i+0] = VertexU(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i),0)
			ptri\vv[i+0] = VertexV(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i),0)
			ptri\vw[i+0] = VertexW(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i),0)

			ptri\vu[i+3] = VertexU(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i),1)
			ptri\vv[i+3] = VertexV(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i),1)
			ptri\vw[i+3] = VertexW(ptri\surf,TriangleVertex(ptri\surf,ptri\tri,i),1)

		Local coords = 3

		If Abs(PickedNX()) > Abs(PickedNY())
			If Abs(PickedNX())>Abs(PickedNZ()) Then coords = 1
			If Abs(PickedNY())>Abs(PickedNZ()) Then coords = 2
		Local a0#,a1#,b0#,b1#,c0#,c1#
		If (coords = 3)
			a0# = ptri\vx[1] - ptri\vx[0]
			a1# = ptri\vy[1] - ptri\vy[0]
			b0# = ptri\vx[2] - ptri\vx[0]
			b1# = ptri\vy[2] - ptri\vy[0]
			c0# = PickedX() - ptri\vx[0]
			c1# = PickedY() - ptri\vy[0]
			If (coords = 2)
				a0# = ptri\vx[1] - ptri\vx[0]
				a1# = ptri\vz[1] - ptri\vz[0]
				b0# = ptri\vx[2] - ptri\vx[0]
				b1# = ptri\vz[2] - ptri\vz[0]
				c0# = PickedX() - ptri\vx[0]
				c1# = PickedZ() - ptri\vz[0]
				a0# = ptri\vy[1] - ptri\vy[0]
				a1# = ptri\vz[1] - ptri\vz[0]
				b0# = ptri\vy[2] - ptri\vy[0]
				b1# = ptri\vz[2] - ptri\vz[0]
				c0# = PickedY() - ptri\vy[0]
				c1# = PickedZ() - ptri\vz[0]
			End If
		End If

		Local u# = (c0*b1 - b0*c1) / (a0*b1 - b0*a1)
		Local v# = (a0*c1 - c0*a1) / (a0*b1 - b0*a1)

		If (u<0.0 Or u>1.0) Or (v<0.0 Or v>1.0)
			Return False
		End If
		ptri\pu[0] = (ptri\vu[0] + ((ptri\vu[1] - ptri\vu[0]) * u) + ((ptri\vu[2] - ptri\vu[0]) * v)) Mod 1
		ptri\pv[0] = (ptri\vv[0] + ((ptri\vv[1] - ptri\vv[0]) * u) + ((ptri\vv[2] - ptri\vv[0]) * v)) Mod 1
		ptri\pw[0] = (ptri\vw[0] + ((ptri\vw[1] - ptri\vw[0]) * u) + ((ptri\vw[2] - ptri\vw[0]) * v)) Mod 1

		If ptri\pu[0]<0.0 Then ptri\pu[0] = 1.0 + ptri\pu[0]
		If ptri\pv[0]<0.0 Then ptri\pv[0] = 1.0 + ptri\pv[0]
		If ptri\pw[0]<0.0 Then ptri\pw[0] = 1.0 + ptri\pw[0]
		ptri\pu[1] = (ptri\vu[3] + ((ptri\vu[4] - ptri\vu[3]) * u) + ((ptri\vu[5] - ptri\vu[3]) * v)) Mod 1
		ptri\pv[1] = (ptri\vv[3] + ((ptri\vv[4] - ptri\vv[3]) * u) + ((ptri\vv[5] - ptri\vv[3]) * v)) Mod 1
		ptri\pw[1] = (ptri\vw[3] + ((ptri\vw[4] - ptri\vw[3]) * u) + ((ptri\vw[5] - ptri\vw[3]) * v)) Mod 1

		If ptri\pu[1]<0.0 Then ptri\pu[1] = 1.0 + ptri\pu[1]
		If ptri\pv[1]<0.0 Then ptri\pv[1] = 1.0 + ptri\pv[1]
		If ptri\pw[1]<0.0 Then ptri\pw[1] = 1.0 + ptri\pw[1]
		Return True
	End If
	Return False
End Function

Some hints:

- Don't linepick() every frame, instead, store the entity position of the last pick, and only do another linepick when the difference from the current position is greater than some thresold, this way if your character is stopped there's no processing at alll.

- Don't forget to create at least one directional dynamic light to shade your character.

fredborg(Posted 2003) [#11]
Marecelo: That's a nice update :)

CyBeRGoth(Posted 2003) [#12]
Excellent work
Thanks a lot Marecelo :)