
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/EntiyPick

Yue(Posted 2016) [#1]

Hi I have a problem, the cube as the vectors can be collected with the mouse, however if the vector is above the bucket, I can not selecionar, plays take from the tips that are outside the cube.

The vectors are drawn with an order of EntityOrder, any suggestions?

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#2]
Try to be more precise in what you say, your 3d arrows are not vectors, they are 3d meshes. Vectors are 2d/3d lines in 2d/3d space with a direction and a length.

You want to set the 3 arrows meshes as pickable meshes (entitypickmode(Mesh,2)) and not set the cube as pickable, else the cube will be picked first.

Flanker(Posted 2016) [#3]
I answered this problem on your last topic, when you have one cube selected, you need to hide it before the new pick and show it back just after. Or RemiD suggestion can be nice too, while a cube is selected, make it not pickable again until it is deselected.

Yue(Posted 2016) [#4]
Hello, the translator of google not help much. You flanker, you mean this?
For c.cube = Each cube
	HideEntity c\mesh

CameraPick camera,MouseX(),MouseY()

For c.cube = Each cube
	ShowEntity c\mesh

Today I have work shift 24 hours when I get home I check this.

Flanker(Posted 2016) [#5]
Yes something like that, but you will have to check first if you have a cube selected :
If cubeSelected
	For c.cube = Each cube
		HideEntity c\mesh

CameraPick camera,MouseX(),MouseY()

If cubeSelected
	For c.cube = Each cube
		ShowEntity c\mesh

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#6]
An alternative that i use in my codes :
;before linepick
For c.cube = each cube

If( PickedEntity() <> 0 )

;after linepick
For c.cube = each cube

_PJ_(Posted 2016) [#7]

Try to be more precise in what you say, your 3d arrows are not vectors, they are 3d meshes. Vectors are 2d/3d lines in 2d/3d space with a direction and a length.

A vector is a mathematical construct and dos not exist in 2, 3 or any dimensionality. A vector is a quantitative description of both magnitude and direction that's all. They are not lines and vectors may have "no length" (i.e. zero magnitude).

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#8]
@_PJ_>>ok, but you get what i meant, arrow shapes and vectors are not the same thing.
I should have said that vectors are math concepts which have a direction and a length. "magnitude" is an unknown word for a person without a math education.

Yue(Posted 2016) [#9]
Ok, here no work. Cube not visible

; cubos.Tcubo = cube.Tcube
For cubos.TCubo = Each TCubo 
		For x% = 0 To 99
			If cubos\cubo[x%]  Then 
				; Selector on Cube
				If FindChild(cubos\cubo[x%],"Selector") Then 
					HideEntity cubos\cubo[x%]
				End If 
				If FindChild(cubos\cubo[x%],"Selector") = False Then 
					ShowEntity cubos\cubo[x%]
				End If 
			End If 

_PJ_(Posted 2016) [#10]
Can you post a little more f your code? particularly tht which populate cubo[] field and assigns the NameEntity INSTANCE\cubo[ENTITY_HANDLE_AS_INDEX]

This might help identify what's going wrong.

Yue(Posted 2016) [#11]
Ok _PJ_

Problem, No select mesh selector for moven on cube, out cube yes.

Yue(Posted 2016) [#12]
Parent mesh Selector.

Create Cube.

Move Cube.

_PJ_(Posted 2016) [#13]
Well, there will need to be a NameEntity SelMovimiento\selector,"Selector" for each instance created

Also, the PickedEntity() commandc ideally should follow the EntityPick/LinePick/CameraPick. Personally I would pass a variable containing the result of PickedEntity into the function itself:




Function AsignarSelectorCubos( propiedades.TPEntes, LastPicked)

For cubos.TCubo = Each TCubo

For x% = 0 To 99

If cubos\cubo[x%] Then

If LastPicked = cubos\cubo[x%] Then

_PJ_(Posted 2016) [#14]
Sorry you updated your post while I was writing my one.
I'm going to sleep now but will help more tomorrow.

