Help with fps code - please!

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Help with fps code - please!

John Blackledge(Posted 2003) [#1]
Please could someone check this timing code. It's driving me mad.
It should of course be limited to 30 fps, but when I'm looking out to sea (no entiites) it rises up as high as 54 even on my dog-slow machine.
On a ninja machine it can rise up to 60 fps causing my characters to speed-walk, and other silly frame dependant effects.

Const FPS=30
Global framePeriod = 1000/FPS
Global frameTime = MilliSecs() - framePeriod
Global frameElapsed
Global frameLimit

Function MainRedraw()
Local frameTicks, frameTween#
Local z
frameElapsed = MilliSecs()-frameTime
Until frameElapsed
frameTicks = Int(Float(frameElapsed) / Float(framePeriod) )
frameTween# = Float(frameElapsed Mod framePeriod) / Float(framePeriod)
For frameLimit = 1 To frameTicks
frameTime = frameTime + framePeriod
If frameLimit = frameTicks Then CaptureWorld
; PlayerFunctions(mousemode)
; CharServices()
; UpdateScene()
RenderWorld frameTween#
; 2D Overlays
Flip False
; Wav_Services()
; Music_Services()
End Function

Would really appreciate some feedback on this. Thanks.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2003) [#2]
I would use something entirely diffrent
Const FPS=30
Global framePeriod = 1000/FPS
Global frameTime = MilliSecs() - framePeriod
Global frameElapsed
Global frameLimit


Function MainRedraw()
Local frameTicks, frameTween#
Local z
 while ms<frametime
   delay 1
 ; PlayerFunctions(mousemode)
 ; CharServices()
 ; UpdateScene()
 ; 2D Overlays
 ; Wav_Services()
 ; Music_Services()
End Function

Not shure if you need the Frame Tweening at all.

John Blackledge(Posted 2003) [#3]
I thought frame tweening was supposed to be absolutely crucial for smooth animation of moving characters?

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2003) [#4]
I am not the most wise guy around, but I think when you want to limit the game to 30 Frames then you can also use static values for Movement and Animation Speeds.

If you use variable Frametimes and Movementvalues then you can also use the UpdateWorld(n) Parameter to adjust the Animation Speed. But to be honest - I never use Captureworld, Frametweening aso., so I could be totally wrong here.

Doggie(Posted 2003) [#5]
Oh...a wise guy, eh? nyuk nyuk

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2003) [#6]
I said I am not.