Unusual graphics prob

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Unusual graphics prob

Neo Genesis10(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hiya. Check the following code out. Basically I load in a 3DS mesh using LoadAnimMesh and use a sperical map texture on it. My problem is that a small section of the sphere has a 'stain' for want of a better word for it which looks unsightly at the top of the sphere.

Dim p_up(9)

Global orb_map = LoadTexture("textures\spherical\p_up.png", 64)
Global uni_map = LoadTexture("textures\spherical\universe.png", 64)

powerup = LoadAnimMesh("meshes\p_ups\standard.3ds")

ScaleEntity powerup, .05, .05, .05

For I = 1 To CountChildren( powerup )
	entity = GetChild(powerup, I)
	name$ = EntityName$(entity)
	If Instr(name$, "orb")
		EntityTexture entity, orb_map
		EntityShininess entity, 0
		EntityTexture entity, uni_map
		EntityShininess entity, 1

For I = 1 To CountChildren( powerup )
	entity = GetChild(powerup, I)
	name$ = EntityName$(entity)
	If Instr(name$, "orb")
		EntityColor entity, 255, 0, 0
		p_up(0) = CopyEntity(powerup)
		EntityColor entity, 0, 0, 255
		p_up(1) = CopyEntity(powerup)
		EntityColor entity, 255, 0, 255
		p_up(2) = CopyEntity(powerup)
		EntityColor entity 0, 192, 0
		p_up(3) = CopyEntity(powerup)

FreeEntity powerup

That covers every change made to the model. The 'stain' is apparent on all colored versions of the model and the spherical texture used is a simple greyscale gradient (sunburst) with a bright center and dark outer. I would post an example, but Angelfire sucks at that kinda thing.

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#2]
could you e-mail me it so i can check it out
my email is:rosscrooks@...

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#3]
everything after the colon :)