3D Spawn Effect?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/3D Spawn Effect?

mearrin69(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hi all,
Any suggestions for creating a cool spawn effect for a 3D deathmatch type game? Not sure how to go about this...seems like a quad or sprite with an animated texture would look funny if it ended up intersecting the character/weapon/powerup. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks.

Magitta(Posted 2003) [#2]
I have an idea! If you're using 3ds or x for models then you could do the following:
Alpha the entity to 0
create glowing sprites at each vertex of the model (all alphaed to 0)
make the sprites fade from 0 to 1 (perhaps make them grow a bite in size)
then set the weapon or player alpha to 1
then fade away the sprites (fade their size too if you like)
and voila! You're enitty has warped in!! I've made this piece of code myself some time ago but I lost it.

mearrin69(Posted 2003) [#3]
Not bad. I like the concept. Could be a lot of sprites but I could do every other vert or something. Thanks for the suggestion.

rsbrowndog(Posted 2003) [#4]
How about using a sphere with an animated texture, start the sphere really small and then expand it so that it would completely enclose the model, then position the model inside the sphere and entityalpha the sphere down so it eventually disappears, revealing the model?

