"Getting" the node/pivot froma b3d file

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/"Getting" the node/pivot froma b3d file

Gauge(Posted 2003) [#1]
I know how to use countsurfaces,getsurfaces to get all the information for a surface/mesh. But how can i "get" each node or pivot for the surface/mesh? not a clue how to do this? Reason being I need to attach a new mesh/weapon to the parentmesh, and assign it to a pivot/node so it moves with the hand,etc. Thanks

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#2]
The word you're looking for is "children," as in the child objects parented/attached to the root node of your model. You grab child objects using the child commands like GetChild and FindChild. The former is more useful if you don't know anything about the model (use CountChildren and loop through to the one you want) while the latter is more useful if you know a lot about the model (since you can attach a handle straight to the child you want based on object name.)