Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/ENTITY XYZ

LostCargo(Posted 2003) [#1]
Has anyone run into any problems with comparing values returned from EntityX or entityY or entityZ?

I have an instance where entityx(SPHEREA) does not equal entityx(SPHEREB) dispite the fact that i am displaying the values on the screen and they appear the same.

I suspect that there maybe a rounding issue of some sort.

I can overcome this easily by rounding to the decimal place that is being displayed ie 1.00001 but i dont know a math function to do the rounding. Is there something im missing?

nazca(Posted 2003) [#2]
are you using entityx#(SPHEREA)? (with the '#')

LostCargo(Posted 2003) [#3]
no i was using them without. but i tried it using the # and there is no difference. I beleive that it is an issue with taking the current location of an object, and the decimal precision is different than the precision of placing an object equal to a value...


entityX(OBJECT1) returned does not equal the location after
moveentity OBJECT1,LOCATIONX,0,0

i have written a roundign function to fix this decimal precision issue. but my concern is that this maybe an issue with other applications of entity functions where the precision may be off a bit.

cyberseth(Posted 2003) [#4]
Instead of checking if EntityX/Y/Z are the same for two objects, I find it's best to use EntityDistance, with the distance being the precision of checking.

If EntityDistance(ent1,ent2)<0.01 Then ...

It can be as accurate or inaccurate as you wish, it takes up less space, and it's quite a fast check too!

LostCargo(Posted 2003) [#5]
entity distance gives the distance only. I need to verify that one object is directly over another. Good idea but unfortunatly it doesnt help in this case. thanks though.

I have overcomethis by rounding. It seems to work flawlessly. but i still have that extra non native function. I may write soemthing in c++ as a dll and use that to do my rounding.

DJWoodgate(Posted 2003) [#6]
You may even have problems testing for equality on rounded numbers due to the nature of floating point, though it depends how your rounding function works I suppose. For instance you might find 1.345 rounds to 1.35 at two decimal places but a very slightly smaller value will round to 1.34. How about
If Abs(x1#-x2#)<Epsilon# Then...
as a quick test to see if two values are within a defined epsilon of each other. You can experiment with values for epsilon, but you can set it quite small and still erradicate the sort of precision errors you might get.

LostCargo(Posted 2003) [#7]
actually what i was doing was

int(VALUE * 100) / 100

it seems to work. the int conversion does a good job of rounding correctly.