export ASE to B3D

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/export ASE to B3D

DareDevil(Posted 2003) [#1]
The code is free and all modify is free for all
the code is not perfect and not support animation

Include "b3dfile.bb"

Graphics3D 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

const ArrDim = 20000
const ArrMat = 100
global Obj_name$
global XYZ_Count_vertex
global XYZ_Count_face
global XYZ_px#, XYZ_py#, XYZ_pz#
global XYZ_ax#, XYZ_ay#, XYZ_az#, XYZ_aw#
global XYZ_sx#, XYZ_sy#, XYZ_sz#
global UVW_Count_vertex
global UVW_Count_face
global UVW_Count_vertex1
global UVW_Count_face1
global UVW_OffU0# = 1
global UVW_OffV0# = 1
global UVW_OffU1# = 1
global UVW_OffV1# = 1
global UVW_TileU0# = 1
global UVW_TileV0# = 1
global UVW_TileU1# = 1
global UVW_TileV1# = 1
global UVW_for_XYZ
dim XYZ_vertex#(ArrDim,3)
dim XYZ_normal#(ArrDim,3)
dim XYZ_face(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_vertex#(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_face(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_vertex1#(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_face1(ArrDim,3)
global MAT_Count;
dim MatName$(ArrMat) ; nome materiale
dim MatTex0$(ArrMat) ; nome texture default
dim MatTex1$(ArrMat) ; nome texture lightmap
dim MatR#(ArrMat) ; color R
dim MatG#(ArrMat) ; color G
dim MatB#(ArrMat) ; color B
dim MatA#(ArrMat) ; Opacity
dim MatShine#(ArrMat) ; Shininess

Global ObjExp = CreateMesh();
dim tex0(30)
dim tex1(30)
Dim Bru(30)

;Convert_Ase_B3d("obj.ASE","Viewer V&D\gfx\Obj.B3D")
Text 0,00,"Inizio esportazione"

; Test
; Load texture
;TextureBlend texk0,2
;PositionTexture texk0,0,0
;ScaleTexture texk0,1,1
;RotateTexture texk0,0
;TextureBlend texk1,2
;PositionTexture texk1,0,0
;ScaleTexture texk1,1,1
;RotateTexture texk1,0
; Create brush
; Apply texture to brush
;BrushTexture brush,texk0,0,0
;BrushTexture brush,texk1,0,1
;positionentity cube,0,1000,0
;scaleentity cube,10,10,10
; Paint mesh with brush
;PaintMesh cube,bru(0)
;PaintMesh cube,brush

Text 0,10,"Esportazione avvenuta con successo"
; -------------------------------
; Creation de la caméra
; -------------------------------
Global Mouse_X_Speed#
Global Mouse_Y_Speed#
Global Camera
Global Camera_VelX#
Global Camera_VelZ#
Global Camera_Pitch#
Global Camera_Yaw#

rotateentity camera,0,0,0
;PositionEntity camera,290,-600,2380 ; da inc a metri x100
PositionEntity camera,0,0,0 ; da inc a metri x100
CameraRange camera,0.1,10000
;formula del fov camera Zoom =Sqrt(Fov)
;CameraZoom camera, sqr(50) ; 1 = 10 di fov // 7.5 = 50 di fov
CameraZoom camera, 1 ; 1 = 10 di fov // 7.5 = 50 di fov
; -------------------------------
; Chargement de l'objet
; -------------------------------
;ObjExp=LoadMesh( "Obj.b3d" )
;ObjExp=LoadAnimMesh( "Obj.b3d" )
;Animate ObjExp, 1
RotateEntity ObjExp,0,0,0
PositionEntity ObjExp,0,0,0
EntityShininess ObjExp,1
PointEntity Camera,ObjExp

temp = createsphere(8)
entityalpha temp,0.5
Dither True

LightCA = 255
AmbientLight LightCA, LightCA, LightCA

font=LoadFont( "Arial",20 )
SetFont font
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
;rotateentity camera,-2.7,178,180
While KeyDown(1)=0
Text 0,0,"Esportazione avvenuta con successo"
text 0,15,"px:"+entityx(Camera)+"py:"+entityy(Camera)+"pz:"+entityz(Camera)
text 0,30,"rx:"+entitypitch(Camera)+"ry:"+entityyaw(Camera)+"rz:"+entityroll(Camera)
; -------------------------
; Fonction Freelook
; -------------------------
Function Procedure_Freelook(Velocity#,Speed#)
AngMax = 89

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2

If Camera_Pitch<-AngMax Then Camera_Pitch=-AngMax
If Camera_Pitch>AngMax Then Camera_Pitch=AngMax

RotateEntity camera,Camera_Pitch,Camera_Yaw,0

If KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Left) Camera_VelX=Camera_VelX-Speed# ElseIf KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Right) Camera_VelX=Camera_VelX+Speed#
; If KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Down) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ-Speed# ElseIf KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Up) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ+Speed#
If MouseDown(2) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ-Speed# ElseIf MouseDown(1) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ+Speed#

MoveEntity camera,Camera_VelX,0,Camera_VelZ
End Function

; Scrittura stringa
Function ReadStringN$(f,sep$)
s$ = "";
SepVal = Asc(sep$)
Simb1 = Asc(" ")
Simb2 = Asc("}")

While Not Eof(f)
let = ReadByte(f);

if (let = SepVal and s$ <> "")
return s
;if ((let >= Asc("!")) and (let <= Asc("}")))
if ((let >= Simb1) and (let <= Simb2) and (let <> SepVal))
s$ = s$ + Chr(let)
if (s$ <> "") return s
end if
end if
End Function
; Scrittura stringa
Function Convert_Ase_B3d(LoadFile$,SaveFile$)
infile = OpenFile(LoadFile$)
outfile = Writefile(SaveFile$)
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Init" )
StateMesh = 0 ; 1 = Init Root Object
While Not Eof(infile)
Obj_name$ = ""
XYZ_Count_vertex = 0
XYZ_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex = 0
UVW_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex1 = 0
UVW_Count_face1 = 0
StateLoad = LoadAse(infile)
if ((StateLoad = 1) and (StateMesh = 0))
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Material" )
end if
if (StateLoad = 2)
if (stateMesh = 0) ; Open Root Object
StateMesh = 1
b3dBeginChunk( "NODE" );------------root node
b3dWriteString( "root");name
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;z_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;rot_w
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_x
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_y
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_z
end if
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Mesh" )
end if
if (stateMesh = 1) ; Close Root Object
b3dEndChunk() ;end of NODE chunk
end if
WriteBB3D( outfile, "End" )

