b3d format?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/b3d format?

Caton(Posted May) [#1]
vertex id

where is bone position?

GW(Posted May) [#2]


kfprimm(Posted May) [#3]

char name[] ;name of node
float position[3] ;local...
float scale[3] ;coord...
float rotation[4] ;system...
[MESH|BONE] ;what 'kind' of node this is - if unrecognized, just use a Blitz3D
[KEYS[,KEYS...]] ;optional animation keys
[NODE[,NODE...]] ;optional child nodes
[ANIM] ;optional animation

The NODE chunk describes a Blitz3D Entity. The scene hierarchy is expressed by the nesting of NODE

NODE kinds are currently mutually exclusive - ie: a node can be a MESH, or a BONE, but not both!
However, it can be neither...if no kind is specified, the node is just a 'null' node - in Blitz3D
speak, a pivot.

The presence of an ANIM chunk in a NODE indicates that an animation starts here in the hierarchy.
This allows animations of differing speeds/lengths to be potentially nested.