GetBrush to Get Maplet's Lightmap Texture?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/GetBrush to Get Maplet's Lightmap Texture?

Pepsi(Posted 2003) [#1]

Instead of using my .b3d loader that uses banks, I would like to simplify things with the getbrush commands.

I used both commands to see if I can find the lightmap in my maplet made room where it was able to get every texture from every surface except for the texture lightmap that is applied to the second uv set. I want to get the texture name of the lightmap that is applied to my maplet made .b3d room. I'm probably being blind, but is there a way to do this?

Here's my function:
Function debugmesh(thisMesh)
	; GetSurfaceBrush Test
	numofsurfaces=CountSurfaces(thisMesh) ; 1...Count
	DebugLog "numofsurfaces="+numofsurfaces
	For i=1 To numofsurfaces
		DebugLog "texturename="+TextureName$(texture)
		FreeTexture texture
		FreeBrush brush
	; GetEntityBrush Test
	DebugLog "entity texturename="+TextureName$(texture)
	FreeTexture texture
	FreeBrush brush
End Function

Thanks for any help...

Pepsi(Posted 2003) [#2]
I was being blind. Sorry for posting ahead of myself :/


index of GetBrushTexture was what I needed.