CloseFile infile
CloseFile outfile
end function

; Scrittura stringa
Function Read_Ase(LoadFile$)
infile = OpenFile(LoadFile$)
StateMesh = 0 ; 1 = Init Root Object
While Not Eof(infile)
Obj_name$ = ""
XYZ_Count_vertex = 0
XYZ_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex = 0
UVW_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex1 = 0
UVW_Count_face1 = 0
StateLoad = LoadAse(infile)
if ((StateLoad = 1) and (StateMesh = 0))
Create_MESH( "Material" )
end if
if (StateLoad = 2)
if (stateMesh = 0) ; Open Root Object
StateMesh = 1
end if
Create_MESH( "Mesh" )
end if

CloseFile infile
end function

Function EstractName$(str_nome$)
s$ = ""
lun = len(str_nome)-1
st = 0
for xc = lun to 0 step -1
s = mid(str_nome,xc,1)
if (s = "\")
st = xc +1
end if
s$ = ""
for xc = st to lun
s$ = s$+mid(str_nome,xc,1)
return s$
end function
; Scrittura stringa
Function LoadAse(ASE)

OpenP = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
chunk$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (chunk$ = "*GEOMOBJECT") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster$ = "{")
OpenP = OpenP+1
end if
if (cluster$ = "}") then
OpenP = OpenP-1
end if
if (OpenP <= 0)
if (XYZ_Count_vertex>2)
return 2
return 0
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*NODE_NAME") then
Obj_name$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_POS") then
XYZ_px = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_py = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_pz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_ROTAXIS") then
XYZ_rx = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_ry = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_rz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_ROTANGLE") then
XYZ_rw = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_SCALE") then
XYZ_sx = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_sy = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_sz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_REF" then
UVW_for_XYZ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if

if (cluster$ = "*MESH") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMVERTEX") then
XYZ_Count_vertex = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMFACES") then
XYZ_Count_face = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST") then
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_FACE_LIST") then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" then
UVW_Count_vertex = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_TVERTLIST" then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" then
UVW_Count_face = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_TFACELIST" then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL" then
While Not Eof(ASE)
chunk1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (chunk1$="}") exit
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" then
UVW_Count_vertex1 = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_TVERTLIST" then
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" then
UVW_Count_face1 = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_TFACELIST" then
end if
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NORMALS") then
end if
end if
end if
if chunk$ = "*MATERIAL_LIST" then
OpenP = 0
Id_mat = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster$ = "{")
OpenP = OpenP+1
end if
if (cluster$ = "}") then
OpenP = OpenP-1
end if
if (OpenP <= 0)
if (MAT_Count=>0)
return 1
return 0
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_COUNT") then
cnt = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MAT_Count = cnt-1
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL") then
Id_mat = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_NAME") then
MatName$(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE") then
MatR(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatG(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatB(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_SHINE") then
MatShine(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY") then
val# = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatA(Id_mat) = 1.0-val
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_DIFFUSE") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex0$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU0# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV0# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU0 = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV0 = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_SELFILLUM") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex1$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU1# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV1# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU1 = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV1 = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*") then
Obj_name$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
end if


end function

id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="*MESH_FACENORMAL")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster1$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_VERTEX")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_FACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f1 = ReadStringN(ASE," ") : No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f2 = ReadStringN(ASE," ") : No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f3 = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_face(id,0) = f1
XYZ_face(id,1) = f2
XYZ_face(id,2) = f3
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TVERT")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TFACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TVERT")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TFACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function

Function WriteBB3D( file, state$ )
select state$
case "Init"
b3dSetFile( file )

b3dBeginChunk( "BB3D" )
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;version
case "Material"
for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
b3dBeginChunk( "TEXS" )
;===> Diffuse map
b3dWriteString( MatTex0$(Id_mat) )
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;textureflag
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU0# ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV0# ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU0# );x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV0# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
;===> Light Map
b3dWriteString( MatTex1$(Id_mat) )
b3dWriteInt( 65536) ;textureflag for 2nd ! uv channel [65536=normal, 65584=clamp u,v and so on ...]
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU1# ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV1# ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU1# );x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV1# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
b3dEndChunk() ;end of TEXS chunk

for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
mat = Id_mat*2
b3dBeginChunk( "BRUS" )
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textures per brush[1]
b3dWriteString( MatName$(Id_mat) ) ;name
b3dWriteFloat( MatR(Id_mat) ) ;red
b3dWriteFloat( MatG(Id_mat) ) ;green
b3dWriteFloat( MatB(Id_mat) ) ;blue
b3dWriteFloat( MatA(Id_mat) ) ;alpha
b3dWriteFloat( MatShine(Id_mat) ) ;shininess
b3dWriteInt( 0 ) ;blend
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;FX
b3dWriteInt( mat+0 ) ;texture_id UV0
b3dWriteInt( mat+1 ) ;texture_id UV1
b3dEndChunk() ;end of BRUS chunk
case "Mesh"
if (Obj_name$="Plane01") then stop
b3dBeginChunk( "NODE" );------------sub nodes
b3dWriteString( Obj_name$);name
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;x_pos XYZ_px#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos XYZ_py#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos XYZ_pz#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;x_scale XYZ_sx#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;y_scale XYZ_sy#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;z_scale XYZ_sz#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;rot_w XYZ_aw#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_x XYZ_ax#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_y XYZ_ay#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_z XYZ_az#
WriteMESH1( mesh1 )
b3dEndChunk() ;end of NODE chunk
case "End"
b3dEndChunk() ;end of BB3D chunk
End Select

End Function

Function WriteMESH1(curobj )
n_tris = (XYZ_Count_face-1)

b3dBeginChunk( "MESH" )
b3dWriteInt( -1 ) ;no 'entity' brush-<---the brush!!

b3dBeginChunk( "VRTS" )
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;flags - 0=no 1=normal 2=Vertex color
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;0 tex_coord sets
b3dWriteInt( 3 ) ;0 coords per set

