Collisions help, please!

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Collisions help, please!

elseano(Posted 2003) [#1]

Could someone help me with this code?
I am trying to make the camera stop moving when it comes into contact with the ground. Don't bother running it, though, because it your computer won't have the hieghtmap images, etc.


Graphics3D 640,480 ;set the graphics


SetBuffer BackBuffer() ;set the buffer

;; make stuff ;;

EntityParent cam1,piv
tex1=LoadTexture( "C:/SEANS FILES/texture1.bmp" )
tex2=LoadTexture( "C:/SEANS FILES/texture2.bmp" )
BrushTexture brush1,tex1
BrushTexture brush2,tex2
AmbientLight 255,255,255
grass_tex=LoadTexture( "C:/SEANS FILES/grasstex.bmp" )
ship=LoadMesh( "media/geometricks_models/fighter/fighter.3ds" )
water_tex=LoadTexture( "C:/water.bmp" )
grass_tex=LoadTexture( "C:/SEANS FILES/grasstex.bmp" )
sky_tex=LoadTexture( "C:/sky.bmp" )

; Load terrains
terrain=LoadTerrain( "C:/hieghtmap.bmp" )
water=LoadTerrain( "C:/watermap.bmp" )

; Scale terrain
ScaleEntity terrain,1,60,1
ScaleEntity water,1,90,1

; Texture terrain

EntityTexture terrain,grass_tex,0,1
EntityTexture water,water_tex,0,1

; Set terrain detail, enable vertex morphing
TerrainDetail terrain,4000,True
TerrainDetail water,4000,True

;; do stuff ;;

Const cam_col=1
Const ground_col=2
EntityType cam1,cam
EntityType terrain,ground
Collisions cam1,ground,2,1

;; move stuff ;;

RotateEntity light,100,0,0
RotateEntity cam1,45,0,0
CameraViewport cam1,0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight()
PositionEntity terrain,0,0,0
PositionEntity water,0,0,0
PositionEntity cam1,100,13,100
RotateEntity cam1,0,0,0

;; controls ;;

While Not KeyHit(1)

Print"Sean's first go at a 3D game. Use the cursor keys to move about :)"

roll#=0 MoveEntity cam1,0,0,0.5 ;move forwards
If KeyDown (203)=True Then roll#=0 TurnEntity cam1,0,1,0 ;turn left
If KeyDown (205)=True Then roll#=0 TurnEntity cam1,0,-1,0;turn right
If EntityCollided(cam1,terrain) Then Print "Collided!"






Ross C(Posted 2003) [#2]
Hey, i looked thru it and u aren't setting the collisions correctly. Your entity type says

Const cam_col=1 
Const ground_col=2 
EntityType cam1,cam ; cam should be cam_col
EntityType terrain,ground ; ground should be ground_col
Collisions cam1,ground,2,1

so it should read this
Const cam_col=1 
Const ground_col=2 
EntityType cam1,cam_col
EntityType terrain,ground_col 
Collisions cam1,ground,2,1

Hope that helps :o)

elseano(Posted 2003) [#3]
thank u very, very much

Al Mackey(Posted 2003) [#4]
uh.. also:

Collisions cam1,ground,2,1

should be:

Collisions cam_col,ground_col,2,1

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#5]
opses, sorry for missing that :S