B3d anims- Gandalf's exporter

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/B3d anims- Gandalf's exporter

K(Posted 2017) [#1]
Hello all. I'm embarassed to say that in my time out of this gig I've forgotten some of my expertise. So what I'm looking at is a single skinned mesh hooked to 20 bones(two root bones in the skeleton). Diego's Blender-->.B3d exporter 2.07 sends out the hierarchy in pristine shape, except for it makes the mesh the root instead of the skeleton(as it would be in Blender).
Animlength() of the root entity returns 249, probably a default. The bones 'have no animation'. I really don't recall any of these issues before. What have I forgotten?

RemiD(Posted 2017) [#2]
About the blender->b3d exporter, i can't help.

However you may want to try to analyze the name of each child (pivot/joint/bone) with this : http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=3264
then use a variable to store the reference of a joint/bone that you think may be the root of the skeleton :
xriggedskinnedmesh = loadanimmesh("mesh.b3d")
xskeleton = findchild(xriggedskinnedmesh,"childname")
then try to extract animation of the skeleton from this joint/bone
xanimation = extractanimseq(xskeleton,startframe,endframe)
then try to animate the skeleton using this joint/bone

K(Posted 2017) [#3]
Hmm, I like that code. I already tried tel extraction, I get the "entity has no animation" complaint. Thanks for the link I'll keep playing with it. I note that the mesh isn't even at the default position and directly translating bones has no effect on it; thus it seems that the skeleton isnt properly linked in the file.

RemiD(Posted 2017) [#4]
(with the code "B3D mesh/entity debbugger") you have to set the wireframe mode to true in order to see the joints/bones of the mesh/entity)