For j=0 To n_tris
For k=0 To 2
;===> Id di ricostruzione triangoli
Id_Vert = XYZ_face(j,k)
Id_UV0 = UVW_face(j,k)
Id_UV1 = UVW_face1(j,k)
;===> XYZ Vertex
vx# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,0)
vy# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,1)
vz# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,2)
b3dWriteFloat( vx# ); VX
b3dWriteFloat( vy# ); VY
b3dWriteFloat( vz# ); VZ
;===> XYZ Vertex
nx# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,0)
ny# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,1)
nz# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,2)
b3dWriteFloat( nx# ); NX
b3dWriteFloat( ny# ); NY
b3dWriteFloat( nz# ); NZ
;===> UVW 0 Default Map
u0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,0)
v0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,1)
w0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,2)
b3dWriteFloat( u0# ) ; U0
b3dWriteFloat( v0# ) ; V0
b3dWriteFloat( w0# ) ; W0
;===> UVW 1 Light Map
u1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,0)
v1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,1)
w1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,2)
b3dWriteFloat( u1# ) ; U1
b3dWriteFloat( v1# ) ; V1
b3dWriteFloat( w1# ) ; W1
b3dEndChunk() ;end of VRTS chunk

b3dBeginChunk( "TRIS" )
b3dWriteInt( UVW_for_XYZ ) ;brush for these triangles

For j=0 To n_tris
Tris_v = j*3
t1 = Tris_v+0
t2 = Tris_v+1
t3 = Tris_v+2
b3dWriteInt( t1 ); X
b3dWriteInt( t2 ); Y
b3dWriteInt( t3 ); Z

b3dEndChunk() ;end of TRIS chunk

b3dEndChunk() ;end of MESH chunk

End Function

Function Create_MESH( state$ )

select state$
case "Material"

for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
;===> Diffuse map
tex0(Id_Mat) = Loadtexture(MatTex0$(Id_mat),1)
if (tex0(Id_Mat)) then
TextureBlend tex0(Id_Mat),2
PositionTexture tex0(Id_Mat),UVW_OffU0#,UVW_OffV0#
ScaleTexture tex0(Id_Mat),UVW_TileU0#,UVW_TileV0#
RotateTexture tex0(Id_Mat),0
TextureCoords tex0(Id_Mat),0
end if
;===> Light Map
tex1(Id_Mat) = Loadtexture(MatTex1$(Id_mat),65536)
if (tex1(Id_Mat)) then
TextureBlend tex1(Id_Mat),2
PositionTexture tex1(Id_Mat),UVW_OffU1#,UVW_OffV1#
ScaleTexture tex1(Id_Mat),UVW_TileU1#,UVW_TileV1#
RotateTexture tex1(Id_Mat),0
TextureCoords tex1(Id_Mat),1
end if

for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
Bru(Id_mat) = createbrush()
if (Bru(Id_mat)) then
bru_r = (MatR#(Id_mat)*255.0):bru_g = (MatG#(Id_mat)*255.0):bru_b = (MatB#(Id_mat)*255.0)
bru_sh# = MatShine#(Id_mat)
BrushColor Bru(Id_mat),bru_r,bru_g,bru_b
BrushShininess Bru(Id_mat),bru_sh
; BrushBlend Bru(Id_mat),2
BrushFx Bru(Id_mat),1
BrushTexture Bru(Id_mat),tex0(Id_mat),0,0

BrushTexture Bru(Id_mat),tex1(Id_mat),0,1
end if

case "Mesh"
; Create blank surface which is attached to mesh (surfaces must always be attached to a mesh)
surf = CreateSurface(ObjExp)

n_tris = (XYZ_Count_face-1)
For j=0 To n_tris
For k=0 To 2
;===> Id di ricostruzione triangoli
Id_Vert = XYZ_face(j,k)
Id_UV0 = UVW_face(j,k)
Id_UV1 = UVW_face1(j,k)
n_vert = ((j*3)+k)
;===> XYZ Vertex
vx# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,0)
vy# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,1)
vz# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,2)
Vtest = AddVertex(surf,vx#,vy#,vz#) ; addiziono il vertice
;===> XYZ Vertex
nx# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,0)
ny# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,1)
nz# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,2)
;===> UVW 0 Default Map
u0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,0)
v0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,1)
w0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,2)
;===> UVW 1 Light Map
u1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,0)
v1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,1)
w1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,2)
Tris_v = j*3
t1 = Tris_v+0
t2 = Tris_v+1
t3 = Tris_v+2
PaintSurface surf, bru(UVW_for_XYZ)

End Select

End Function

DareDevil(Posted 2003) [#2]
all the modifications must be public
and pleace comment this ;)

DareDevil(Posted 2003) [#3]

Difference(Posted 2003) [#4]
Hi DareDevil

This is great if you can get it to work completely.
It would be really nice to export shell materials this way.

I have made a small test with Max5 "Render to texture" > "Complete map"

It seems the that the texture coords end up on set 2?
For this baked texture they should be on set 1.

The texture is on the wrong side of the mesh.
Bottom instead of top, etc.

Mesh is rotated 90 degrees.

I hope you can fix thes small things, that would be great. :)

Difference(Posted 2003) [#5]
Temp fix for upside down texture:


b3dWriteFloat( v1# ) ; V1
b3dWriteFloat( 1-v1# ) ; V1

DareDevil(Posted 2003) [#6]
thanks to correct bug.
I have found this bug, I am I have resolved it

is much simple
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV1# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( -UVW_TileV1# );y_scale

build animation Go!!Go!!Go!!!

Difference(Posted 2003) [#7]
This is by far the easiest way to convert shell materials from Max I have seen.

Here is what my version looks like now.

I put in an option to swap the coord sets, if you are baking a complete map, and not just the lightmap.
It also turns the mesh, by swapping y and z.

Function WriteMESH1(curobj ,swapsets=False) 
	n_tris = (XYZ_Count_face-1) 
	b3dBeginChunk( "MESH" ) 
	b3dWriteInt( -1 ) ;no 'entity' brush-<---the brush!! 
	b3dBeginChunk( "VRTS" ) 
	b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;flags - 0=no 1=normal 2=Vertex color 
	b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;0 tex_coord sets 
	b3dWriteInt( 3 ) ;0 coords per set 
	For j=0 To n_tris 
		For k=0 To 2 
			;===> Id di ricostruzione triangoli 
			Id_Vert = XYZ_face(j,k) 
			Id_UV0 = UVW_face(j,k) 
			Id_UV1 = UVW_face1(j,k) 
			;===> XYZ Vertex 
			vx# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,0) 
			vy# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,2) ; swap y and z
			vz# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,1) ; swap y and z
			b3dWriteFloat( vx# ); VX 
			b3dWriteFloat( vy# ); VY 
			b3dWriteFloat( vz# ); VZ 
			;===> XYZ Vertex 
			nx# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,0) 
			ny# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,2) ; swap y and z - is this correct?
			nz# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,1) ; swap y and z - is this correct?
			b3dWriteFloat( nx# ); NX 
			b3dWriteFloat( ny# ); NY 
			b3dWriteFloat( nz# ); NZ 
			;===> UVW 0 Default Map 
			u0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,0) 
			v0# = -UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,1) 
			w0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,2) 
			;===> UVW 1 Light Map 
			u1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,0) 
			v1# = -UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,1) 
			w1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,2) 			
			If swapsets	; option to swap texture coord sets
				b3dWriteFloat( u1# ) ; U1 
				b3dWriteFloat( v1# ) ; V1 
				b3dWriteFloat( w1# ) ; W1 
				b3dWriteFloat( u0# ) ; U0 
				b3dWriteFloat( v0# ) ; V0 
				b3dWriteFloat( w0# ) ; W0 
				b3dWriteFloat( u0# ) ; U0 
				b3dWriteFloat( v0# ) ; V0 
				b3dWriteFloat( w0# ) ; W0 
				b3dWriteFloat( u1# ) ; U1 
				b3dWriteFloat( v1# ) ; V1 
				b3dWriteFloat( w1# ) ; W1 
	b3dEndChunk() ;end of VRTS chunk 


Difference(Posted 2003) [#8]
Some files outputted causes Blitz to crash.

