compile with a commandline ?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/compile with a commandline ?

Prym(Posted 2016) [#1]
The blitzbasic3D ide does not accept Cyrillic.
Is it possible to link and compile our code manually?
Is there documentation for this ( command line) ?
Thank you for your lights .

Floyd(Posted 2016) [#2]
The versions.txt file is a record of changes over time. Here is one entry.

***** V1.78 *****


Compiler and Debugger have been separated from the IDE!

blitzcc.exe is now a standalone exe that compiles/runs a program, launching the debugger if required. The debugger is now a separate DLL.

The general syntax for using BlitzCC is:

blitzcc [options] [sourcefile]

Where options can be:

-h			: show help
-q			: operate quietly
+q			: operate very quietly
-d			: compile and run in debug mode
-k			: print a list of all keywords to stdout
+k			: print a list of all keywords plus 'quickhelp' to stdout
-o exefile	: create an executable called 'exefile'.


blitzcc -d

...will compile and run '' in debug mode.

I have successfully used BlitzCC with several 3rd party 'programmer editors' including ConText (my favourite), SourceEdit and CrimsonEditor. ConText can even be setup to 'catch' error output so that you're taken to the correct line if there are any compilation errors.

IMPORTANT: If you are planning to use BlitzCC with a 3rd party editor, you must setup an environment variable called 'blitzpath' that points at the blitz directory (ie: the one 'blitzbasic.exe' is in).

There is no longer an 'End Program' button in the IDE. This has been moved to the debugger along with step/stepin/stepout etc, but be careful with running non-debug programs as you'll no longer be able to terminate them from within the IDE.

Programs are now individual processes, which should make for a more stable system in general. Previously, programs just ran in a separate thread which meant they could corrupt IDE memory if something went wrong.

Control is now returned to the IDE as soon as a program has finished compiling. This means you can launch multiple instances of the same/different programs from within the IDE - great for client/server stuff!

Prym(Posted 2016) [#3]
Wow ! It's really great of you.
Thank you , Floyd . I run try.
( Avoid IDE bb3d refuses Cyrillic ) .

Prym(Posted 2016) [#4]
It is difficult to use the MSDOS commandline .
I am looking for the best use of it for blitzbasic3D compiler and linker . Does a complete manual exist ? Have I to link before compile ?
Thank you for your lights .

Floyd(Posted 2016) [#5]
I'm afraid what I posted IS the manual. When blitzcc.exe compiles source it is really "compile and link".

If you are unfamiliar with the command line then you will have to learn a little about that. I just tried it, to see if I could remember how it worked. I had to experiment a little to get anything done.

First I ran cmd, then used the cd command to navigate to a directory containing a .bb file. I happened to try \Games\TunnelRun\, intending to compile

But then blitzcc was "command not found". That was because cmd was looking for blitzcc.exe in the current directory, where was.

So I used the .. command to move up the directory tree, then back down to the \bin directory, where blitzcc.exe is. Then this command

blitzcc ..\Games\TunnelRun\

compiled and ran tr.

This would have been easier if I edited the system path to include the location of blitzcc.exe so cmd could find the blitzcc command no matter what the current directory.

If this is just about Cyrillic maybe you could try a different IDE. Would IDeal work?

The help notes say

IMPORTANT: If you are planning to use BlitzCC with a 3rd party editor, you must setup an environment variable called 'blitzpath' that points at the blitz directory (ie: the one 'blitzbasic.exe' is in).

I never tried this with Blitz3D. But back in 2004 I set up Context to compile BlitzMax code. That was easy enough.

Prym(Posted 2016) [#6]
Hello Floyd,
Thank you for your information and suggestions.
I have tried many paths to cmd , without result.
I continue to hope.

Bobysait(Posted 2016) [#7]
Do you mean you can't find the cmd console ?

on windows 10 it has been removed from current tools...
But there is still several ways to open it
-> open the task manager -> file -> run new task -> type "cmd" (with admin privileges ... or not) then launch.

or right click on the window flag it should happen in the menu as "command prompt"

Dan(Posted 2016) [#8]
Iv just added few windows batch files, to the code archive. Here

They should work without adding anything to the Windows Enviromental Variables (as the batch files adds it (this lasts only for this batch file)).

Prym(Posted 2016) [#9]
Thank you for all your support.
I also wanted to know how to write Cyrillic (Russian) in the lines of " Data" .
If not, is it mandatory to use the command line ?
IDeal does not display Cyrillic either.

Prym(Posted 2016) [#10]
Hi Dan and BobbySait,

3D Engine:
Can I use a dll with BlitzBasic3D BlitzMax ?
How to do this , and where to find this dll ?
Cyrillic :
If the Cyrillic one can see in the "Data "
do I create a file that contains the text?
And call FastText.dll when compiling ?

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#11]
@Prym>>about .dll and .decls files :
and you can become familiar with how it works by downloading this userlib :
(you can open the .decls file with notepad)