And yes, the dreaded joystick Joyroll question

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/And yes, the dreaded joystick Joyroll question

Der Vampyr Engel(Posted 2003) [#1]
Yes How can I get my HO.T.A.S joystick throttle to straffe left and right or steer like a plane's I have managed to convert the Xfighter demo to work with my Thrustmaster Afterburner Forcefeedback and my X35/36 gameport H.O.T.A.S.
Joystick and throttle setup's properly after I got them before and I then had some strange problems hovercraft or hovertank or roll when in a spaceship or steer when it's in a Air Dominance Fighter like an F16.

Listen, if you just want to put up negative or stupid comments please do not reply to this thread, I don't have the latest book to show me so I need some example code to show me how to prgram rudders/straffing axises

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#2]
What's so dreaded about joystick questions?

Al Mackey(Posted 2003) [#3]
I wrote this little thing while trying to track down my own joystick's odd axii.. axisses.. axi.. whatever. Perhaps it'll help.

Graphics 800,300,0,2

While Not KeyHit(1)

	Text (0, 0, "ID")
	Text (50, 0, "X")
	Text (100, 0, "Y")
	Text (150, 0, "Z")
	Text (200, 0, "U")
	Text (250, 0, "V")
	Text (300, 0, "Yaw")
	Text (350, 0, "Pit")
	Text (400, 0, "Rol")
	Text (450, 0, "Hat")
	Text (500, 0, "Buttons")

	For n=0 To 16
		If (JoyType(n) > 0)
			Text (0, 15+n*15, n)
			Text (50, 15+n*15, Int(JoyX(n)*1000))
			Text (100, 15+n*15, Int(JoyY(n)*1000))
			Text (150, 15+n*15, Int(JoyZ(n)*1000))
			Text (200, 15+n*15, Int(JoyU(n)*1000))
			Text (250, 15+n*15, Int(JoyV(n)*1000))
			Text (300, 15+n*15, Int(JoyYaw(n)*1000/180))
			Text (350, 15+n*15, Int(JoyPitch(n)*1000/180))
			Text (400, 15+n*15, Int(JoyRoll(n)*1000/180))
			Text (450, 15+n*15, Int(JoyHat(n)))
			btns$ = ""
			For b = 0 To 20
				If (JoyDown(b,n)) btns = btns + b + " "
			Text (500, 15+n*15, btns)
		End If


Der Vampyr Engel(Posted 2003) [#4]
Well Joe, some people seem to object that I ask questions about external input programming so that is why I called this thread the dreaded joystick roll question so those who didn't wish to answer wouldn't :)

Der Vampyr Engel(Posted 2003) [#5]
Thanks AL but I need to know how exactly do actually write the formula, I know that my new Thrustmaster Afterburner Shock( My other Afterburners aren't working) I got of Ebay as well as my Saitek X35T & X36F H.O.T.A.S. Gameport support the Joy_U Joy_X and Joy_Y (The Saitek supports more axies) but I need to know how exactly you write it , thanks for the help though AL

Der Vampyr Engel(Posted 2003) [#6]
Still really like some help on this :)

Der Vampyr Engel(Posted 2003) [#7]
Nobody know's? ok