Using B3D2XML ( http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=665 )

I think I found some of the problems. I think that you are:

Writing out more than one TEXS chunk.
Writing out more than one BRUS chunk.
Textures are written out even though none exist. (empty name)
Brushes refernce these empty textures.

And a minor one: Object/node names are saved out with quotes:

"myname" becomes ""myname""

I will put in a check in my xml convertor to detect it, but you should consider removing them.

Difference(Posted 2003) [#9]
I *think* this is a fix for the BRUS and TEXS chunks:

Case "Material" 
	b3dBeginChunk( "TEXS" ) 
	For Id_mat = 0 To MAT_Count 
		;===> Diffuse map 
		b3dWriteString( MatTex0$(Id_mat) ) 
		b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;textureflag 
		b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU0# ) ;x_pos 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV0# ) ;y_pos 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU0# );x_scale 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV0# );y_scale 
		b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation 

		;===> Light Map 
		b3dWriteString( MatTex1$(Id_mat) ) 
		b3dWriteInt( 65536) ;textureflag for 2nd ! uv channel [65536=normal, 65584=clamp u,v and so on ...] 
		b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU1# ) ;x_pos 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV1# ) ;y_pos 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU1# );x_scale 
		b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV1# );y_scale 
		b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation 

	b3dEndChunk() ;end of TEXS chunk 

	b3dBeginChunk( "BRUS" ) 
	b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textures per brush[1] 
	For Id_mat = 0 To MAT_Count 
		mat = Id_mat*2 
		b3dWriteString( MatName$(Id_mat) ) ;name 
		b3dWriteFloat( MatR(Id_mat) ) ;red 
		b3dWriteFloat( MatG(Id_mat) ) ;green 
		b3dWriteFloat( MatB(Id_mat) ) ;blue 
		b3dWriteFloat( MatA(Id_mat) ) ;alpha 
		b3dWriteFloat( MatShine(Id_mat) ) ;shininess 
		b3dWriteInt( 0 ) ;blend 
		b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;FX 
		b3dWriteInt( mat+0 ) ;texture_id UV0 
		b3dWriteInt( mat+1 ) ;texture_id UV1 
	b3dEndChunk() ;end of BRUS chunk 

DareDevil(Posted 2003) [#10]
3 bug found
Bug 1: update ascii table (34 = ") - resolved jump
; Read string
Function ReadStringN$(f,sep$)
s$ = "";
SepVal = Asc(sep$)
Simb1 = Asc(" ")
Simb2 = Asc("}")

While Not Eof(f)
let = ReadByte(f);

if (let = SepVal and s$ <> "")
return s
;if ((let >= Asc("!")) and (let <= Asc("}")))
if ((let >= Simb1) and (let <= Simb2) and (let <> SepVal) and (let <> 34)); the code 34 = " from ascii table
s$ = s$ + Chr(let)
if (s$ <> "") return s
end if
end if
End Function

Bug 2: Update name Texture = "pippo.bmp" is reader
Function EstractName$(str_nome$)
s$ = ""
lun = len(str_nome)-1
st = 0
For xc = lun To 1 Step -1
s = mid(str_nome,xc,1)
If ((s = "\") Or (xc=1))
st = xc +1
end if
s$ = ""
for xc = st to lun+1
s$ = s$+mid(str_nome,xc,1)
return s$
end function
Bug 3:
not Support sub material object (3DSMax)

Thanks All for collaboration
VinsentX V&D Software
the my e-mail is enzo_light@...

DareDevil(Posted 2003) [#11]
The Ase Export all modify:
1° invert axis Y -> Z / Z -> Y and update Normal
2° optimize time to convert 30%

Include "b3dfile.bb"

Graphics3D 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Const Simb1 = 32 ; 32 = ASC(" ")
const Simb2 = 125; 125 = ASC("}")

const ArrDim = 200000
const ArrMat = 100
global Obj_name$
global XYZ_Count_vertex
global XYZ_Count_face
global XYZ_px#, XYZ_py#, XYZ_pz#
global XYZ_ax#, XYZ_ay#, XYZ_az#, XYZ_aw#
global XYZ_sx#, XYZ_sy#, XYZ_sz#
global UVW_Count_vertex
global UVW_Count_face
global UVW_Count_vertex1
global UVW_Count_face1
global UVW_OffU0# = 1
Global UVW_OffV0# = 1
Global UVW_OffU1# = 1
Global UVW_OffV1# = 1
Global UVW_OffU2# = 1
Global UVW_OffV2# = 1
Global UVW_TileU0# = 1
global UVW_TileV0# = 1
global UVW_TileU1# = 1
global UVW_TileV1# = 1
global UVW_TileU2# = 1
global UVW_TileV2# = 1
global UVW_for_XYZ
dim XYZ_vertex#(ArrDim,3)
dim XYZ_normal#(ArrDim,3)
dim XYZ_face(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_vertex#(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_face(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_vertex1#(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_face1(ArrDim,3)
global MAT_Count;
dim MatName$(ArrMat) ; nome materiale
dim MatTex0$(ArrMat) ; nome texture default
dim MatTex1$(ArrMat) ; nome texture lightmap
dim MatTex2$(ArrMat) ; nome texture EnvMap
dim MatR#(ArrMat) ; color R
dim MatG#(ArrMat) ; color G
dim MatB#(ArrMat) ; color B
dim MatA#(ArrMat) ; Opacity
dim MatShine#(ArrMat) ; Shininess

;Convert_Ase_B3d("obj.ASE","Viewer V&D\gfx\Obj.B3D")
Text 0,00,"Inizio esportazione"

global time1 = millisecs()
global time2 = millisecs()


Global ObjExp = loadmesh("obj.b3d");

