[Solved]This does not work as I expect.

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/[Solved]This does not work as I expect.

Yue(Posted 2015) [#1]

	; Sombra de los árboles.
	For objArboles.CArboles = Each CArboles
		If EntityDistance( objArboles\malla\modelo%,personaje\modelo%) <=50
			EntityColor personaje\modelo%,110,110,110
			EntityColor personaje\modelo%,150,150,150
		End If 

I have two trees at the scene, the idea is that when the player comes close to these trees change color to visually create the effect you get under the tree, but only applies to the first tree he is about.

Any suggestions?

Yue(Posted 2015) [#2]
Ok, no problem.
EntityColor personaje\modelo%, 150,150,150
	For objArboles.CArboles = Each CArboles
		If EntityDistance(personaje\modelo%, objArboles\malla\modelo%) <= 50 Then 
			EntityColor personaje\modelo%, 110,110,100
		End If 