
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Boulders

Casaber(Posted 2016) [#1]
Few weeks ago I promised to try find and eventually convert something - B3D/Bmax, not there yet. Time issues.

But cleaning the drive tonight I found this. It uses the very same base. Without the mode7 which goes on top.
I hope I find the time to make that aswell soon. I do hope so.

But this, alone, might be useful for some ppl It's the most important half of the mode7 aswell. It has added boulder mechanichs though just as fun little test.
I could assist in some comments later if you need to understand the code, maybe some nice ppl will help clean it up aswell if you find it useful enough.

You need a png of some tiles before running it, I uploaded mine, look in the few top lines.

; You could to get the font.png here

; if you need to reconstruct font.png
; font.png is - a 800x600 png with 16 x 8 tiles (any tiles) of of size 8x8, in the upper left corner. It uses ASCII style so tile number 32 is space / air for instance.

; How to use
; Draw tiles using the mouse, and press 1, 2 or 3 to get different tiles.
; move around inside the world using cursor keys

Graphics 640,400,32,2 : SetBuffer BackBuffer() : Dim buffer(1024,600) : tiles=LoadImage("font.png") : SetBuffer ImageBuffer(tiles) : LockBuffer()
For y=0 To 599 : For x=0 To 1023 : buffer(x,y)=ReadPixelFast(x,y) : Next : Next : UnlockBuffer() : FreeImage(tiles) : SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Dim map(476,317) : For y=0 To 316 : For x=0 To 475: map(x,y)=32 : Next : Next : For temp=0 To 255 : map(temp,0)=temp : Next
Dim cmap(476,317) : For y=0 To 316 : For x=0 To 475: cmap(x,y)=7 : Next : Next : For temp=0 To 15 : cmap(temp,0)=temp : Next
Global worldx,worldy,currentx,c : c=-459528 : c=buffer(0,0) : Dim cols(16) : For temp=0 To 15 : Read cols(temp) : Next
Data $000000, $FFFFFF, $68372B, $70A4B2, $6F3D86, $588D43, $352879, $B8C76F, $6F4F25, $433900, $9A6759, $444444, $6C6C6C, $9AD284, $6C5EB5, $959595
writetomap("                                         ",0,0) : writetomap("    **** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****     ",0,1)
writetomap("                                        ",0,2) : writetomap(" 64K RAM SYSTEM  38911 BASIC BYTES FREE ",0,3)
writetomap("                                        ",0,4) : writetomap("READY.                                  ",0,5)
writetomap("                                        ",0,4)
writetomap("----------------------------------- ",0,20)
Global current=79, current2=7

; For y=0 To 316 : For x=0 To 475: map(x,y)=Rnd(127) : Next : Next 

Repeat : readinputs()


ddd=Ddd+1 : If ddd = 4 Then boulders() : ddd=0
If KeyDown(2) Then current=79 : current2=7
If KeyDown(3) Then current=17 : current2=8
If KeyDown(4) Then current=32 : current2=7

; Show a moving sprite inside wthe world coordinatesystem
drawsprite 31,spritex,spritey,worldx,worldy ,0,0,16*80,16*50
; spritex = spritex + 1 : spritey = spritey + 1

Flip : Until MouseDown(2) 

Function readinputs() : mx=MouseX()*6 : my=MouseY()*6 : scrollspeed=4
worldx=worldx-scrollspeed*KeyDown(203)+scrollspeed*KeyDown(205) : worldy=worldy-scrollspeed*KeyDown(200)+scrollspeed*KeyDown(208)
If worldx<0 Then worldx=0
If worldy<0 Then worldy=0
If worldx>10000 Then worldx=10000
If worldy>10000 Then worldy=10000
mx=mx/6 : my=my/6 : xxx=(worldx+mx) Sar 4 : yyy=(worldy+my) Sar 4 :  If MouseDown(1) Then If map(xxx,yyy)<>79 And map(xxx,yyy)<>111 And map(xxx,yyy)<>112 Then map(xxx,yyy)=current:cmap(xxx,yyy)=current2
End Function

Function alive() : For temp=1 To 16: buffer(Rnd(15),Rnd(15))=c*Int(Rnd(1)):Next : currentx=(currentx+1) Mod 640
For tempy=0 To 15 : For temp=0 To 15+32 : buffer(16+temp,0+tempy)=buffer(0+temp+currentx,16+tempy) : Next : Next
For temp=1 To 16: cmap(Rnd(40),Rnd(25))=Rnd(16):Next : End Function