Text 0,10,"Esportazione avvenuta con successo"
; -------------------------------
; Creation de la caméra
; -------------------------------
Global Mouse_X_Speed#
Global Mouse_Y_Speed#
Global Camera
Global Camera_VelX#
Global Camera_VelZ#
Global Camera_Pitch#
Global Camera_Yaw#

rotateentity camera,0,0,0
;PositionEntity camera,290,-600,2380 ; da inc a metri x100
PositionEntity camera,0,0,0 ; da inc a metri x100
CameraRange camera,0.1,10000
;formula del fov camera Zoom =Sqrt(Fov)
;CameraZoom camera, sqr(50) ; 1 = 10 di fov // 7.5 = 50 di fov
CameraZoom camera, 1 ; 1 = 10 di fov // 7.5 = 50 di fov
; -------------------------------
; Chargement de l'objet
; -------------------------------
;ObjExp=LoadMesh( "Obj.b3d" )
;ObjExp=LoadAnimMesh( "Obj.b3d" )
;Animate ObjExp, 1
RotateEntity ObjExp,0,0,0
PositionEntity ObjExp,0,0,0
EntityShininess ObjExp,1
PointEntity Camera,ObjExp

temp = createsphere(8)
entityalpha temp,0.5
Dither True

LightCA = 255
AmbientLight LightCA, LightCA, LightCA

font=LoadFont( "Arial",20 )
SetFont font
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
;rotateentity camera,-2.7,178,180
While KeyDown(1)=0
Text 0,0,"Esportazione avvenuta con successo"
text 0,15,"px:"+entityx(Camera)+"py:"+entityy(Camera)+"pz:"+entityz(Camera)
text 0,30,"rx:"+entitypitch(Camera)+"ry:"+entityyaw(Camera)+"rz:"+entityroll(Camera)
text 0,45,"Time to export"
text 0,60,"Millisecs "+(time2-time1)+" secs "+((time2-time1)/1000)
; -------------------------
; Fonction Freelook
; -------------------------
Function Procedure_Freelook(Velocity#,Speed#)
AngMax = 89

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2

If Camera_Pitch<-AngMax Then Camera_Pitch=-AngMax
If Camera_Pitch>AngMax Then Camera_Pitch=AngMax

RotateEntity camera,Camera_Pitch,Camera_Yaw,0

If KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Left) Camera_VelX=Camera_VelX-Speed# ElseIf KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Right) Camera_VelX=Camera_VelX+Speed#
; If KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Down) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ-Speed# ElseIf KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Up) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ+Speed#
If MouseDown(2) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ-Speed# ElseIf MouseDown(1) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ+Speed#

MoveEntity camera,Camera_VelX,0,Camera_VelZ
End Function

; Scrittura stringa
Function ReadStringN$(f,sep$)
s$ = "";
SepVal = Asc(sep$)
;Simb1 = Asc(" ")
;Simb2 = Asc("}")

While Not Eof(f)
let = ReadByte(f);

if (let = SepVal and s$ <> "")
return s
if ((let >= Simb1) and (let <= Simb2) and (let <> SepVal) and (let <> 34)); the code 34 = " from ascii table
s$ = s$ + Chr(let)
if (s$ <> "") return s
end if
end if
End Function

Function EstractName$(str_nome$)
s$ = ""
lun = len(str_nome)
For xc = lun To 1 Step -1
s$ = mid(str_nome,xc,1)
If ((s$ = "\") Or (xc=1))
s$ = mid(str_nome,xc+1,lun-xc);
end if
return s$
end function

; Scrittura stringa
Function Convert_Ase_B3d(LoadFile$,SaveFile$)
infile = OpenFile(LoadFile$)
outfile = Writefile(SaveFile$)
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Init" )
StateMesh = 0 ; 1 = Init Root Object
While Not Eof(infile)
Obj_name$ = ""
XYZ_Count_vertex = 0
XYZ_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex = 0
UVW_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex1 = 0
UVW_Count_face1 = 0
StateLoad = LoadAse(infile)
if ((StateLoad = 1) and (StateMesh = 0))
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Material" )
end if
if (StateLoad = 2)
if (stateMesh = 0) ; Open Root Object
StateMesh = 1
b3dBeginChunk( "NODE" );------------root node
b3dWriteString( "root");name
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;z_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;rot_w
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_x
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_y
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_z
end if
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Mesh" )
end if
if (stateMesh = 1) ; Close Root Object
b3dEndChunk() ;end of NODE chunk
end if
WriteBB3D( outfile, "End" )

CloseFile infile
CloseFile outfile
end function

; Scrittura stringa
Function LoadAse(ASE)

OpenP = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
chunk$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (chunk$ = "*GEOMOBJECT") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster$ = "{")
OpenP = OpenP+1
end if
if (cluster$ = "}") then
OpenP = OpenP-1
end if
if (OpenP <= 0)
if (XYZ_Count_vertex>2)
return 2
return 0
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*NODE_NAME") then
Obj_name$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_POS") then
XYZ_px = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_py = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_pz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_ROTAXIS") then
XYZ_rx = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_ry = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_rz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_ROTANGLE") then
XYZ_rw = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_SCALE") then
XYZ_sx = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_sy = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_sz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_REF" then
UVW_for_XYZ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if

if (cluster$ = "*MESH") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMVERTEX") then
XYZ_Count_vertex = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMFACES") then
XYZ_Count_face = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST") then
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_FACE_LIST") then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" then
UVW_Count_vertex = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_TVERTLIST" then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" then
UVW_Count_face = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_TFACELIST" then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL" then
While Not Eof(ASE)
chunk1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (chunk1$="}") exit
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" then
UVW_Count_vertex1 = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_TVERTLIST" then
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" then
UVW_Count_face1 = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_TFACELIST" then
end if
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NORMALS") then
end if
end if
end if
if chunk$ = "*MATERIAL_LIST" then
OpenP = 0
Id_mat = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster$ = "{")
OpenP = OpenP+1
end if
if (cluster$ = "}") then
OpenP = OpenP-1
end if
if (OpenP <= 0)
if (MAT_Count=>0)
return 1
return 0
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_COUNT") then
cnt = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MAT_Count = cnt-1
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL") then
Id_mat = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_NAME") then
MatName$(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE") then
MatR(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatG(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatB(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_SHINE") then
MatShine(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY") then
val# = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatA(Id_mat) = 1.0-val
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_DIFFUSE") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex0$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU0# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV0# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU0# = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV0# = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_SELFILLUM") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex1$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU1# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV1# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU1# = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV1# = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_REFRACT") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex2$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU2# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV2# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU2# = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV2# = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*") then
Obj_name$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
end if


end function

id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="*MESH_FACENORMAL")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster1$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_VERTEX")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_FACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f1 = ReadStringN(ASE," ") : No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f2 = ReadStringN(ASE," ") : No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f3 = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_face(id,0) = f1
XYZ_face(id,1) = f2
XYZ_face(id,2) = f3
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TVERT")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TFACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TVERT")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TFACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function