Bobysait(Posted 2016) [#15]
If you parent the axis to your cube then hide the entity for picking the axis, you also hide the axis due to all the cube's hierarchy being hidden.

But, your problem can be solved with another way :
Do a linepick instead, then, if the pickedentity is the same as the previous pick, use the picked position to start another picking using another LinePick (loop until you don't pick anything or something different).

Graphics3D 800,600,0,2
SetBuffer backBuffer()

AmbientLight 0,0,0

Local light = CreateLight(2)
	MoveEntity light, 200,1000,-200
	LightColor light, 255,180,120

Local cam = CreateCamera()

MoveEntity cam, 5,5,-5
TurnEntity cam, 45,45,0

Local sphere = CreateSphere(32) : nameEntity sphere, "sphere"
	MoveEntity sphere, 0,1,0
	EntityPickMode sphere, 2

Local plane = CreateCube() : nameEntity plane, "plane"
	ScaleEntity plane, 3,.5,3
	PositionEntity plane, 0,-.5,0
	EntityPickMode plane, 2

Local picked
	If MouseHit(1)
		If picked<>0 Then EntityColor picked, 255,255,255
		picked = CamPick(cam, MouseX(),MouseY(), .1,10000, picked)
		If picked<>0 Then EntityColor picked, Rand(100,255),Rand(100,255),Rand(100,255)
	Flip True

Until KeyDown(1)

Function CamPick%(cam, x%,y%, RangeNear#=0.1, RangeFar#=10000.0, LastSelected%=0)
	; transform 2D coords to 3D space
	Local l_Ratio# = Float(GraphicsHeight())/GraphicsWidth();
	Local l_x# = -1 + 2.0 * Float(x)/GraphicsWidth();
	Local l_y# = l_Ratio - 2.0 * Float(y) / GraphicsWidth();
	; start of picking
	TFormPoint l_x*RangeNear,l_y*RangeNear,RangeNear,cam, 0
	Local l_X0# = TFormedX(), l_Y0# = TFormedY(), l_Z0# = TFormedZ()
	; project far point
	TFormPoint l_x*RangeFar,l_y*RangeFar,RangeFar,cam, 0
	Local l_X1# = TFormedX(), l_Y1# = TFormedY(), l_Z1# = TFormedZ()
	; create a vector between the two points
	Local l_Vx# = l_X1-l_X0, l_Vy# = l_Y1-l_Y0, l_Vz# = l_Z1-l_Z0
	; launch first pick test
	LinePick l_X0,l_Y0,l_Z0, l_Vx,l_Vy,l_Vz
	; if nothing then return 0
	If PickedEntity()=0 Then LastSelected=0 : Return 0
	If PickedEntity()<>LastSelected Then Return PickedEntity()
	; normalize and scale very small
	Local l_Dv# = 0.005;
	Local l_DeltaX# = l_Vx;
	Local l_DeltaY# = l_Vy;
	Local l_DeltaZ# = l_Vz;
	Local l_DeltaN# = 1.0/Sqr(l_DeltaX*l_DeltaX+l_DeltaY*l_DeltaY+l_DeltaZ*l_DeltaZ);
	l_DeltaX = (l_DeltaX * l_DeltaN)*l_Dv;
	l_DeltaY = (l_DeltaY * l_DeltaN)*l_Dv;
	l_DeltaZ = (l_DeltaZ * l_DeltaN)*l_Dv;
	; pick until something is hit and is not the last picked thing
	; at each iteration use the last picking position and move along the vector with the Delta vector, so
	; the next picking will start a bit farther
	Local Loop = 100
	While Loop>0
		l_X0 = PickedX()+l_DeltaX
		l_Y0 = PickedY()+l_DeltaY
		l_Z0 = PickedZ()+l_DeltaZ
		LinePick (l_X0,l_Y0,l_Z0, l_Vx,l_Vy,l_Vz)
		Select PickedEntity()
			Case 0 : Return 0
			Case LastSelected
				Return PickedEntity()
		End Select
		Loop = Loop - 1
	Return 0
End Function