Does Blitz check for collisions if you don't ask?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Does Blitz check for collisions if you don't ask?

Farflame(Posted 2003) [#1]
Just wondering, because I'm trying to squeeze as much power out of my game as possible. I've got 3000 ships flying around and it's only slowing down slightly, even when most of them are visible, but the more power I can squeeze out the better. Does it check for collisions, even if I don't issue a command, and if so, can I turn it off? Does it check anything else that I can turn off that would speed things up?

Does entityshininess make any difference? They look nice when they're shiny, but I'd prefer the speed.

Incase you're wondering, I don't need collision detection at all in my game, I just want LOTS of ships.

GfK(Posted 2003) [#2]
It only checks for collisions if you have collisions set up, and even then they go undetected if you don't call UpdateWorld once per loop. The downside is that UpdateWorld also updates animated meshes.

EntityShininess makes no difference at all to the speed of your game.
Graphics3D 800,600
box = CreateCube()
sphere = CreateSphere()
camera = CreateCamera()
light = CreateLight()
MoveEntity camera,0,2,-5
MoveEntity box,-3,0,0
MoveEntity sphere,3,0,0
EntityType Sphere,1
EntityType Box,2
Collisions 1,2,3,1

While Not KeyDown(1)
	MoveEntity sphere,-0.1,0,0
	UpdateWorld() ; Try commenting out this line

Farflame(Posted 2003) [#3]
That's good, I'm not sure I need animations anyway, so that might save some time :)

Rob(Posted 2003) [#4]
other tips:

minimise how many seperate calls to collisions command you make to set up collisions. The more seperate collision ID's you have (not necessarily how many things collide), the slower the system will be.

consider hiding entities you don't need colliding, especially if they are not rendered.

Litobyte(Posted 2003) [#5]
Shininess in blitz3D looks like plastic, really looks like first dx6 things.

One thing I remember was better in 3drad, is the rendering itself, you add shininess, and the mesh looks metal.

I don' know why, what can be done, perhaps being able to change the specular color ? If is always a full opaque white, it will always look plastic.

_PJ_(Posted 2003) [#6]
If you DONT need collision detection, at all - for anything - don't even mention it in your code. If you dont use update world, or collision detection it will make your game faster. You don't have to set Collision data or EntityTypes if you aren't using collisions.

Loocipher(Posted 2003) [#7]
I thought Blitz shininess looks fantastic given enough polygons and the right lighting.