Function WriteBB3D( file, state$ )
select state$
case "Init"
b3dSetFile( file )

b3dBeginChunk( "BB3D" )
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;version
case "Material"
for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
b3dBeginChunk( "TEXS" )
;===> Diffuse map
b3dWriteString( MatTex0$(Id_mat) )
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;textureflag
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU0# ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV0# ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU0# );x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV0# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
;===> ReflectMap
; b3dWriteString( MatTex2$(Id_mat) )
; b3dWriteInt( 65 ) ;textureflag
; b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
; b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU2# ) ;x_pos
; b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV2# ) ;y_pos
; b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU2# );x_scale
; b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV2# );y_scale
; b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
;===> Light Map
b3dWriteString( MatTex1$(Id_mat) )
b3dWriteInt( 65536) ;textureflag for 2nd ! uv channel [65536=normal, 65584=clamp u,v and so on ...]
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU1# ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV1# ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU1# );x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( -UVW_TileV1# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
b3dEndChunk() ;end of TEXS chunk

for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
mat = Id_mat*2
b3dBeginChunk( "BRUS" )
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textures per brush[1]
b3dWriteString( MatName$(Id_mat) ) ;name
b3dWriteFloat( MatR(Id_mat) ) ;red
b3dWriteFloat( MatG(Id_mat) ) ;green
b3dWriteFloat( MatB(Id_mat) ) ;blue
b3dWriteFloat( MatA(Id_mat) ) ;alpha
b3dWriteFloat( MatShine(Id_mat) ) ;shininess
b3dWriteInt( 0 ) ;blend
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;FX
b3dWriteInt( mat+0 ) ;texture_id UV0
; b3dWriteInt( mat+1 ) ;texture_id UV0
b3dWriteInt( mat+1 ) ;texture_id UV1
b3dEndChunk() ;end of BRUS chunk
case "Mesh"
; if (Obj_name$="Plane01") then stop
b3dBeginChunk( "NODE" );------------sub nodes
b3dWriteString( Obj_name$);name
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;x_pos XYZ_px#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos XYZ_py#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos XYZ_pz#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;x_scale XYZ_sx#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;y_scale XYZ_sy#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;z_scale XYZ_sz#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;rot_w XYZ_aw#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_x XYZ_ax#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_y XYZ_ay#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_z XYZ_az#
WriteMESH1( mesh1 )
b3dEndChunk() ;end of NODE chunk
case "End"
b3dEndChunk() ;end of BB3D chunk
End Select

End Function
Function WriteMESH1(curobj )
n_tris = (XYZ_Count_face-1)

b3dBeginChunk( "MESH" )
b3dWriteInt( -1 ) ;no 'entity' brush-<---the brush!!

b3dBeginChunk( "VRTS" )
b3dWriteInt( 0 ) ;flags - 0=no 1=normal 2=Vertex color
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;0 tex_coord sets
b3dWriteInt( 3 ) ;0 coords per set

For j=0 To n_tris
For k=2 To 0 step -1
;===> Id di ricostruzione triangoli
Id_Vert = XYZ_face(j,k)
Id_UV0 = UVW_face(j,k)
Id_UV1 = UVW_face1(j,k)
;===> XYZ Vertex
vx# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,0)
vy# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,2)
vz# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,1)
b3dWriteFloat( vx# ); VX
b3dWriteFloat( vy# ); VY
b3dWriteFloat( vz# ); VZ
;===> XYZ Vertex
nx# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,0)
ny# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,2)
nz# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,1)
;b3dWriteFloat( nx# ); NX
;b3dWriteFloat( ny# ); NY
;b3dWriteFloat( nz# ); NZ
;===> UVW 0 Default Map
u0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,0)
v0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,1)
w0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,2)
b3dWriteFloat( u0# ) ; U0
b3dWriteFloat( v0# ) ; V0
b3dWriteFloat( w0# ) ; W0
;===> UVW 1 Light Map
u1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,0)
v1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,1)
w1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,2)
b3dWriteFloat( u1# ) ; U1
b3dWriteFloat( v1# ) ; V1
b3dWriteFloat( w1# ) ; W1
b3dEndChunk() ;end of VRTS chunk

b3dBeginChunk( "TRIS" )
b3dWriteInt( UVW_for_XYZ ) ;brush for these triangles

For j=0 To n_tris
Tris_v = j*3
t1 = Tris_v+0
t2 = Tris_v+1
t3 = Tris_v+2
b3dWriteInt( t1 ); X
b3dWriteInt( t2 ); Y
b3dWriteInt( t3 ); Z

b3dEndChunk() ;end of TRIS chunk

b3dEndChunk() ;end of MESH chunk

End Function

Thanks All for collaboration
VinsentX V&D Software
the my e-mail is enzo_light@...

DareDevil(Posted 2003) [#12]
Support Reflect map and Bug fix

; Vincenzo Caldarulo
; nickname : VinsentX
; e-mail: enzo_light@...
; main Programmer V&D Software Multimedia
; 3DMax Ase export to B3D
; Support Converter:
; - Default Map
; - Light Map
; - Reflect Map
Include "b3dfile.bb"

Graphics3D 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Const Simb1 = 32 ; 32 = ASC(" ")
const Simb2 = 125; 125 = ASC("}")

const ArrDim = 200000
const ArrMat = 99
global Obj_name$
global XYZ_Count_vertex
global XYZ_Count_face
global XYZ_px#, XYZ_py#, XYZ_pz#
global XYZ_ax#, XYZ_ay#, XYZ_az#, XYZ_aw#
global XYZ_sx#, XYZ_sy#, XYZ_sz#
global UVW_Count_vertex
global UVW_Count_face
global UVW_Count_vertex1
global UVW_Count_face1
global UVW_OffU0# = 1
Global UVW_OffV0# = 1
Global UVW_OffU1# = 1
Global UVW_OffV1# = 1
Global UVW_OffU2# = 1
Global UVW_OffV2# = 1
Global UVW_TileU0# = 1
global UVW_TileV0# = 1
global UVW_TileU1# = 1
global UVW_TileV1# = 1
global UVW_TileU2# = 1
global UVW_TileV2# = 1
global UVW_for_XYZ
dim XYZ_vertex#(ArrDim,3)
dim XYZ_normal#(ArrDim,3)
dim XYZ_face(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_vertex#(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_face(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_vertex1#(ArrDim,3)
dim UVW_face1(ArrDim,3)
global MAT_Count;
dim MatName$(ArrMat) ; nome materiale
dim MatTex0$(ArrMat) ; nome texture default
dim MatTex1$(ArrMat) ; nome texture lightmap
dim MatTex2$(ArrMat) ; nome texture EnvMap
dim MatR#(ArrMat) ; color R
dim MatG#(ArrMat) ; color G
dim MatB#(ArrMat) ; color B
dim MatA#(ArrMat) ; Opacity
dim MatShine#(ArrMat) ; Shininess

;Convert_Ase_B3d("obj.ASE","Viewer V&D\gfx\Obj.B3D")
Text 0,00,"Inizio esportazione"

global time1 = millisecs()
global time2 = millisecs()