Function display(worldx,worldy,ofx=0,ofy=0,sx=640,sy=400)
Cls : LockBuffer() : scrx=worldx And 15 : scry=worldy And 15 : mapx=worldx Shr 4 : mapy=worldy Shr 4
cnty = 0 : For y=mapy To mapy+((sy Shr 4)+1)
cntx = 0 : For x=mapx To mapx+((sx Shr 4)+1)
tilex=map(x,y) And 15 : tiley=map(x,y) Shr 4 : colour=cols(cmap(x,y)) : xx=cntx - scrx + ofx : yy=cnty - scry + ofy
For ty=0 To 7 : For tx=0 To 7
If ((xx+tx+tx)=>ofx) And ((yy+ty+ty)=>ofy) And ((xx+tx+tx)<(ofx+sx)) And ((yy+ty+ty)<(ofy+sy))
If buffer(tilex Shl 3 + tx,tiley Shl 3 + ty) <> c Then WritePixelFast xx+tx+tx,yy+ty+ty,colour : WritePixelFast xx+tx+tx+1,yy+ty+ty,colour
Next : Next : cntx=cntx+16 : Next : cnty=cnty+16 : Next : UnlockBuffer() : End Function

Function drawsprite(sprite,xx,yy,worldx,worldy,ofx=0,ofy=0,sx=640,sy=400)
	xx=xx-worldx : yy=yy-worldy ; xx,yy is now screen coordinates
	tilex=sprite And 15 : tiley=sprite Shr 4 : colour=cols(1)
	For ty=0 To 7 : For tx=0 To 7
			If ((xx+tx+tx)=>ofx) And ((yy+ty+ty)=>ofy) And ((xx+tx+tx)<(ofx+sx)) And ((yy+ty+ty)<(ofy+sy))
				If buffer(tilex Shl 3 + tx,tiley Shl 3 + ty) <> c Then WritePixelFast xx+tx+tx,yy+ty+ty,buffer(tilex Shl 3 + tx,tiley Shl 3  + ty) : WritePixelFast xx+tx+tx+1,yy+ty+ty,buffer(tilex Shl 3 + tx,tiley Shl 3  + ty)
	Next : Next
End Function

Function writetomap(t$,x,y) : For tempx=x To Len(t$)-1 : temp=Asc(Mid$(t$,1+tempx,1)) : map(tempx,y)=temp : cmap(tempx,y)=14 : Next : End Function

Function boulders()
For y=100 To 0 Step -1 : For x=0 To 100

If map(x,y)=79 ; BOULDER
     If map(x,y+1) = 32
        map(x,y) = 111
     ElseIf map(x,y+1) = 79 And map(x-1,y) = 32 And map(x-1,y+1) = 32
        map(x,y) = 32 : map(x-1,y) = 111
     ElseIf map(x,y+1) = 79 And map(x+1,y) = 32 And map(x+1,y+1) = 32
        map(x,y) = 32 : map(x+1,y) = 112 ; 111

If map(x,y)=111 ; FALLINGBOULDER
     If map(x,y+1) = 32
        map(x,y)=32 : map(x,y+1) = 111
     ElseIf map(x,y+1)=79 And map(x-1,y) = 32 And map(x-1,y+1) = 32
        map(x,y) = 32 : map(x-1,y+0) = 111
     ElseIf map(x,y+1)=79 And map(x+1,y) = 32 And map(x+1,y+1) = 32
        map(x,y) = 32 : map(x+1,y+0) = 112 ; 111

If map(x,y)=112 Then map(x,y)=111 ; added

Next : Next
End Function

Casaber(Posted 2016) [#2]
hah I love how the pic showed up in the post. It's just link in the comments.
Keep it that way. It's nice. But I'm not sure I you can get the actual LINK out of that picture?

So I put it here just in case. How to fool it? Let's try this.


Bobysait(Posted 2016) [#3]
lol , I didn't notice that images url in code blocks are displayed as images :)

Maybe, just for the purpose, you could try some serialization :

Replace( Replace("_H_T_T_P_//s29\postimg\org/flls07ap3/font\png", "_H_T_T_P_", "http:"), "\",".")

it will convert the url so it's readable on the codeblock and it should work in blitzmax too.

Nice piece of code by the way. Thanks for sharing.