Paint Terrain Texture

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Paint Terrain Texture

Filax(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hi :)

How i can paint a terrain texture, with 3D position => 2D coordinate ?

i have try :

Function Trace(Px,Pz)
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(grass_tex)
Color 255,255,0
Oval Px,Pz,15,15,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
End Function

but don't work ?

Mathieu A(Posted 2003) [#2]
Salut filax!

Function paint_terrain()

LockBuffer TextureBuffer(ombre)
For x#=-paint_size To paint_size
For z#=-paint_size To paint_size
If xx+x#=>0 And xx+x#<t_size And zz+z#=>0 And zz+z#<t_size
Select brtype
Case 0
dist# = (paint_size-Sqr(x#^2+z#^2))*opacite#*2
Case 1
dist# = (paint_size-Sqr(x^2+z^2))*opacite#*2*Rnd(0,1)
Case 2
If Sqr(x#^2+z#^2)<=paint_size Then dist# = paint_size*opacite*2 Else dist#=0
End Select
If dist>0

If yy#<0 Then yy#=0
If yy#>100 Then yy#=100

r1= 255
g1= 255
b1= 255
r2= R_paint
g2= G_paint
b2= B_paint
r3= R_paint/1.2
g3= G_paint/1.2
b3= B_paint/1.2

If yy#<=50
WritePixel xx+x,t_size-(zz+z),getrgb(r1+(r2-r1)*yy*.02,g1+(g2-g1)*yy*.02,b1+(b2-b1)*yy*.02),TextureBuffer(OMBRE)
WritePixel xx+x,t_size-(zz+z),getrgb(r2+(r3-r2)*(yy-50)*.02,g2+(g3-g2)*(yy-50)*.02,b2+(b3-b2)*(yy-50)*.02),TextureBuffer(ombre)
End If
End If
End If
UnlockBuffer TextureBuffer(ombre)
End Function

the texture "ombre" is in multitexturing.
t_scale= scale du terrain

t_size= size du terrain (64,128,256,...)

Filax(Posted 2003) [#3]
Merci poto :) vive la france !

Mathieu A(Posted 2003) [#4]
De rien filax!!

Au fait, ca marche bien??

Filax(Posted 2003) [#5]
J'ai pas encore eu le temps de tester mais j'ai mis la routine dans un coin.

Wiebo(Posted 2003) [#6]

mrtricks(Posted 2003) [#7]
Take a look at Total Terrain 2 (click the link in my sig) - you can paint textures directly onto the terrain as well as sculpt it...

Filax(Posted 2003) [#8]
I have try it ! very good job ! but ?? how i can use TOT files ?