Global ObjExp = loadmesh("obj.b3d");

Text 0,10,"Esportazione avvenuta con successo"
; -------------------------------
; Creation de la caméra
; -------------------------------
Global Mouse_X_Speed#
Global Mouse_Y_Speed#
Global Camera
Global Camera_VelX#
Global Camera_VelZ#
Global Camera_Pitch#
Global Camera_Yaw#

rotateentity camera,0,0,0
;PositionEntity camera,290,-600,2380 ; da inc a metri x100
PositionEntity camera,0,0,0 ; da inc a metri x100
CameraRange camera,0.1,10000
;formula del fov camera Zoom =Sqrt(Fov)
;CameraZoom camera, sqr(50) ; 1 = 10 di fov // 7.5 = 50 di fov
CameraZoom camera, 1 ; 1 = 10 di fov // 7.5 = 50 di fov
; -------------------------------
; Chargement de l'objet
; -------------------------------
;ObjExp=LoadMesh( "Obj.b3d" )
;ObjExp=LoadAnimMesh( "Obj.b3d" )
;Animate ObjExp, 1
RotateEntity ObjExp,0,0,0
PositionEntity ObjExp,0,0,0
EntityShininess ObjExp,1
PointEntity Camera,ObjExp

temp = createsphere(8)
entityalpha temp,0.5
Dither True

LightCA = 255
AmbientLight LightCA, LightCA, LightCA

font=LoadFont( "Arial",20 )
SetFont font
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
;rotateentity camera,-2.7,178,180
While KeyDown(1)=0
Text 0,0,"Esportazione avvenuta con successo"
text 0,15,"px:"+entityx(Camera)+"py:"+entityy(Camera)+"pz:"+entityz(Camera)
text 0,30,"rx:"+entitypitch(Camera)+"ry:"+entityyaw(Camera)+"rz:"+entityroll(Camera)
text 0,45,"Time to export"
text 0,60,"Millisecs "+(time2-time1)+" secs "+((time2-time1)/1000)
; -------------------------
; Fonction Freelook
; -------------------------
Function Procedure_Freelook(Velocity#,Speed#)
AngMax = 89

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2

If Camera_Pitch<-AngMax Then Camera_Pitch=-AngMax
If Camera_Pitch>AngMax Then Camera_Pitch=AngMax

RotateEntity camera,Camera_Pitch,Camera_Yaw,0

If KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Left) Camera_VelX=Camera_VelX-Speed# ElseIf KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Right) Camera_VelX=Camera_VelX+Speed#
; If KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Down) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ-Speed# ElseIf KeyDown(Key_ArrowPad_Up) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ+Speed#
If MouseDown(2) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ-Speed# ElseIf MouseDown(1) Camera_VelZ=Camera_VelZ+Speed#

MoveEntity camera,Camera_VelX,0,Camera_VelZ
End Function

; Scrittura stringa
Function ReadStringN$(f,sep$)
s$ = "";
SepVal = Asc(sep$)

While Not Eof(f)
let = ReadByte(f);

if (let = SepVal and s$ <> "")
return s
if ((let >= Simb1) and (let <= Simb2) and (let <> SepVal) and (let <> 34)); the code 34 = " from ascii table
s$ = s$ + Chr(let)
if (s$ <> "") return s
end if
end if
End Function

Function EstractName$(str_nome$)
s$ = ""
lun = len(str_nome)
For xc = lun To 1 Step -1
s$ = mid(str_nome,xc,1)
If ((s$ = "\") Or (xc=1))
s$ = mid(str_nome,xc+1,lun-xc);
end if
return s$
end function

; Scrittura stringa
Function Convert_Ase_B3d(LoadFile$,SaveFile$)
infile = OpenFile(LoadFile$)
outfile = Writefile(SaveFile$)
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Init" )
StateMesh = 0 ; 1 = Init Root Object
While Not Eof(infile)
Obj_name$ = ""
XYZ_Count_vertex = 0
XYZ_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex = 0
UVW_Count_face = 0
UVW_Count_vertex1 = 0
UVW_Count_face1 = 0
StateLoad = LoadAse(infile)
if ((StateLoad = 1) and (StateMesh = 0))
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Material" )
end if
if (StateLoad = 2)
if (stateMesh = 0) ; Open Root Object
StateMesh = 1
b3dBeginChunk( "NODE" );------------root node
b3dWriteString( "root");name
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;z_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;rot_w
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_x
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_y
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_z
end if
WriteBB3D( outfile, "Mesh" )
end if
if (stateMesh = 1) ; Close Root Object
b3dEndChunk() ;end of NODE chunk
end if
WriteBB3D( outfile, "End" )

CloseFile infile
CloseFile outfile
end function

; Scrittura stringa
Function LoadAse(ASE)

OpenP = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
chunk$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (chunk$ = "*GEOMOBJECT") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster$ = "{")
OpenP = OpenP+1
end if
if (cluster$ = "}") then
OpenP = OpenP-1
end if
if (OpenP <= 0)
if (XYZ_Count_vertex>2)
return 2
return 0
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*NODE_NAME") then
Obj_name$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_POS") then
XYZ_px = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_py = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_pz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_ROTAXIS") then
XYZ_rx = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_ry = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_rz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_ROTANGLE") then
XYZ_rw = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*TM_SCALE") then
XYZ_sx = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_sy = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_sz = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_REF" then
UVW_for_XYZ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if

if (cluster$ = "*MESH") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMVERTEX") then
XYZ_Count_vertex = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMFACES") then
XYZ_Count_face = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST") then
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_FACE_LIST") then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" then
UVW_Count_vertex = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_TVERTLIST" then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" then
UVW_Count_face = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_TFACELIST" then
end if
if cluster1$ = "*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL" then
While Not Eof(ASE)
chunk1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (chunk1$="}") exit
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" then
UVW_Count_vertex1 = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_TVERTLIST" then
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" then
UVW_Count_face1 = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if chunk1$ = "*MESH_TFACELIST" then
end if
end if
if (cluster1$ = "*MESH_NORMALS") then
end if
end if
end if
if chunk$ = "*MATERIAL_LIST" then
OpenP = 0
Id_mat = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster$ = "{")
OpenP = OpenP+1
end if
if (cluster$ = "}") then
OpenP = OpenP-1
end if
if (OpenP <= 0)
if (MAT_Count=>0)
return 1
return 0
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_COUNT") then
cnt = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MAT_Count = cnt-1
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL") then
Id_mat = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_NAME") then
MatName$(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE") then
MatR(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatG(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatB(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_SHINE") then
MatShine(Id_mat) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY") then
val# = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
MatA(Id_mat) = 1.0-val
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_DIFFUSE") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex0$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU0# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV0# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU0# = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV0# = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_SELFILLUM") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex1$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU1# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV1# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU1# = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV1# = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*MAP_REFLECT") then
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="}") exit
if (cluster1$="*BITMAP")
name$ = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
MatTex2$(Id_mat) = EstractName$(name$);
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_OFFSET")
UVW_OffU2# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_OFFSET")
UVW_OffV2# = ReadStringN(ASE,"");
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_U_TILING")
ut# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileU2# = 1.0/ut#;
end if
if (cluster1$="*UVW_V_TILING")
vt# = ReadStringN(ASE,"")
UVW_TileV2# = 1.0/vt#;
end if
end if
if (cluster$ = "*") then
Obj_name$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
end if
end if


