Wind Waker shading style

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Wind Waker shading style

Naughtical(Posted 2016) [#1]
I've been wondering for a while how to make objects in Blitz3D shaded like in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

It kinda looks like this:

I don't know if it's possible or not, but I would love to make a game with this style of shading.


wmaass(Posted 2016) [#2]
I'd say you could come close. Mostly what I see there is really great art. I don't see anything capability wise Blitz could't handle.

RustyKristi(Posted 2016) [#3]
The Bloom effect is available in FastLibs or AShadow, eveything else is great art as wmaass stated.

Kryzon(Posted 2016) [#4]
There's an art overview here, done by independent people:

Naughtical(Posted 2016) [#5]
Thanks guys! But what I'm really looking for is a way to shade it like that. I'm not too interested in the bloom effect but thanks for telling me! That could be useful!

What I'm after is the flat shading but I don't want every triangle in a model to be distinguishable.

Basically, some triangles have are bright and some are dark, and that's pretty much all that it is.

Kryzon(Posted 2016) [#6]
You can have a similar effect using a cubemap set to diffuse mode for the lighting.

Save the code below as a file in your Blitz3D folder, it uses a model from the Media folder.
File "lightingCubemap.png" is this: lightingCubemap.png

EDIT: But with a shader it'd be much simpler, no need for a cubemap. It's a simple use of the lambert term to see if the pixel of the 3D object is shadowed or bright.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#7]
For some reason doesn't work on my laptop. "Texture does not exist" in:
TextureBlend( lightingCubemap, MULTIPLY_BLEND ) ;Multiply mode, it's already the default but it's good to explicitly set it.

Eventhough it's clearly there and even if path specified. Perhaps my GPU doesn't support it or texture size is too large(1280x213) ??
[EDIT: not texture size, for tried another 256x256. Turns out doesn't work if I add the FLAG_CUBEMAP, while I successfully used cube mapping before]

Kryzon(Posted 2016) [#8]
Maybe it's the FLAG_USEVRAM that causes the cubemap to fail.

This flag might not be necessary actually since the cubemap is not being modified at all after it is loaded.
COLOR + MIPMAP + CUBEMAP should be enough.

Matty(Posted 2016) [#9]
Good models, textures will do it as a starting point. A bit of lightmapping, perhaps some basic drop shadows or similar will help.

A lot of it comes down to the quality of the art available.

Tech helps but first and foremost - get good art assets and it will go a long way.

Naughtical(Posted 2016) [#10]
Hey, Kryzon, would you be ok if I put that code you wrote on GitHub for me to do more research? It would be very helpful and I would give credit.

EDIT: If you don't want me to, that's fine. I'll write my own code that uses the same technique and go from there.

EDIT 2: Also, I may have found a way to do this.

First, render all the lighting to an image.

Next, render the scene with only flat lighting.

Lastly, wherever the light would need to be, add brightness wherever there is a pixel brighter than 0,0,0 (in RGB)

This may actually be a very resource intensive thing to do, but I'll test it out and report back!

Kryzon(Posted 2016) [#11]
Hi. You can use that in any way you want, it's public domain.
Diffuse-mode cubemaps have been used before, check the game "Wolf Among Us" by Telltale Games, it uses that.

I repeat that with a shader it would be much simpler, it's using the lambert term (n dot L) to see if the pixel should be lit or shaded, see here:

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#12]
Since it is at the exterior, and there is only the sunlight (one directlight), you can probably achieve the same result with fastext...

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#13]

Somehow this doesn't work:
;Local lightingCubemap = LoadTexture( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blitz3D\samples\Kryzon\lighting_Cubemap.png", FLAG_CUBEMAP )

But this is ok:
Local lightingCubemap = LoadTexture( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blitz3D\samples\Kryzon\lighting_Cubemap.png", FLAG_COLOR + FLAG_MIPMAP + FLAG_USEVRAM ) 

But obviously it's not using cubemaping then. I've tried a lot of combinations but nogo.
So I suspect a it's in flags, blend mode, texture size, GPU limitations or odd combination. I vaguegly remember comming accross this issue before (but of course forgot how I solved it ;-).

Anyway I dunno what the effect is supposed to look like as there is no screenshot in this thread(perhaps someone can post one?).

However I do have a working example demonstrating a lot of texturing & fx called TextureExtreme.

Code by Jan Kuhnert from, Beast model by: Psionic,

I think it's pretty impressive. For the interested that do not already have it, download here(including source+media):

hoyoyo80(Posted 2016) [#14]
Last two years i also had the same temptation to create something like this but i have very limited ability and time so i quit and make simpler game:P

Just use a gradient white to dark grey texture as cubemap but look not quite right like this:

RustyKristi(Posted 2016) [#15]
Hey RickNasher,

I see the demo uses spot or pointlight for the scene. Does the normal mapping also works on directional light?

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#16]
Now there's question. I honestly don't know. I haven't delved into the subject that far (yet).

But I very quickly checked(no time) and if you change this:
AmbientLight 100,100,100
light = Dot3_CreateLight(1,piv,1.0,1)

Then you can check if works I believe..
Now I wonder what it looks like with fog? :-)

Naughtical(Posted 2016) [#17]
@Rick Nasher

Anyway I dunno what the effect is supposed to look like as there is no screenshot in this thread(perhaps someone can post one?).


As you can tell, some parts of the model are bright and some are dark. I'm pretty sure this is called 'cel shading'.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#18]
Ah, ok thanks very much. Interesting..

Naughtical(Posted 2016) [#19]
So I found something interesting about the mode '128' for loading textures. Apparently, cubemaps could have been an experimental feature that was never really finished in Blitz3D.

Even the TextureFilter example doesn't even show it as a way to import textures, in fact it just skips 128 in general:

; ClearTextureFilters and TextureFilter Example.
; ----------------------------------------------

Const tex_color 	= 1		; Color texture
Const tex_alpha 	= 2		; Alpha texture (Include alpha channel data)
Const tex_mask 		= 4		; Masked texture (black is transparent)
Const tex_mipmap 	= 8		; Create texture mipmaps
Const tex_clampu 	= 16	; Restrict U texture coords from "bleeding over"
Const tex_clampv	= 32	; Restrict V texture coords from "bleeding over"
Const tex_envshpere	= 64	; Load texture as a spherical environment map
Const tex_vram 		= 256	; Force texture graphics to vram
Const tex_highcolor	= 512	; Forces texture graphics to be 32-bits per pixel

Graphics3D 640,480 

; Removes any texture filters that might apply.


; Add an alpha texture to the list of 
; texture filters to apply to files
; that have "_alpha" in their filenames.

TextureFilter "_alpha",tex_color + tex_alpha + tex_mipmap

; Set appropriate texture flags for loading
; suitable skybox textures from files named
; something with "_skybox".

TextureFilter "_skybox", tex_color + tex_mipmap + tex_clampu + tex_clampv

; Set the flags for loading a spherical refletction
; map to apply to all "_refmap" files.

TextureFilter "_refmap", tex_color + tex_mipmap + tex_envshpere

; Setup a texture filter to allow faster
; (and easier) pixel manipulation on all
; loaded "_fastblit" files.

TextureFilter "_fastblit", tex_color + tex_vram + tex_highcolor

; This is where you would normally load your special
; textures.

; The next bit resets the texture filters to their
; standard settings.

TextureFilter "", tex_color + tex_mipmap


Maybe spherical environment maps will work?

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#20]
Well I know cubemapping works for I've used it in the past and also these (<download>)
classic Blitz3d cube mapping examples work ok on my machine: