Please help, How would you do this?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Please help, How would you do this?

NotAGamer(Posted May) [#1]
i need help on how you would do this on blitz3d..

using the mouse control to turn the head of model(b3d)
the game is in 3rd person perspective
*example i want the head to look up on a certain angle using my mouse

skidracer(Posted May) [#2]
I would click on the search tab above, select code archives, type the term mouselook into the box and click the Search button.

Matty(Posted May) [#3]
Get the child bone/pivot of the neck/head of the model.
Use turnentity/rotateentity after the updateworld command to rotate the bone.
Rotate the bone by a calculated amount based on mouse input.

That's a around with it.

RemiD(Posted May) [#4]
What Matty said, and for more infos search the forum about FindChild()

NotAGamer(Posted May) [#5]
even if the b3d model is animated?
i tried doing this but the 3d model stick to its animation

TomToad(Posted May) [#6]
If I remember correctly, you have to change the position of the head after UpdateWorld() but before RenderWorld().

Yue(Posted May) [#7]

; initialize graphics mode
Graphics3D 800, 600, 32,1

; hide mouse pointer

; create camera
camera = CreateCamera()

PositionEntity camera, 0, 2, -10

; loading skinned mesh
kuznec = LoadAnimMesh("../../../media/meshes/kuznec.b3d")
head = FindChild(kuznec, "Bone10")
RotateEntity kuznec, 0, 180, 0

; extract animation sequences
ExtractAnimSeq(kuznec, 99, 129)

; play idle animation
Animate kuznec, 1, 1.0, 1
Animate kuznec, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Bone10" ;disable animation for head

; create target sphere
target = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity target, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
PositionEntity target, 3, 2, -2
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2

; main program loop
While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)

	; target control
	MoveEntity target, MouseXSpeed() * 0.05, -(MouseYSpeed() * 0.05), 0.0
	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2

	; check borders
	If (EntityX(target) >  5.0) Then PositionEntity target,  5, EntityY(target), 0
	If (EntityX(target) < -5.0) Then PositionEntity target, -5, EntityY(target), 0
	If (EntityY(target) >  6.0) Then PositionEntity target, EntityX(target),  6, 0
	If (EntityY(target) < -2.0) Then PositionEntity target, EntityX(target), -2, 0
	; point head
	PointEntity head, target
	TurnEntity head, 0, -90, 90 ; fixing axis
	; update animations
	; render scene

	; draw texts
	Text 10, 10, "FPS: " + FPS()
	Text 10, 30, "Move mouse"

	; switch back buffer


Yue(Posted May) [#8]

; initialize graphics mode
Graphics3D 800, 600, 32,1

; hide mouse pointer

; create camera
camera = CreateCamera()

PositionEntity camera, 0, 2, -10

; loading skinned mesh
kuznec = LoadAnimMesh("../../../media/meshes/kuznec.b3d")
head = FindChild(kuznec, "Bone10")
RotateEntity kuznec, 0, 180, 0

; extract animation sequences
ExtractAnimSeq(kuznec, 99, 129)

; play idle animation
Animate kuznec, 1, 1.0, 1
Animate kuznec, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Bone10" ;disable animation for head

; create target sphere
target = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity target, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
PositionEntity target, 3, 2, -2
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2

; main program loop
While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)

	; target control
	MoveEntity target, MouseXSpeed() * 0.05, -(MouseYSpeed() * 0.05), 0.0
	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2

	; check borders
	If (EntityX(target) >  5.0) Then PositionEntity target,  5, EntityY(target), 0
	If (EntityX(target) < -5.0) Then PositionEntity target, -5, EntityY(target), 0
	If (EntityY(target) >  6.0) Then PositionEntity target, EntityX(target),  6, 0
	If (EntityY(target) < -2.0) Then PositionEntity target, EntityX(target), -2, 0
	; point head
	PointEntity head, target
	TurnEntity head, 0, -90, 90 ; fixing axis
	; update animations
	; render scene

	; draw texts
	Text 10, 10, "FPS: " + FPS()
	Text 10, 30, "Move mouse"

	; switch back buffer


NotAGamer(Posted May) [#9]
@Yue thanks!!!!