looking for advises or samples to create magics sort or special FX

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/looking for advises or samples to create magics sort or special FX

Chgros(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hello everybody
Firts Excuse my bad english and the mitakes / error i can write

I'm creating a 3D fighting game.
I'm making a few tools so that i can create a system like mugen, but in 3D
So i already made a tool to assigh a bounding sphere ad proprieties on each bones
a tool to cut anim and link them to the input... and the core engine would be as dynamic as possible so that everybody can insert a fighter in the game (with some rules to repect of crouse).
every params are read on files created with these tools.

so i'm trying now to make a tool to create the special FX and Special hints of my characters and read those config files on my engine

I mean, load an object with textures an its proprieties, attach a particle emiter to it, modifiy his proprieties, and define trajectories

I 'm lookin for help, advises , code samples or anything that can help me to create this effects, and all specail FX in blitz

i mean
how to make a fireball or light boomerang and those sort of effects tike in street fighter
How to make Kamehameha and other magic sorts like in the Dragon Ball Z games or In the DBZ budokai on ps2 ...

Hom to make magic sort, like storm .. fire wall, fire ring ....

that's the first thing

the other thing is how to tell an object to move like a match trajectory

i mean

i have a trajectory function like in math f(x) = sin(y) + z or f(x) = y² + 8
how to do so that my mesh follow this trajectory equation ?

thank you for all your advises that can really really help me.

Sunteam Software(Posted 2003) [#2]
A lot of the effects use very primitive shapes but with good texture detail which usually suffices due to the fact that they are not on screen for too long a period to be scrutinised.

Therefore you could do a beam for example by texturing a cylinder which is being stretched to it's destination in a short time frame then is gone. Also by rotating or moving the texture you can add a level of dynamic effect to the object.

Simply fire explosions are often done with a cylinder which has a broad top and a smaller base, which is textured and then the top is stretched outwards and upwards whilst the texture is moved/rotated around the object.

The EntityAlpha is your friend for effects. When objects are less than totally solid (i.e. see-through, alpha'd) they give the impression of effect without the solid rigidity of geometry.

I'm not sure what you mean about the trajectory stuff but to move objects with an inertia value you would probably use MoveEntity, whereas if you wanted to move a mesh to an absolute position within 3D space you would use PositionEntity.

Hope something here helps.

Chgros(Posted 2003) [#3]
oki thanks for your advise

i know that fo my problem with trajectories i'm not really clear

I mean
I want to attribute a mesh,a trajectory equation
i mean
if i want a complex equation, not straight on , or sin or cos, and that i don't want to specify all the points the mesh will go , i want to specify an trajectory equation

i want my mesh to follow the eaquation y = x² + 3
and i dont to manualy move my model to x=1, x=2 , x=3 ....

juste specify an equetion and a start position .
and the mesh/model will follow this equation

i'm sorry i think i'm too bad in english
I can't really well explain what i want.

Can someone understand me ? ^_^

fo the effects .. i would love someone help to make a sample/example for the community

for exemple

or this one

how to make this HALO/AURA effect auround the model, but which follow the model (not only a pivot) followhis leg, arms whil his animating ?

And how to make these sort of special hint .is it only a sprite ?

mearrin69(Posted 2003) [#4]
Well, some guesses:

#1: Don't know about this one - really depends on how it's animated. If those rays all move relative to each other then it might just be a big sprite. If they move independently then they might be separate entities - cylinders maybe.

#2: Several concentric spheres texture mapped. I assume the spheres are animated in some way (growing/shrinking?) and probably the textures also.

#3: Looks like a couple of cylinders centered on the character. Same as #2 for animation.

#4: Not sure but the beam actually looks like a 2D sprite - though that would give you problems as the thing points more toward the camera. Looks like there's a very faint cylinder around the character too.

In general, as mentioned above, these effects all rely on choosing a set of simple (low poly) primitives and mapping them with some sort of decent effect texture (suitably alpha mapped). The primitives and textures can be animated to achieve the desired effect. Vertex and entity alpha can be animated as well.

Also, don't forget about particles. Combining a particle emitter with some of these glowing volumes can really extend the range of possible effects.

Hope that helps at all.

semar(Posted 2003) [#5]
What mearrin69 said.

Also, about your question:

I want my mesh to follow the eaquation y = x² + 3
and i dont to manualy move my model to x=1, x=2 , x=3 ....

juste specify an equetion and a start position .
and the mesh/model will follow this equation

So, if I understand fine, you want to give to your model an equation path, and the entity should move on that path.

That's possible, and it's also obvious that it can't be automatic - I mean, you have to give values to x in order to get values for y.

Consider for example the gravity function; if you let an egg dropping, in real life, it will use the function:
S = (1/2)*g*t^2

Where S is the lenght traveled, g is the gravity acceleration, and t is the time.

So, as you see, you need to give values to t (time), if you want to predict where your egg will be before to meet the floor (don't try this on a expensive carpet !).

The same is applyed on your functions.

If you want to move an object accordingly with the time passed, then you have to calculate millisecs(), and get the y values accordingly:
y = t^2 + 3

Obviously, your object will move on a y axis, because the function
y = t^2 + 3
does not consider the X and Z axis, for example.

If you write instead
y = x^2 + 3
and give values to x, then your model will move on a YX plane (Z is not considered).

I hope I did not confused you !


Chgros(Posted 2003) [#6]
Now it's ok
thank you for all these advises
I understand , thx

Blitz can't resolve equation

But wanted to know if there was a good way to do that

So if y have z = ax + by + c

I have to specify x and y at each millisec
then i can calculate Z

OK thanks
Sorry if i didn't explain well my problem ...
Still have problems to explains technical things on a langage wich is not mine.

I have Still the problem on the FX and magic
I knew that that use mesh + alpha + sprite + alpha + particules
Is there any concrete sample anywhere ?
Can someone try to recreate one of these effect ahead?

thank you very much
AND Have a nice week end :-)

Chgros(Posted 2003) [#7]
no one to try ??

GrrBrr(Posted 2003) [#8]
there is an example with blitz3d... it's called big_bang by richard betson...

it does the same thing... just with spheres instead of cylinders, okay not exactly the same, but it's the same principle..

Akat(Posted 2003) [#9]
1... practice the same u do lens flare effect. something like a texture attach it to the main camera...

2... this one is really easy i think. just apply the 'aura' texture onto the sphere and then alpha it wisely...

3... this one the easiest - using 'particle system'...

4... a bit though.. model it in 3d modeler and then texture it with plasma type of bitmap... make the texture roll or whatever...

Chgros(Posted 2003) [#10]
thx for these reply