end function

id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster1$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster1$="*MESH_FACENORMAL")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_normal(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster1$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_VERTEX")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_vertex(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_FACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f1 = ReadStringN(ASE," ") : No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f2 = ReadStringN(ASE," ") : No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
f3 = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
XYZ_face(id,0) = f1
XYZ_face(id,1) = f2
XYZ_face(id,2) = f3
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TVERT")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TFACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TVERT")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_vertex1(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function
id = 0
While Not Eof(ASE)
cluster2$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
if (cluster2$="*MESH_TFACE")
No$ = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,0) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,1) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
UVW_face1(id,2) = ReadStringN(ASE," ")
id = id+1
end if
if (cluster2$="}") exit
end function

Function WriteBB3D( file, state$ )
select state$
case "Init"
b3dSetFile( file )

; b3dWriteString( "Export 3DSMax Ase To B3D" ) ;name
; b3dWriteString( "V&D Software Multimedia" ) ;name
; b3dWriteString( "Write VinsentX Vincenzo Caldarulo" ) ;name

b3dBeginChunk( "BB3D" )
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;version
case "Material"
for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
b3dBeginChunk( "TEXS" )
;===> Diffuse map
b3dWriteString( MatTex0$(Id_mat) )
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;textureflag
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU0# ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV0# ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU0# );x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV0# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
;===> Light Map
b3dWriteString( MatTex1$(Id_mat) )
b3dWriteInt( 65536) ;textureflag for 2nd ! uv channel [65536=normal, 65584=clamp u,v and so on ...]
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU1# ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV1# ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU1# );x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( -UVW_TileV1# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
;===> ReflectMap
b3dWriteString( MatTex2$(Id_mat) )
b3dWriteInt( 64 ) ;textureflag
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;textureblend
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffU2# ) ;x_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_OffV2# ) ;y_pos
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileU2# );x_scale
b3dWriteFloat( UVW_TileV2# );y_scale
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rotation
b3dEndChunk() ;end of TEXS chunk

for Id_mat = 0 to MAT_Count
mat = Id_mat*3
b3dBeginChunk( "BRUS" )
b3dWriteInt( 3 ) ;textures per brush[1]
b3dWriteString( MatName$(Id_mat) ) ;name
b3dWriteFloat( MatR(Id_mat) ) ;red
b3dWriteFloat( MatG(Id_mat) ) ;green
b3dWriteFloat( MatB(Id_mat) ) ;blue
b3dWriteFloat( MatA(Id_mat) ) ;alpha
b3dWriteFloat( MatShine(Id_mat) ) ;shininess
b3dWriteInt( 0 ) ;blend
b3dWriteInt( 1 ) ;FX
b3dWriteInt( mat+0 ) ;texture_id UV0
b3dWriteInt( mat+2 ) ;texture_id UV0
b3dWriteInt( mat+1 ) ;texture_id UV1
b3dEndChunk() ;end of BRUS chunk
case "Mesh"
; if (Obj_name$="Plane01") then stop
b3dBeginChunk( "NODE" );------------sub nodes
b3dWriteString( Obj_name$);name
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;x_pos XYZ_px#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos XYZ_py#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;y_pos XYZ_pz#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;x_scale XYZ_sx#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;y_scale XYZ_sy#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;z_scale XYZ_sz#
b3dWriteFloat( 1 ) ;rot_w XYZ_aw#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_x XYZ_ax#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_y XYZ_ay#
b3dWriteFloat( 0 ) ;rot_z XYZ_az#
WriteMESH1( mesh1 )
b3dEndChunk() ;end of NODE chunk
case "End"
b3dEndChunk() ;end of BB3D chunk
End Select
End Function
Function WriteMESH1(curobj )
n_tris = (XYZ_Count_face-1)

b3dBeginChunk( "MESH" )
b3dWriteInt( -1 ) ;no 'entity' brush-<---the brush!!

b3dBeginChunk( "VRTS" )
b3dWriteInt( 0 ) ;flags - 0=no 1=normal 2=Vertex color
b3dWriteInt( 2 ) ;0 tex_coord sets
b3dWriteInt( 3 ) ;0 coords per set

For j=0 To n_tris
For k=2 To 0 step -1
;===> Id di ricostruzione triangoli
Id_Vert = XYZ_face(j,k)
Id_UV0 = UVW_face(j,k)
Id_UV1 = UVW_face1(j,k)
;===> XYZ Vertex
vx# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,0)
vy# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,2)
vz# = XYZ_vertex#(Id_Vert,1)
b3dWriteFloat( vx# ); VX
b3dWriteFloat( vy# ); VY
b3dWriteFloat( vz# ); VZ
;===> XYZ Vertex
nx# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,0)
ny# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,2)
nz# = XYZ_normal#(Id_Vert,1)
;b3dWriteFloat( nx# ); NX
;b3dWriteFloat( ny# ); NY
;b3dWriteFloat( nz# ); NZ
;===> UVW 0 Default Map
u0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,0)
v0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,1)
w0# = UVW_vertex#(Id_UV0,2)
b3dWriteFloat( u0# ) ; U0
b3dWriteFloat( v0# ) ; V0
b3dWriteFloat( w0# ) ; W0
;===> UVW 1 Light Map
u1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,0)
v1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,1)
w1# = UVW_vertex1#(Id_UV1,2)
b3dWriteFloat( u1# ) ; U1
b3dWriteFloat( v1# ) ; V1
b3dWriteFloat( w1# ) ; W1
b3dEndChunk() ;end of VRTS chunk

b3dBeginChunk( "TRIS" )
b3dWriteInt( UVW_for_XYZ ) ;brush for these triangles

For j=0 To n_tris
Tris_v = j*3
t1 = Tris_v+0
t2 = Tris_v+1
t3 = Tris_v+2
b3dWriteInt( t1 ); X
b3dWriteInt( t2 ); Y
b3dWriteInt( t3 ); Z

b3dEndChunk() ;end of TRIS chunk

b3dEndChunk() ;end of MESH chunk

End Function

Beaker(Posted 2003) [#13]
This looks great and everything, but wouldn't it be easier to update the source in the Code Archives?